Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise 2011 has been released, 已经正式发布


虽然我们之前已经写过了一些MapGuide Enterprise 2011相关的文章,6月1号MapGuide Enterprise 2011已经正式发布了。


I’m pleased to announce the release of Autodesk MapGuide® Enterprise 2011 as of June 1st. This exciting product release culminates a tremendous effort by Autodesk developers and designers, Open Source community contributors and anyone participating on this beta forum for Grand Prix. Especially because of our beta-testers, quality has been raised in the product due to your reports and good dialog during the last few months!
Here are a select few quotes applauding this release:
• “I really like the Google/Yahoo/Bing functionality - it saves me programming all the time!”
• “Performance boost is immediately obvious. Mouse over, image rendering, tool tips, selection is all improved. (re: MGE 64-bit).”
• “Thank you, thank you, thank you..In my 13 plus year career, I have never experienced such a simple install.  Well done…less than 10 minutes…up, running and producing websites. With only one click to install.”

Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise 2011 enhancements include great new functionality. Here are some highlights:
• You can add base maps from Google™, Yahoo®, and Bing™ Maps. 
• New widgets available in the Flexible Web Layout viewer include: Theme, Query, Redline, and Measure. 
• Additional parameters are available when consuming WMS layers: transparency, image format, server-side coordinate system. 
• MapGuide Studio is available in French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Japanese (MapGuide Studio 2010 was English only) 
• Improved user feedback on session failure 
• New FDO providers for SQLite and PostgreSQL/PostGIS. 
• The FDO providers for ESRI® ArcSDE 9.3.1 and Microsoft® SQL Server 2008 SP1 have been updated. 
• 64-bit support on supported Microsoft Windows® operating systems 
• Internet browser support: Windows Internet Explorer® 8, Firefox® 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 4 
• OGC® Certified WMS 1.1.1 support 
• Improved performance of MgMap creation 
• Dynamic (progressive) Legend Generation 
• New EULA terms for Virtual Machine use 
Additional Resources
For more information, please visit the Product Center for Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise 2011: and the Demo Portal:
My sincere thanks and congratulations to everyone involved in producing this excellent release. The fastest, most functional, scalable and resilient release to-date!
PS: Please note that the Grand Prix beta forum will close down during the next few weeks. It’ll no longer be actively monitored. Please re-direct future comments about Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise 2011 to the MapGuide  Discussion Groups on
PPS: Localized versions of Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise 2011 will be released from mid-June into early July in the following languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian and Japanese.



Have fun with MapGuide!

作者: 峻祁连

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