Windows Phone设计资源


伴随着Windows Phone Developer Tools beta 的发布(升级Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta). 这次微软给大家带来了Windows Phone设计资源(Design Resources for Windows Phone)。


Design Resources for Windows Phone

UI Design and Interaction Guide for Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone introduces a touch user interface (UI) based on a design system codenamed Metro. This guide provides detailed information about UI elements and controls, UI system behaviors, and the interaction model for the touch interface. Designers and developers should read this guide to learn the dos and don’ts of UI implementations for their Windows Phone applications.

UI Design and Interaction Guide for Windows Phone 7在上一篇 Windows Phone 7书托

提过,这次出来第二版,改动还是挺大的。如果要看第一版的中文翻译,可以下载下面文档,由 www.wpmind.com提供。

Windows- Phone-7-UI设计及人机交互指南.pdf


Windows Phone Design System - Codename Metro

A visual explanation of the inspiration behind the Windows Phone design system codenamed Metro, the seven areas of Windows Phone differentiation, and the Red Threads that are the principles Microsoft used to guide the experiences built into Windows Phone.

这是Windows Phone默认的主题,可以了解下这个主题的设计元素。


Design Templates for Windows Phone 7

A collection of 28 layered Photoshop template files that can be used to create pixel-perfect application layouts, to help guide UI development, or to pitch an idea. These design templates showcase many controls that are a part of the Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta. They also include examples of controls that are a part of Windows Phone, but are not available as a part of the Windows Phone Developer Tools. These additional templates are included to help designers and developers maintain a consistent look and feel across applications for system controls that developers wish to mimic. Templates in the download: Application Bar & Application Menu, Buttons, Check Box, Context Menu, Date Picker, Dialog Boxes, Edit Control, Hardware, Icons, Keyboard & Input, List Picker, List View, Panorama, Panorama Backgrounds, Picker Box, Pivot, Progress Indicators, Quick Jump Grid, Radio Button, Reminders, Slider, Start & App List, Start Tiles, Status Bar, Theme, Time Picker, Toast Notifications, Toggle Switch

这是Windows Phone的设计模板,为PhotoShop格式。我没有PhotoShop,所有只是看了里面的文档。


Application Bar Icons for Windows Phone 7

These icons are now installed locally as a part of the Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Icons.

    本文转自Jake Lin博客园博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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