与之前的版本http://www.redicecn.com/html/yuanchuangchengxu/20101205/201.html相 比,这个使用了多线程。验证时间由原来的20分钟缩短到现在的1分钟左右。
与之前的版本http://www.redicecn.com/html/yuanchuangchengxu/20101205/201.html相 比,这个使用了多线程。验证时间由原来的20分钟缩短到现在的1分钟左右。
- # coding:gbk
- # 验证最新可用代 理 For http://www.5uproxy.net 多线程版
- # by redice 2010.12.09
- import sys
- reload(sys)
- sys.setdefaultencoding('gbk')
- import urllib
- import urllib2
- from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError
- DEBUG = True
- #html页面下载函数
- def getHtml(url,post_data=None,cookie=None):
- """Fetch the target html
- url - URL to fetch
- post_data - POST Entity
- cookie - Cookie Header
- """
- if DEBUG:
- print "getHtml: ",url
- result =''
- try:
- #create a request
- request = urllib2.Request(url)
- #change User-Agent
- request.add_header('User-Agent','Mozilla/5.0')
- #change Referrer
- request.add_header('Referrer',url)
- #if has cookie,add cookie header
- if cookie:
- request.add_header('Cookie',cookie)
- #create a opener
- opener = urllib2.build_opener()
- #if has post entity
- if post_data:
- #encode post data
- post_data = urllib.urlencode(post_data)
- response = opener.open(request,post_data)
- else:
- response = opener.open(request)
- result = response.read()
- response.close()
- #no content,don't save
- if not result or len(result)==0:
- return ''
- return result
- except HTTPError, e:
- if DEBUG:
- print 'Error retrieving data:',e
- print 'Server error document follows:\n'
- #print e.read()
- return ''
- except URLError, e:
- if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
- if DEBUG:
- print 'Failed to reach a server.'
- print 'Reason: ', e.reason
- return ''
- elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
- if DEBUG:
- print 'The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.'
- print 'Error code: ', e.code
- return ''
- except Exception, e:
- if DEBUG:
- print e
- return ''
- #需要验证的代理列表
- proxy_urls = []
- proxy_urls.append({'url':'http://www.5uproxy.net/http_fast.html','type':'http_fast'})
- proxy_urls.append({'url':'http://www.5uproxy.net/http_anonymous.html','type':'http_anonymous'})
- proxy_urls.append({'url':'http://www.5uproxy.net/http_non_anonymous.html','type':'http_transparent'})
- proxy_urls.append({'url':'http://www.5uproxy.net/socks5.html','type':'socks5'})
- import re
- import socket
- import time
- import threading
- result =[]
- #线程同步锁
- lock = threading.Lock()
- def synchronous(f):
- def call(*args, **kwargs):
- lock.acquire()
- try:
- return f(*args, **kwargs)
- finally:
- lock.release()
- return call
- # 先获取所有待验证的代理
- proxies = []
- for proxy_url in proxy_urls:
- html = getHtml(proxy_url['url'])
- #正则匹配获取每一代理
- rs = re.compile(r'''''<tr .*?>[\s\S]*?<td .*?>\d+?</td>[\s\S]*?<td>(\S+?)</td>[\s\S]*?<td .*?>(\S+?)</td>[\s\S]*?<td .*?>(\S+?)</td>[\s\S]*?</tr>''',re.DOTALL).findall(html)
- for r in rs:
- proxy = {}
- #代理域名
- proxy['domain'] = r[0]
- #代理端口
- proxy['port'] = r[1]
- #代理国家
- proxy['state'] = r[2]
- #代理类型
- proxy['type'] = proxy_url['type']
- #响应时间
- proxy['time'] = 0
- if not (proxy in proxies):
- proxies.append(proxy)
- # 获取一个待验证代理
- @synchronous
- def getproxy():
- global proxies
- if len(proxies)>0:
- return proxies.pop()
- else:
- return ''
- #保存验证结果
- @synchronous
- def saveresult(proxy):
- global result
- if not(proxy in result):
- result.append(proxy)
- #线程函数
- def verify():
- while 1:
- proxy = getproxy()
- #所有代理均已验证完毕
- if len(proxy)==0:
- return
- print "正在验证:%s,%s" % (proxy['domain'],proxy['port'])
- #验证代理的可用性
- #创建一个TCP连接套接字
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- #设置10超时
- sock.settimeout(10)
- try:
- start = time.clock()
- #连接代理服务器
- sock.connect((proxy['domain'], int(proxy['port'])))
- proxy['time'] = int((time.clock() - start) * 1000)
- sock.close()
- saveresult(proxy)
- print "%s,%s 验证通过,响应时间:%d ms." % (proxy['domain'],proxy['port'],proxy['time'])
- except Exception, e:
- if DEBUG:
- print e
- print "%s,%s 验 证失败." % (proxy['domain'],proxy['port'])
- #init thread_pool
- thread_pool = []
- for i in range(20):
- th = threading.Thread(target=verify,args=()) ;
- thread_pool.append(th)
- # start threads one by one
- for thread in thread_pool:
- thread.start()
- #collect all threads
- for thread in thread_pool:
- threading.Thread.join(thread)
- #结果按响应时间从小到大排序
- result.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x['time'], y['time']))
- fname = 'proxy_'+ time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S',time.localtime(time.time())) +'.txt'
- file = open(fname,'w')
- print "验证结果如下:"
- for item in result:
- str = '%s:%s %s,%s,%d' % (item['domain'],item['port'],item['type'],item['state'],item['time'])
- print str
- file.write(str+'\n')
- file.close()
- print "所有代理已验证完 毕,共计%d个验证通过。验证通过的代理已存入%s" % (len(result),fname)