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简介: OS:Win7 64bit WAS版本:WASND_7.0_Windows_x64_C1G2JML.zip WAS补丁升级程序版本:7.

OS:Win7 64bit


Caused by: com.ibm.ws.install.ni.framework.fileactions.NIFFileActionIOException: 无法替换文件 java/docs/autorun.inf






;TODO Add custom autorun semaphore for the launchpad project.  Remove this line when this task is complete
; Setting and checking semaphores prevents the same launchpad from running multiple instances on the same computer. 
; Customize the -c and -s switches in the following command.  Create semaphores with a unique name for a product.
; open=launchpad.exe [-c] semaphoreName [-s] semaphoreName launchpad\lauchpad.bat
;  -c  Checks for the specified semaphore and if it exists, exits without starting the program.  
;      You should add a -s parameter  with the same semaphore name to this file and the launchpad.ini file
;      to prevent autorun from starting a second launchpad if this CD is swapped.
;      You can specify multiple -c options.  
;  -s  Sets the specified semaphore so that other programs can check for it.  
;      You can specify multiple -s options.

open=launchpad.exe -c demoDisableAutorun launchpad\launchpad.bat


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