BW Technical and Functional 的区别是什么


Difference Between BW Technical and Functional

In general Functional means, derive the funtional specification from the business requirement document. This job normally is done either by the business analyst or system analyst who has a very good knowledge of the business. In some large organizations there will be a business analyst as well as system analyst.

In any business requirement or need for new reports or queries originates with the business user. This requirement will be recorded after discussion by the business analyst. A system analyst analyses these requirements and generates functional specification document.  In the case of BW it could be also called logical design in DATA MODELING.

After review this logical desing will be translated to physical design . This process defines all the required dimensions, key figures, master data, etc.

Once this process is approved and signed off by the requester(users), then conversion of this into practically usable tasks using the SAP BW software. This is called Technical. The whole process of creating an InfoProvider, InfoObjects, InforSources, Source system, etc falls under the Technical domain.

分类:  SAP BI

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