form_combo: Example code of Early Access iText

using  System;
using  iTextSharp.text;
using  iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using  System.IO;
public   class  form_combo
public   static   void   Main( string [] args)
        Document document 
=   new  Document(PageSize.A4,  50 50 50 50 );
//  creation of the different writers
            PdfWriter writer  =  PdfWriter.GetInstance(document,  new  FileStream( @" e:\java\form_combo.Pdf " , FileMode.Create));
            PdfContentByte cb 
=  writer.DirectContent;
0 0 );
string [] options  =   new   string []{ " Red " " Green " " Blue " };
            PdfFormField field 
=  PdfFormField.CreateCombo(writer,  true , options,  0 );
new  Rectangle( 100 700 180 720 ), PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT);
= ( " ACombo " );
= ( " Red " );
" FIM. " );
catch  (System.Exception de)
本文转自 RubyPdf 的中文博客博客园博客,原文链接: /,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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