表单提交(Basic Form Submit)

简介: In this small tutorial, we'll try to build an Ext form that will submit in the tradional way, like all regular html forms Introduction As a pro...

In this small tutorial, we'll try to build an Ext form that will submit in the tradional way, like all regular html forms

img_d05563fa34a9855c9c94ef41225fc3ec.png Introduction

As a programmer, you may know PHP (or ASP, or any other server-side language) and the tradional way of working with user-interfaces. You build forms in your server-side language, and output them in plain-text html to the end-user. You may use a templating engine, but in the end, you're sending nicely formatted html to the end-user.

With Ext, it's really easy to build nice-looking forms and interfaces, so you'd like to use that. But you also have a lot of code that already works, which you'd rather keep than converting all of it to handle JSON-formatted data etc.

At least, that was and is my current situation.

img_d05563fa34a9855c9c94ef41225fc3ec.png Getting Started: the HTML page

You've most probably already read how to include all required Ext-code in your page, but let me repeat that for you: (place this in the head-section of your html doc)

<title>A tradional form</title>




Next to that, your page certainly needs a place where we'll render the form. (put this in the body of your page)


That's it, for you html code. You can put this in a regular html file (e.g. form.html), or you can output it via a server-side script. Doesn't matter.

img_d05563fa34a9855c9c94ef41225fc3ec.png The Javascript code

Next, we'll build the Javascript code. Best practice seems to be to put this in a separate file. I've called it "mytestscript.js" (see html above). Doesn't matter how you call it, just make sure to reference the correct file.

See the code below.

	 simple =  Ext..
        standardSubmit: ,
        title: ,
        width: ,
        defaults: width: ,
        defaultType: ,
                fieldLabel: ,
                : ,
                inputType: ,
                id: ,
                : ,
            text: ,
		simple.... = ;
	        simple.... = ;

Important part of this script are:

  • The "standardSubmit: true" line, which will make sure the form is submitted via the standard way
  • The handler for the submit button. At first I thought adding "standardSubmit: true" would be sufficient, but it's not.
  • simple.render() says where the form should be places. if you change the id of the <div> tag in your html, don't forget to change this name too
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