ofbiz ins

简介: Welcome to Apache OFBiz 12.04!All you need to run OFBiz is a 1.6 (version 6) JDK(not just the JRE, the full JDK).

Welcome to Apache OFBiz 12.04!

All you need to run OFBiz is a 1.6 (version 6) JDK
(not just the JRE, the full JDK).

You can load the demo data (strongly advised if you are new to
OFBiz) with the following command on the command line
from the OFBiz home folder (in Unix-like operating systems
type "./ant" rather than "ant"):

ant load-demo

Then start OFBiz:

ant start

(or "java -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -jar ofbiz.jar")

Once OFBiz starts, you can look at the demo storefront at:

and the administration interface at:

You can log in with the user "admin" and password "ofbiz".

To stop OFBiz:

ant stop

To get the list of available commands:

ant -p



【Unity3D 问题总结】Unity报错提示:Asset database transaction committed twice
也找不到代码哪里出错了,新建查空场景运行也会报错,真是离了个大谱! 然后打开UnityHub发现原来是许可证过期了!!
【Unity3D 问题总结】Unity报错提示:Asset database transaction committed twice