[jQuery]Great Ways to Learn jQuery


These jQuery resources will set you on the path towards mastering jQuery.

Written Articles


  • jQuery Fundementals – open-source e-book written by Rebecca Murphey in collaboration with other well-known members of the jQuery community.
  • jQuery Enlightenment – Cody Lindley’s e-book covers advanced topics on jQuery with links to working code examples in jsbin.

jQuery Books

  • jQuery Cookbook – collaborative book by many jQuery team members with recipes on many jQuery topics.
  • Learning jQuery 1.3 – walkthrough of learning the jQuery JavaScript library through hands-on examples and explanations. Authored by Karl Swedberg & Jonathan Chaffer
  • jQuery Reference 1.4 – practical examples of the entire jQuery 1.4 API. Authored by Karl Swedberg & Jonathan Chaffer
  • jQuery in Action 2nd edition – a fast-paced introduction to jQuery that will take your JavaScript programming to the next level. Authored by Bear Bibeault and Yehuda Katz.
  • jQuery UI 1.7 – Build highly interactive web applications with ready-to-use widgets from the jQuery User Interface library. Authored by Dan Wellman.


Learning Screencasts

Attend a training course

Hire a Corporate jQuery Trainer

  • appendTo Training – the jQuery company offers corporate training.
  • Rebecca Murphey – started the open-source e-book jQuery Fundementals and is a member of the yayQuery podcast.
  • Karl Swedberg – wrote the Learning jQuery books and runs this website.
  • Marc Grabanski – creator of the jQuery UI Datepicker project and blogger.
  • Ordered List – all around great guys, creators of the Harmony CMS, and active speakers and writers.


jQuery Meetups

Another great way to learn more jQuery is to start or join a jQuery Meetup. Check to see if there is a meetup near you, and if not, start one!


More Resources

Other Blogs

two js questions
two js questions
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JavaScript API
[jQuery]25 Highly Useful jQuery Cheat Sheets For Web Developers
1. jQuery 1.2 Cheat-sheet [PNG]   2. jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet v1.0 [PDF] 3. jQuery 1.3 Cheatsheet [PDF] 4.
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JavaScript 前端开发 UED
聊聊"jQuery is not defined"
KiwenLau同学在他的个人博客使用了Fundebug的JavaScript错误监控插件,然后偶尔会收到jQuery is not defined这样的错误报警: 他的博客使用了Staticfile CDN提供的的jQuery: 由出错的代码块可知,博客中的『返回顶部』的功能是使用了jQuery实现,如果jQuery出错,意味着该功能失效,那么读者就不得不手动滑动到博客顶部,这样用户体验是非常糟糕的。
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