PostgreSQL , 10.0 , sharding 增强
PostgreSQL 10.0的sharding增强,比如聚合函数的下推算一个。
+Asynchronous Execution
+In certain cases, it's desirable for a node to indicate that it cannot
+return any tuple immediately but may be able to do at a later time. This
+might either because the node is waiting on an event external to the
+database system, such as a ForeignScan awaiting network I/O, or because
+the node is waiting for an event internal to the database system - e.g.
+one process involved in a parallel query may find that it cannot progress
+a certain parallel operation until some other process reaches a certain
+point in the computation. A process which discovers this type of situation
+can always handle it simply by blocking, but this may waste time that could
+be spent executing some other part of the plan where progress could be
+made immediately. This is particularly likely to occur when the plan
+contains an Append node.
+To use asynchronous execution, a node must first request a tuple from an
+async-capable child node using ExecAsyncRequest. Next, it must execute
+the asynchronous event loop using ExecAsyncEventLoop; it can avoid giving
+up control indefinitely by passing a timeout to this function, even passing
+-1 to poll for events without blocking. Eventually, when a node to which an
+asynchronous request has been made produces a tuple, the requesting node
+will receive a callback from the event loop via ExecAsyncResponse. Typically,
+the ExecAsyncResponse callback is the only one required for nodes that wish
+to request tuples asynchronously.
+On the other hand, nodes that wish to produce tuples asynchronously
+generally need to implement three methods:
+1. When an asynchronous request is made, the node's ExecAsyncRequest callback
+will be invoked; it should use ExecAsyncSetRequiredEvents to indicate the
+number of file descriptor events for which it wishes to wait and whether it
+wishes to receive a callback when the process latch is set. Alternatively,
+it can instead use ExecAsyncRequestDone if a result is available immediately.
+2. When the event loop wishes to wait or poll for file descriptor events and
+the process latch, the ExecAsyncConfigureWait callback is invoked to configure
+the file descriptor wait events for which the node wishes to wait. This
+callback isn't needed if the node only cares about the process latch.
+3. When file descriptors or the process latch become ready, the node's
+ExecAsyncNotify callback is invoked.