
Druid 是目前比较流行的高性能的,分布式列存储的OLAP框架(具体来说是MOLAP)。它有如下几个特点:
一. 亚秒级查询
Druid is an open-source analytics data store designed for business intelligence ( OLAP) queries on event data. Druid provides low latency (real-time) data ingestion, flexible data exploration, and fast data aggregation. Existing Druid deployments have scaled to trillions of events and petabytes of data. Druid is most commonly used to power user-facing analytic applications.

Sub-second OLAP Queries Druid’s column orientation and inverted indexes enable complex multi-dimensional filtering and scanning exactly what is needed for a query. Aggregate and filter on data in milliseconds.

Real-time Streaming Ingestion Typical analytics databases ingest data via batches. Ingesting an event at a time is often accompanied with transactional locks and other overhead that slows down the ingestion rate. Druid employs lock-free ingestion of append-heavy data sets to allow for simultaneous ingestion and querying of 10,000+ events per second per node. Simply put, the latency between when an event happens and when it is visible is limited only by how quickly the event can be delivered to Druid.

Power Analytic Applications Druid has numerous features built in for multi-tenancy. Power user-facing analytic applications designed to be used by thousands of concurrent users.

Cost Effective Druid is extremely cost effective at scale and has numerous features built in for cost reduction. Trade off cost and performance with simple configuration knobs.

Highly Available Druid is used to back SaaS implementations that need to be up all the time. Druid supports rolling updates so your data is still available and queryable during software updates. Scale up or down without data loss.

Scalable Existing Druid deployments handle trillions of events, petabytes of data, and thousands of queries every second.


SQL 缓存 监控
Java程序很大一部分要操作数据库,为了提高性能操作数据库的时候,又不得不使用数据库连接池。 Druid 是阿里巴巴开源平台上一个数据库连接池实现,结合了 C3P0、DBCP 等 DB 池的优点,同时加入了日志监控。 Druid 可以很好的监控 DB 池连接和 SQL 的执行情况,天生就是针对监控而生的 DB 连接池。 本文主要讲解如何整合Druid数据源及Druid常用配置项和详解
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存储 负载均衡 监控
【Druid】(二)Apache Druid 原理与架构剖析1
【Druid】(二)Apache Druid 原理与架构剖析1
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【Druid】(二)Apache Druid 原理与架构剖析1
druid Java 数据库连接
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SQL 数据可视化 druid
【Druid】(五)通过 Imply 快速入门2
【Druid】(五)通过 Imply 快速入门2
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【Druid】(五)通过 Imply 快速入门2
SQL JSON Kubernetes
【Druid】(五)通过 Imply 快速入门1
【Druid】(五)通过 Imply 快速入门1
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【Druid】(五)通过 Imply 快速入门1
存储 分布式计算 监控
【Druid】(一)Apache Druid 基本介绍
【Druid】(一)Apache Druid 基本介绍
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【Druid】(一)Apache Druid 基本介绍
消息中间件 存储 druid
【Druid】(二)Apache Druid 原理与架构剖析2
【Druid】(二)Apache Druid 原理与架构剖析2
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【Druid】(二)Apache Druid 原理与架构剖析2
存储 XML 分布式计算
Druid 0.17 入门(2)—— 安装与部署
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Druid 0.17 入门(2)—— 安装与部署
SQL 消息中间件 分布式计算
Druid入门(1)—— 快速入门实时分析利器-Druid_0.17
Druid入门(1)—— 快速入门实时分析利器-Druid_0.17
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Druid入门(1)—— 快速入门实时分析利器-Druid_0.17