IPv6 over Frame Relay – Point-to-Point



Configure IPv6 over the Frame Relay connection between R1 and R2 using point-to-point subinterfaces



  • 在R1与R2的串口上配置帧中继
  • 在R1与R2上配置点到点子接口Serial0/0.1
  • 在R1与R2的子接口上配置IPv6地址 2001:CC1E:1:2::/64主机位使用modified EUI-64 地址。
  • 给R1与R2的子接口分配 帧中继的DLCI

  • 点到点非广播型多路访问需要3层与2层地址映射吗?

interface Serial0/0
encapsulation frame-relay
no shut
interface Serial0/0.1 point-to-point
ipv6 address 2001:CC1E:1:2::/64 eui-64
frame-relay interface-dlci 102


R1#show ipv6 int b 先查看一下R1子接口s/0.1的ipv6地址
Serial0/0 [up/up]
Serial0/0.1 [up/up]

R2#ping 2001:CC1E:1:2:0:FFFF:FE10:45C5 R2ping R1的地址,能通,证明配置正确
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:CC1E:1:2:0:FFFF:FE10:45C5, timeout is 2 seconds:



与其他 3层协议的点到点帧中继的配置相似,IPv6 基于点到点帧中继,只需要给子接口配置点到点网络类型,3层与2层地址即可,3层与2层之间的映射不需要配置,
Similar to configuring other layer 3 protocols over point-to-point Frame Relay connections, the only steps to configuring IPv6 over a point-to-point Frame Relay circuit is to assign the layer 3 and layer 2 addresses to the point-to-point subinterface. Since protocol mappings are not required, IPv6 communication to global-unicast, link-local, and multicast destinations will be successful out the Frame Relay circuit.
Like in the previous example, the host portion of the IPv6 network used on the Frame Relay interface is derived from the modified EUI-64 addressing format. To determine the entire IPv6 address of the remote end of the link the show ipv6 int brief command is used. For more detailed information about IPv6 processing on the interface use the show ipv6 interface command, followed by the interface name and number.

本文转自zcm8483 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/haolun/992225

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