SAP MIGO对工单做101收货,报错 - Check table TFBEFU_CR entry 10 does not exist – 对策

简介: SAP MIGO对工单做101收货,报错 - Check table TFBEFU_CR entry 10 does not exist – 对策

SAP MIGO对工单做101收货,报错 - Check table TFBEFU_CR entry 10 does not exist – 对策

执行事务代码MIGO,移动类型101,对某工单执行入库过账,系统报错:Check table TFBEFU_CR: entry 10 does not exist.如下图:



Check table TFBEFU_CR: entry 10 does not exist

Message no. M7001


In table TFBEFU_CR the entry 10 is missing.


Make sure your entries are correct.

If table has not been maintained correctly, please inform your systems administrator.





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