DL:深度学习算法(神经网络模型集合)概览之《THE NEURAL NETWORK ZOO》的中文解释和感悟(九)

简介: DL:深度学习算法(神经网络模型集合)概览之《THE NEURAL NETWORK ZOO》的中文解释和感悟



      Deep residual networks (DRN) are very deep FFNNs with extra connections passing input from one layer to a later layer (often 2 to 5 layers) as well as the next layer. Instead of trying to find a solution for mapping some input to some output across say 5 layers, the network is enforced to learn to map some input to some output + some input. Basically, it adds an identity to the solution, carrying the older input over and serving it freshly to a later layer. It has been shown that these networks are very effective at learning patterns up to 150 layers deep, much more than the regular 2 to 5 layers one could expect to train. However, it has been proven that these networks are in essence just RNNs without the explicit time based construction and they’re often compared to LSTMs without gates.



He, Kaiming, et al. “Deep residual learning for image recognition.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03385 (2015).

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       Differentiable Neural Computers (DNC) are enhanced Neural Turing Machines with scalable memory, inspired by how memories are stored by the human hippocampus. The idea is to take the classical Von Neumann computer architecture and replace the CPU with an RNN, which learns when and what to read from the RAM. Besides having a large bank of numbers as memory (which may be resized without retraining the RNN). The DNC also has three attention mechanisms. These mechanisms allow the RNN to query the similarity of a bit of input to the memory’s entries, the temporal relationship between any two entries in memory, and whether a memory entry was recently updated – which makes it less likely to be overwritten when there’s no empty memory available.

       可微神经计算机(DNC)是一种增强的神经图灵机,具有可伸缩的内存,其灵感来自于人类海马区存储记忆的方式。其想法是采用经典的冯•诺依曼计算机架构,用RNN替换CPU, RNN可以学习何时以及从RAM中读取什么。除了拥有大量的数字作为内存(可以在不重新训练RNN的情况下调整大小)之外。DNC也有三个注意机制。这些机制允许RNN查询少量输入与内存条目的相似性、内存中任意两个条目之间的时间关系,以及最近是否更新了内存条目——这使得在没有可用的空内存时不太可能覆盖该条目。

Graves, Alex, et al. “Hybrid computing using a neural network with dynamic external memory.” Nature 538 (2016): 471-476.

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      Neural Turing machines (NTM) can be understood as an abstraction of LSTMs and an attempt to un-black-box neural networks (and give us some insight in what is going on in there). Instead of coding a memory cell directly into a neuron, the memory is separated. It’s an attempt to combine the efficiency and permanency of regular digital storage and the efficiency and expressive power of neural networks. The idea is to have a content-addressable memory bank and a neural network that can read and write from it. The “Turing” in Neural Turing Machines comes from them being Turing complete: the ability to read and write and change state based on what it reads means it can represent anything a Universal Turing Machine can represent.


Graves, Alex, Greg Wayne, and Ivo Danihelka. “Neural turing machines.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.5401 (2014).

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      Capsule Networks (CapsNet) are biology inspired alternatives to pooling, where neurons are connected with multiple weights (a vector) instead of just one weight (a scalar). This allows neurons to transfer more information than simply which feature was detected, such as where a feature is in the picture or what colour and orientation it has. The learning process involves a local form of Hebbian learning that values correct predictions of output in the next layer.


Sabour, Sara, Frosst, Nicholas, and Hinton, G. E. “Dynamic Routing Between Capsules.” In Advances in neural information processing systems (2017): 3856-3866.

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      Kohonen networks (KN, also self organising (feature) map, SOM, SOFM) utilise competitive learning to classify data without supervision. Input is presented to the network, after which the network assesses which of its neurons most closely match that input. These neurons are then adjusted to match the input even better, dragging along their neighbours in the process. How much the neighbours are moved depends on the distance of the neighbours to the best matching units.

      Kohonen networks (KN,也是self - organizational (feature) map, SOM, SOFM)利用竞争性学习对数据进行分类,无需监督。输入被呈现给网络,然后网络评估哪个神经元与输入最匹配。然后,这些神经元被调整,以更好地匹配输入,在这个过程中拖拽它们的邻居。邻域的移动量取决于邻域到最佳匹配单元的距离。

Kohonen, Teuvo. “Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps.” Biological cybernetics 43.1 (1982): 59-69.

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      Attention networks (AN) can be considered a class of networks, which includes the Transformer architecture. They use an attention mechanism to combat information decay by separately storing previous network states and switching attention between the states. The hidden states of each iteration in the encoding layers are stored in memory cells. The decoding layers are connected to the encoding layers, but it also receives data from the memory cells filtered by an attention context. This filtering step adds context for the decoding layers stressing the importance of particular features. The attention network producing this context is trained using the error signal from the output of decoding layer. Moreover, the attention context can be visualized giving valuable insight into which input features correspond with what output features.


Jaderberg, Max, et al. “Spatial Transformer Networks.” In Advances in neural information processing systems (2015): 2017-2025.

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[Update 22 April 2019] Included Capsule Networks, Differentiable Neural Computers and Attention Networks to the Neural Network Zoo; Support Vector Machines are removed; updated links to original articles. The previous version of this post can be found here .


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