ListItemEventHandler does not fire on the prospective list

简介: Today I met a problem. I have several list definition in my project. I attached ListItemEventHandler to every list.

Today I met a problem. I have several list definition in my project. I attached ListItemEventHandler to every list. Every List inherits from Custom List. I deploy the solution and create a Custom List on the deployed site. When I add an item to the Custom List, every eventhandler fire. I don't know what caused this and I didn't find the reason. After I recreate features, it works.






Update: The reason is the feature's scope is site. I changed the socpe to web and it works.



Unknown custom element: <add-employee> - did you register the component correctly? For red cursive c
原因: 1.组件名没写对(导入和注册不对应) 2.components少写了个s 3.组件命名最好是驼峰命名 4.导入时语法错误 5.代码中有两个components,后一个的值把前一个覆盖了 6.组件直接循环套用了
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