在《Android开发之深度项目设计探索(一)》 这篇文章中,主要描述了深度项目架构设计会涉及到的一些知识点,那么这篇文章主要介绍的是 RxLifecycle 使用及源码分析。
RxLifecycle :
泄漏的原因是:当RxJava发布一个订阅后,此时页面执行了finish的生命周期,但订阅逻辑还未完成。如果没有及时取消订阅,就会导致Activity/Fragment无法被回收,从而引发内存泄漏。但是相应的,Rxjava系列也提供了解决办法,那就是使用RxLifecycle 。
// 这是RxLifecycle最主要的依赖
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle2:rxlifecycle:2.2.2'
// If you want to bind to Android-specific lifecycles
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle2:rxlifecycle-android:2.2.2'
// If you want pre-written Activities and Fragments you can subclass as providers
//如果想在预先写好的Activities and Fragments,你可以作为其父类的子类
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle2:rxlifecycle-components:2.2.2'
// If you want pre-written support preference Fragments you can subclass as providers
//如果想在预先支持的 Fragments,你可以作为其父类的子类
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle2:rxlifecycle-components-preference:2.2.2'
// If you want to use Navi for providers
// Android使用的库,继承NaviActivity使用
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle2:rxlifecycle-navi:2.2.2'
// If you want to use Android Lifecycle for providers
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle2:rxlifecycle-android-lifecycle:2.2.2'
// If you want to use Kotlin syntax
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle2:rxlifecycle-kotlin:2.2.2'
// If you want to use Kotlin syntax with Android Lifecycle
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle2:rxlifecycle-android-lifecycle-kotlin:2.2.2'
首先是 绑定生命周期:
接着是 绑定特殊的生命周期(onStart onStop等等):
myObservable.compose(RxLifecycle.bindUntilEvent(lifecycle, ActivityEvent.DESTROY))
然后是 通过RxLifecycle在适当的时间来结束:
通过文档我们可以知道:如果在onStart( )这个生命周期里面绑定,它就会在onStop()这个终止绑定;如果我们在onPause( )之后订阅, 那么它就会在其下一个生命周期终止绑定,(在onPause( )之后订阅,因为onStop()是其下一个生命周期,如果Activity执行到了这里,就会解绑)
public class LifeActivity extends RxAppCompatActivity{
protected void onStart() {
Observable.interval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
理论上我们需要使用compose操作符,然后加上bindToLifecycle即可完成简单的使用(注意:这里的 LifeActivity继承的是RxAppCompatActivity)看到了这里,可能疑惑的是,RxLifecycle具体的绑定该如何理解?里面的生命周期又是如何操作的?
是这样,这里的生命周期是由 LifecycleProvider<T> 来提供的,实现的方式有以下四种:
1:继承父类,RxActivity, RxFragment
2:使用 Navi 以及 Rxlifecycle-navi
3:使用 Android's lifecycle
public class NaviLifeActivity extends NaviActivity{
private final LifecycleProvider<ActivityEvent> provider
= NaviLifecycle.createActivityLifecycleProvider(this);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private void initLifecycle(){
Observable.interval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
说到源码,我们首先进入RxAppCompatActivity看看,因为compose(this.bindToLifecycle()) 这句API里面的this,代表的就是当前继承了RxAppCompatActivity的子类,奔着研究分析的精神,下面是
RxAppCompatActivity 的源码:
public abstract class RxAppCompatActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements LifecycleProvider<ActivityEvent> {
private final BehaviorSubject<ActivityEvent> lifecycleSubject = BehaviorSubject.create();
public final Observable<ActivityEvent> lifecycle() {
return lifecycleSubject.hide();
public final <T> LifecycleTransformer<T> bindUntilEvent(@NonNull ActivityEvent event) {
return RxLifecycle.bindUntilEvent(lifecycleSubject, event);
public final <T> LifecycleTransformer<T> bindToLifecycle() {
return RxLifecycleAndroid.bindActivity(lifecycleSubject);
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onStart() {
protected void onResume() {
protected void onPause() {
protected void onStop() {
protected void onDestroy() {
RxAppCompatActivity源码中内部第一行代码是创建了一个BehaviorSubject实例对象,里面的泛型是ActivityEvent,首先看下 ActivityEvent ,
* Lifecycle events that can be emitted by Activities.
public enum ActivityEvent {
哦,细心的你一眼就看到了这是个枚举,里面的value对应的就是Activity生命周期的那些生命周期(因为在生命周期里面进行了发射嘛);那么,什么是BehaviorSubject?BehaviorSubject的由于源码较多这里就不贴出来了,这个类它继承了Subject<T>,那 Subject<T> 又是什么?源码如下:
public abstract class Subject<T> extends Observable<T> implements Observer<T> {
* Returns true if the subject has any Observers.
* <p>The method is thread-safe.
* @return true if the subject has any Observers
public abstract boolean hasObservers();
* Returns true if the subject has reached a terminal state through an error event.
* <p>The method is thread-safe.
* @return true if the subject has reached a terminal state through an error event
* @see #getThrowable()
* @see #hasComplete()
public abstract boolean hasThrowable();
* Returns true if the subject has reached a terminal state through a complete event.
* <p>The method is thread-safe.
* @return true if the subject has reached a terminal state through a complete event
* @see #hasThrowable()
public abstract boolean hasComplete();
* Returns the error that caused the Subject to terminate or null if the Subject
* hasn't terminated yet.
* <p>The method is thread-safe.
* @return the error that caused the Subject to terminate or null if the Subject
* hasn't terminated yet
public abstract Throwable getThrowable();
* Wraps this Subject and serializes the calls to the onSubscribe, onNext, onError and
* onComplete methods, making them thread-safe.
* <p>The method is thread-safe.
* @return the wrapped and serialized subject
public final Subject<T> toSerialized() {
if (this instanceof SerializedSubject) {
return this;
return new SerializedSubject<T>(this);
2:bindUntilEvent( ActivityEvent event) 、LifecycleTransformer、takeUntil
在RxAppCompatActivity 源码中我们看到了bindUntilEvent()这个方法,最终的的返回值类型是 LifecycleTransformer 那这个LifecycleTransformer又是什么?
public final class LifecycleTransformer<T> implements ObservableTransformer<T, T>,
FlowableTransformer<T, T>,
SingleTransformer<T, T>,
MaybeTransformer<T, T>,
final Observable<?> observable;
LifecycleTransformer(Observable<?> observable) {
checkNotNull(observable, "observable == null");
this.observable = observable;
public ObservableSource<T> apply(Observable<T> upstream) {
return upstream.takeUntil(observable);
takeUntil操作符简单理解就是,当第二个Observable发射了一项数据或者终止时,丢弃原Observable发射的任何数据。注意:这里是满足条件丢弃任何发送的数据(该操作符的应用场景是不是,在onDestroy( )里面取消订阅,解决内存泄漏的隐患)
我们知道,绑定的API是bindToLifecycle()这一行代码,那么我们就抽丝剥茧,根据RxAppCompatActivity源码得知,bindToLifecycle()这行代码最终返回了 RxLifecycleAndroid.bindActivity(lifecycleSubject),源码跟进,进入到了RxLifecycleAndroid,下面是 RxLifecycleAndroid 源码:
public class RxLifecycleAndroid {
private RxLifecycleAndroid() {
throw new AssertionError("No instances");
* Binds the given source to an Activity lifecycle.
* <p>
* This helper automatically determines (based on the lifecycle sequence itself) when the source
* should stop emitting items. In the case that the lifecycle sequence is in the
* creation phase (CREATE, START, etc) it will choose the equivalent destructive phase (DESTROY,
* STOP, etc). If used in the destructive phase, the notifications will cease at the next event;
* for example, if used in PAUSE, it will unsubscribe in STOP.
* <p>
* Due to the differences between the Activity and Fragment lifecycles, this method should only
* be used for an Activity lifecycle.
* @param lifecycle the lifecycle sequence of an Activity
* @return a reusable {@link LifecycleTransformer} that unsubscribes the source during the Activity lifecycle
public static <T> LifecycleTransformer<T> bindActivity(@NonNull final Observable<ActivityEvent> lifecycle) {
return bind(lifecycle, ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE);
* Binds the given source to a Fragment lifecycle.
* <p>
* This helper automatically determines (based on the lifecycle sequence itself) when the source
* should stop emitting items. In the case that the lifecycle sequence is in the
* creation phase (CREATE, START, etc) it will choose the equivalent destructive phase (DESTROY,
* STOP, etc). If used in the destructive phase, the notifications will cease at the next event;
* for example, if used in PAUSE, it will unsubscribe in STOP.
* <p>
* Due to the differences between the Activity and Fragment lifecycles, this method should only
* be used for a Fragment lifecycle.
* @param lifecycle the lifecycle sequence of a Fragment
* @return a reusable {@link LifecycleTransformer} that unsubscribes the source during the Fragment lifecycle
public static <T> LifecycleTransformer<T> bindFragment(@NonNull final Observable<FragmentEvent> lifecycle) {
return bind(lifecycle, FRAGMENT_LIFECYCLE);
* Binds the given source to a View lifecycle.
* <p>
* Specifically, when the View detaches from the window, the sequence will be completed.
* <p>
* Warning: you should make sure to use the returned Transformer on the main thread,
* since we're binding to a View (which only allows binding on the main thread).
* @param view the view to bind the source sequence to
* @return a reusable {@link LifecycleTransformer} that unsubscribes the source during the View lifecycle
public static <T> LifecycleTransformer<T> bindView(@NonNull final View view) {
checkNotNull(view, "view == null");
return bind(Observable.create(new ViewDetachesOnSubscribe(view)));
// Figures out which corresponding next lifecycle event in which to unsubscribe, for Activities
private static final Function<ActivityEvent, ActivityEvent> ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE =
new Function<ActivityEvent, ActivityEvent>() {
public ActivityEvent apply(ActivityEvent lastEvent) throws Exception {
switch (lastEvent) {
case CREATE:
return ActivityEvent.DESTROY;
case START:
return ActivityEvent.STOP;
case RESUME:
return ActivityEvent.PAUSE;
case PAUSE:
return ActivityEvent.STOP;
case STOP:
return ActivityEvent.DESTROY;
throw new OutsideLifecycleException("Cannot bind to Activity lifecycle when outside of it.");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Binding to " + lastEvent + " not yet implemented");
// Figures out which corresponding next lifecycle event in which to unsubscribe, for Fragments
private static final Function<FragmentEvent, FragmentEvent> FRAGMENT_LIFECYCLE =
new Function<FragmentEvent, FragmentEvent>() {
public FragmentEvent apply(FragmentEvent lastEvent) throws Exception {
switch (lastEvent) {
case ATTACH:
return FragmentEvent.DETACH;
case CREATE:
return FragmentEvent.DESTROY;
return FragmentEvent.DESTROY_VIEW;
case START:
return FragmentEvent.STOP;
case RESUME:
return FragmentEvent.PAUSE;
case PAUSE:
return FragmentEvent.STOP;
case STOP:
return FragmentEvent.DESTROY_VIEW;
return FragmentEvent.DESTROY;
return FragmentEvent.DETACH;
case DETACH:
throw new OutsideLifecycleException("Cannot bind to Fragment lifecycle when outside of it.");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Binding to " + lastEvent + " not yet implemented");
嗯,首先看到bindActivity(final Observable<ActivityEvent> lifecycle)这个方法,这个方法最终返回了bind(lifecycle, ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE);
请注意,前方高能: ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE,这个ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE的源码也是上面的截图,可以看到通过switch语句进行条件筛选最终返回ActivityEvent这个枚举里面的属性值(仔细观看的话源码下面还有Fragment对应的生命周期),可能你会问,为什么这是对应的生命周期?让我们首先看回bind(lifecycle, ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE); 这个方法,点进去看,进入到了 RxLifecycle 这个类,源码如下:
public class RxLifecycle {
private RxLifecycle() {
throw new AssertionError("No instances");
* Binds the given source to a lifecycle.
* <p>
* When the lifecycle event occurs, the source will cease to emit any notifications.
* @param lifecycle the lifecycle sequence
* @param event the event which should conclude notifications from the source
* @return a reusable {@link LifecycleTransformer} that unsubscribes the source at the specified event
public static <T, R> LifecycleTransformer<T> bindUntilEvent(@Nonnull final Observable<R> lifecycle,
@Nonnull final R event) {
checkNotNull(lifecycle, "lifecycle == null");
checkNotNull(event, "event == null");
return bind(takeUntilEvent(lifecycle, event));
private static <R> Observable<R> takeUntilEvent(final Observable<R> lifecycle, final R event) {
return lifecycle.filter(new Predicate<R>() {
public boolean test(R lifecycleEvent) throws Exception {
return lifecycleEvent.equals(event);
* Binds the given source to a lifecycle.
* <p>
* This helper automatically determines (based on the lifecycle sequence itself) when the source
* should stop emitting items. Note that for this method, it assumes <em>any</em> event
* emitted by the given lifecycle indicates that the lifecycle is over.
* @param lifecycle the lifecycle sequence
* @return a reusable {@link LifecycleTransformer} that unsubscribes the source whenever the lifecycle emits
public static <T, R> LifecycleTransformer<T> bind(@Nonnull final Observable<R> lifecycle) {
return new LifecycleTransformer<>(lifecycle);
* Binds the given source to a lifecycle.
* <p>
* This method determines (based on the lifecycle sequence itself) when the source
* should stop emitting items. It uses the provided correspondingEvents function to determine
* when to unsubscribe.
* <p>
* Note that this is an advanced usage of the library and should generally be used only if you
* really know what you're doing with a given lifecycle.
* @param lifecycle the lifecycle sequence
* @param correspondingEvents a function which tells the source when to unsubscribe
* @return a reusable {@link LifecycleTransformer} that unsubscribes the source during the Fragment lifecycle
public static <T, R> LifecycleTransformer<T> bind(@Nonnull Observable<R> lifecycle,
@Nonnull final Function<R, R> correspondingEvents) {
checkNotNull(lifecycle, "lifecycle == null");
checkNotNull(correspondingEvents, "correspondingEvents == null");
return bind(takeUntilCorrespondingEvent(lifecycle.share(), correspondingEvents));
private static <R> Observable<Boolean> takeUntilCorrespondingEvent(final Observable<R> lifecycle,
final Function<R, R> correspondingEvents) {
return Observable.combineLatest(
new BiFunction<R, R, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(R bindUntilEvent, R lifecycleEvent) throws Exception {
return lifecycleEvent.equals(bindUntilEvent);
最终执行到了 RxLifecycle 这个类源码里面的最后的两个方法!
takeUntilCorrespondingEvent这个方法内容较多,首先分析第一个,combineLatest操作符,这个操作符是指 将传进来的BehaviorSubject的事件进行了一次分割;假设我们现在在onCreate()方法里面进行RxLifecycle的绑定,那么这里的lifecycle.take(1).map(correspondingEvents)简单理解其对应的代码就是 RxLifecycleAndroid源码 里面的ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE 中的,
case CREATE:
return ActivityEvent.DESTROY;
new BiFunction<R, R, Boolean>这行代码是对属性值进行判断:对比结果是
final class Functions {
static final Function<Throwable, Boolean> RESUME_FUNCTION = new Function<Throwable, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
if (throwable instanceof OutsideLifecycleException) {
return true;
//noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
return false;
static final Predicate<Boolean> SHOULD_COMPLETE = new Predicate<Boolean>() {
public boolean test(Boolean shouldComplete) throws Exception {
return shouldComplete;
static final Function<Object, Completable> CANCEL_COMPLETABLE = new Function<Object, Completable>() {
public Completable apply(Object ignore) throws Exception {
return Completable.error(new CancellationException());
private Functions() {
throw new AssertionError("No instances!");
public static <T, R> LifecycleTransformer<T> bind(@Nonnull final Observable<R> lifecycle) {
return new LifecycleTransformer<>(lifecycle);
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