Chrome Elements 标签页 和 View Source 的显示为什么有差异

简介: Chrome Elements 标签页 和 View Source 的显示为什么有差异

我发现的问题,meta 标签在 Chrome 开发者工具 Elements 面板里存在:image.png

但是在 view source 里没有:


搜索 StackOverflow,有人遇到了同样的问题。

image.pngView Source in Chrome sends another request for the file, and since it’s not authenticated, it returns the source of the login page. This is different from the way say IE works, where the source is cached and returned when you try to view it.

Inspect Element shows the current DOM’s snapshot data. This is what you got from making your initial, authenticated request. So yes, this is the “correct” one.

根据回复,以我们在 Inspect Element 里看到的为准。

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