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 * build_join_rel
 *      Returns relation entry corresponding to the union of two given rels,
 *      creating a new relation entry if none already exists.
 * 'joinrelids' is the Relids set that uniquely identifies the join
 * 'outer_rel' and 'inner_rel' are relation nodes for the relations to be
 *        joined
 * 'sjinfo': join context info
 * 'restrictlist_ptr': result variable.  If not NULL, *restrictlist_ptr
 *        receives the list of RestrictInfo nodes that apply to this
 *        particular pair of joinable relations.
 * restrictlist_ptr makes the routine's API a little grotty, but it saves
 * duplicated calculation of the restrictlist...
RelOptInfo *
build_join_rel(PlannerInfo *root,
               Relids joinrelids,
               RelOptInfo *outer_rel,
               RelOptInfo *inner_rel,
               SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo,
               List **restrictlist_ptr)
    RelOptInfo *joinrel;
    List       *restrictlist;

     * See if we already have a joinrel for this set of base rels.
    joinrel = find_join_rel(root, joinrelids);

    if (joinrel)
         * Yes, so we only need to figure the restrictlist for this particular
         * pair of component relations.
        if (restrictlist_ptr)
            *restrictlist_ptr = build_joinrel_restrictlist(root,
        return joinrel;

     * Nope, so make one.
    joinrel = makeNode(RelOptInfo);
    joinrel->reloptkind = RELOPT_JOINREL;
    joinrel->relids = bms_copy(joinrelids);
    joinrel->rows = 0;
    joinrel->width = 0;
    joinrel->reltargetlist = NIL;
    joinrel->pathlist = NIL;
    joinrel->ppilist = NIL;
    joinrel->cheapest_startup_path = NULL;
    joinrel->cheapest_total_path = NULL;
    joinrel->cheapest_unique_path = NULL;
    joinrel->cheapest_parameterized_paths = NIL;
    joinrel->relid = 0;            /* indicates not a baserel */
    joinrel->rtekind = RTE_JOIN;
    joinrel->min_attr = 0;
    joinrel->max_attr = 0;
    joinrel->attr_needed = NULL;
    joinrel->attr_widths = NULL;
    joinrel->indexlist = NIL;
    joinrel->pages = 0;
    joinrel->tuples = 0;
    joinrel->allvisfrac = 0;
    joinrel->subplan = NULL;
    joinrel->subroot = NULL;
    joinrel->fdwroutine = NULL;
    joinrel->fdw_private = NULL;
    joinrel->baserestrictinfo = NIL;
    joinrel->baserestrictcost.startup = 0;
    joinrel->baserestrictcost.per_tuple = 0;
    joinrel->joininfo = NIL;
    joinrel->has_eclass_joins = false;

     * Create a new tlist containing just the vars that need to be output from
     * this join (ie, are needed for higher joinclauses or final output).
     * NOTE: the tlist order for a join rel will depend on which pair of outer
     * and inner rels we first try to build it from.  But the contents should
     * be the same regardless.
    build_joinrel_tlist(root, joinrel, outer_rel);
    build_joinrel_tlist(root, joinrel, inner_rel);
    add_placeholders_to_joinrel(root, joinrel);

     * Construct restrict and join clause lists for the new joinrel. (The
     * caller might or might not need the restrictlist, but I need it anyway
     * for set_joinrel_size_estimates().)
    restrictlist = build_joinrel_restrictlist(root, joinrel,
                                              outer_rel, inner_rel);
    if (restrictlist_ptr)
        *restrictlist_ptr = restrictlist;
    build_joinrel_joinlist(joinrel, outer_rel, inner_rel);

     * This is also the right place to check whether the joinrel has any
     * pending EquivalenceClass joins.
    joinrel->has_eclass_joins = has_relevant_eclass_joinclause(root, joinrel);

     * Set estimates of the joinrel's size.
    set_joinrel_size_estimates(root, joinrel, outer_rel, inner_rel,
                               sjinfo, restrictlist);

     * Add the joinrel to the query's joinrel list, and store it into the
     * auxiliary hashtable if there is one.  NB: GEQO requires us to append
     * the new joinrel to the end of the list!
    root->join_rel_list = lappend(root->join_rel_list, joinrel);

    if (root->join_rel_hash)
        JoinHashEntry *hentry;
        bool        found;

        hentry = (JoinHashEntry *) hash_search(root->join_rel_hash,
        hentry->join_rel = joinrel;

     * Also, if dynamic-programming join search is active, add the new joinrel
     * to the appropriate sublist.    Note: you might think the Assert on number
     * of members should be for equality, but some of the level 1 rels might
     * have been joinrels already, so we can only assert <=.
    if (root->join_rel_level)
        Assert(root->join_cur_level > 0);
        Assert(root->join_cur_level <= bms_num_members(joinrel->relids));
        root->join_rel_level[root->join_cur_level] =
            lappend(root->join_rel_level[root->join_cur_level], joinrel);

    return joinrel;


build_joinrel_tlist: 就是targetlist (table 名集合)

restrictlist: 两个table各自的where条件

build_joinrel_jionlist: jion条件集合


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从小白到专家 PG技术大讲堂 - Part 2:PostgreSQL源代码安装
Part 2:PG源代码安装 步骤1 创建用户与环境配置 步骤2 系统内核参数配置 步骤3 PostgreSQL 安装
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从小白到专家 PG技术大讲堂 - Part 2:PostgreSQL源代码安装
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源代码编译安装 MySQL 和多实例| 学习笔记
快速学习源代码编译安装 MySQL 和多实例
关系型数据库 C++ PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 10.1 手册_部分 III. 服务器管理_第 17 章 在Windows上从源代码安装
第 17 章 在Windows上从源代码安装 目录 17.1. 使用Visual C++或Microsoft Windows SDK构建 17.1.1. 要求 17.1.2. 针对64位Windows的特殊考虑 17.1.3. 构建 17.1.4. 清理和安装 17.1.5. 运行回归测试 17.1.6. 构建文档 对于大部分用户,推荐下载Windows的二进制发布,它在PostgreSQL 的网站上作为一个图形化安装包可供下载。
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关系型数据库 开发工具 C++
PostgreSQL 10.1 手册_部分 III. 服务器管理_第 17 章 在Windows上从源代码安装_17.1. 使用Visual C++或Microsoft Windows SDK构建
17.1. 使用Visual C++或Microsoft Windows SDK构建 17.1.1. 要求 17.1.2. 针对64位Windows的特殊考虑 17.1.3. 构建 17.1.4. 清理和安装 17.1.5. 运行回归测试 17.1.6. 构建文档 PostgreSQL可以使用来自微软的Visual C++编译器套件构建。
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关系型数据库 Unix C++
PostgreSQL 10.1 手册_部分 III. 服务器管理_第 16 章 从源代码安装_16.7. 平台相关的说明
16.7. 平台相关的说明 16.7.1. AIX 16.7.2. Cygwin 16.7.3. HP-UX 16.7.4. MinGW/原生 Windows 16.7.5. Solaris 这一节提供了考虑 PostgreSQL 安装和设置的附加平台相关的话题。
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关系型数据库 Unix 测试技术
PostgreSQL 10.1 手册_部分 III. 服务器管理_第 16 章 从源代码安装_16.6. 平台支持
16.6. 平台支持 如果代码包含规定要工作在一个平台(即一种 CPU 架构和操作系统的结合)上并且它最近已经被验证能在该平台上编译并通过其回归测试,PostgreSQL开发社区才会认为该平台是被支持的。
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PostgreSQL 10.1 手册_部分 III. 服务器管理_第 16 章 从源代码安装_16.5. 安装后设置
16.5. 安装后设置 16.5.1. 共享库 16.5.2. 环境变量 16.5.1. 共享库 在一些有共享库的系统里,你需要告诉你的系统如何找到新安装的共享库。那些并不是必须做这个工作的系统包括 FreeBSD、HP-UX、Linux、NetBSD、OpenBSD和Solaris。
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关系型数据库 PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 10.1 手册_部分 III. 服务器管理_第 16 章 从源代码安装_16.3. 获取源码
16.3. 获取源码 PostgreSQL 10.1 源代码可以从我们的官方网站 https://www.postgresql.org/download/的下载区中获得。你将得到一个名为postgresql-10.1.tar.gz或postgresql-10.1.tar.bz2的文件。
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关系型数据库 PostgreSQL Python
PostgreSQL 10.1 手册_部分 III. 服务器管理_第 16 章 从源代码安装_16.2. 要求
16.2. 要求 一般说来,一个现代的与 Unix 兼容的平台应该就能运行PostgreSQL。 到发布为止已经明确测试过的平台的列表在 第 16.6 节中列出。在发布的doc子目录里面有许多平台相关的 FAQ文档,如果你碰到问题你可能会需要参考它们。
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关系型数据库 PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 10.1 手册_部分 III. 服务器管理_第 16 章 从源代码安装_16.1. 简单版
16.1. 简单版 ./configure make su make install adduser postgres mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data su - postgres /usr/loc.
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