[LeetCode] Frog Jump 青蛙过河


A frog is crossing a river. The river is divided into x units and at each unit there may or may not exist a stone. The frog can jump on a stone, but it must not jump into the water.

Given a list of stones' positions (in units) in sorted ascending order, determine if the frog is able to cross the river by landing on the last stone. Initially, the frog is on the first stone and assume the first jump must be 1 unit.

If the frog's last jump was k units, then its next jump must be either k - 1, k, or k + 1 units. Note that the frog can only jump in the forward direction.


  • The number of stones is ≥ 2 and is < 1,100.
  • Each stone's position will be a non-negative integer < 231.
  • The first stone's position is always 0.

Example 1:


There are a total of 8 stones.
The first stone at the 0th unit, second stone at the 1st unit,
third stone at the 3rd unit, and so on...
The last stone at the 17th unit.
Return true. The frog can jump to the last stone by jumping 
1 unit to the 2nd stone, then 2 units to the 3rd stone, then 
2 units to the 4th stone, then 3 units to the 6th stone, 
4 units to the 7th stone, and 5 units to the 8th stone.

Example 2:

Return false. There is no way to jump to the last stone as 
the gap between the 5th and 6th stone is too large.

终于等到青蛙过河问题了,一颗赛艇。题目中说青蛙如果上一次跳了k距离,那么下一次只能跳k-1, k, 或k+1的距离,那么青蛙跳到某个石头上可能有多种跳法,由于这道题只是让我们判断青蛙是否能跳到最后一个石头上,并没有让我们返回所有的路径,这样就降低了一些难度。我们可以用递归来做,我们维护一个哈希表,建立青蛙在pos位置和拥有jump跳跃能力时是否能跳到对岸。为了能用一个变量同时表示pos和jump,我们可以将jump左移很多位并或上pos,由于题目中对于位置大小有限制,所以不会产生冲突。我们还是首先判断pos是否已经到最后一个石头了,是的话直接返回true;然后看当前这种情况是否已经出现在哈希表中,是的话直接从哈希表中取结果。如果没有,我们就遍历余下的所有石头,对于遍历到的石头,我们计算到当前石头的距离dist,如果距离小于jump-1,我们接着遍历下一块石头;如果dist大于jump+1,说明无法跳到下一块石头,m[key]赋值为false,并返回false;如果在青蛙能跳到的范围中,我们调用递归函数,以新位置i为pos,距离dist为jump,如果返回true了,我们给m[key]赋值为true,并返回true。如果结束遍历我们给m[key]赋值为false,并返回false,参加代码如下:


class Solution {
    bool canCross(vector<int>& stones) {
        unordered_map<int, bool> m;
        return helper(stones, 0, 0, m);
    bool helper(vector<int>& stones, int pos, int jump, unordered_map<int, bool>& m) {
        int n = stones.size(), key = pos | jump << 11;
        if (pos >= n - 1) return true;
        if (m.count(key)) return m[key];
        for (int i = pos + 1; i < n; ++i) {
            int dist = stones[i] - stones[pos];
            if (dist < jump - 1) continue;
            if (dist > jump + 1) return m[key] = false;
            if (helper(stones, i, dist, m)) return m[key] = true;
        return m[key] = false;



class Solution {
    bool canCross(vector<int>& stones) {
        unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> m;
        vector<int> dp(stones.size(), 0);
        int k = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < stones.size(); ++i) {
            while (dp[k] + 1 < stones[i] - stones[k]) ++k;
            for (int j = k; j < i; ++j) {
                int t = stones[i] - stones[j];
                if (m[j].count(t - 1) || m[j].count(t) || m[j].count(t + 1)) {
                    dp[i] = max(dp[i], t);
        return dp.back() > 0;

本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:青蛙过河[LeetCode] Frog Jump ,如需转载请自行联系原博主。

LeetCode 403. Frog Jump
一只青蛙想要过河。 假定河流被等分为 x 个单元格,并且在每一个单元格内都有可能放有一石子(也有可能没有)。 青蛙可以跳上石头,但是不可以跳入水中。 给定石子的位置列表(用单元格序号升序表示), 请判定青蛙能否成功过河(即能否在最后一步跳至最后一个石子上)。 开始时, 青蛙默认已站在第一个石子上,并可以假定它第一步只能跳跃一个单位(即只能从单元格1跳至单元格2)。 如果青蛙上一步跳跃了 k 个单位,那么它接下来的跳跃距离只能选择为 k - 1、k 或 k + 1个单位。 另请注意,青蛙只能向前方(终点的方向)跳跃。
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