Two weeks in Microsoft

简介: I've been working in Microsoft in these two weeks for a POC of Knowledge Management feature with SP2010 for China Mobile.

I've been working in Microsoft in these two weeks for a POC of Knowledge Management feature with SP2010 for China Mobile.

What impresses me most is that Microsoft's environment is wonderful, flexible work, free food and drink, sofa for rest, etc. and everyone here is professional and skillful.

The POC, which mainly includes three parts, doclib, wiki and bbs, is not so difficult. We didn't implement bbs for time limitation reason and just found an available to use. And the other two are just like the BaiDu doclib and wiki. I took charge in doclib and some wiki features, using SP feature as much as possible to indicate SP's good points. To implement doclib, I only need to write a master page, a home page to show a friendly and beautiful profile for customers, create some xslt files based on SharePoint default search xslt, and configure the audit workflow and so on. But my web skill (DIV+CSS) is not so skilled, so my work is slow.


Also, I implemented the wiki adding model, which needs to write some code using SP API (my favorite), taking it very easy.

Above is the general process for the two weeks related to work. I’ve also learnt some points about Microsoft to brand my view. Microsoft sells product with the unit called KAO. (I haven't got the spelling from wiki.) The AD mechanism and something about SharePoint (hardware requirement and soft). The FAST Search, which is an advanced searching product for SharePoint to make it more improved. I improved my DIV+CSS ability, too.

I am familiar with SP API, SP database, but weak in ASP.NET, DIV+CSS, and the most important: How to use SharePoint and make my English more professional.

So now, I know what I am going to learn.

实用Office 2010
3.2使用Office 2010应用程序 3.2.1 Office 2010应用程序的启动与退出 1)启动 通过“开始“菜单中的快捷方式启动 通过桌面快捷方式启动 通过关联文档启动 通过核心启动程序winword.exe 2)退出 1“文件”选项卡——“关闭”命令(Ctrl+W组合键) 注意:只关闭相应的文档窗口而不退出应用程序 2“文件”选项卡——“退出”命令(Alt+F4组合键) 注意:关闭文档并退出应用程序 3双击应用程序图标 4单击应用程序图标——关闭 注意: 1打开文档就是文档进入内存,关闭文档就是文档退出内存。 2没有保存之前的操作就关闭,系统会弹出相应的
存储 数据安全/隐私保护
本文记录一些自己总结的 MS Office 三大件里的使用小技巧。(随缘更新)
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please wait while windows configures microsoft visual studio&
please wait while windows configures microsoft visual studio&
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Web App开发
excel打开超链接时出现错误: 解决方法: 打开注册表(regedit) 找到HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/.html项,点击后修改它的默认数据值为htmlfile,这是因为计算机安装了其他浏览器,导致这项被修改,另外.htm这项最好也看下,修改方法与上相同。
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