/***************************************************************************************************** * Qt jsoncpp 对象拷贝、删除、函数调用 demo * 声明: * 本程序主要就是为了验证jsoncpp中Json::Value对象中的append、等号赋值是拷贝内容,还是赋值指针, * 就测试而言,从目前的情况来看应该是拷贝内容,代码得以验证。 * * 2015-11-15 晴 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 ****************************************************************************************************/ /** * 参考文档: * 1. JsonCpp ambiguous overload only in Windows * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18901781/jsoncpp-ambiguous-overload-only-in-windows * 2. QT 使用jsoncpp * http://www.cnblogs.com/foxhengxing/archive/2011/12/02/2272020.html * 3. Using JsonCpp and Qt Together (Problems with Unicode) * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4191528/using-jsoncpp-and-qt-together-problems-with-unicode * 4. ambiguous overload for 'operator[]' * http://www.gamedev.net/topic/618752-ambiguous-overload-for-operator/ * 5. 一个C++编译错误 * http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-7865778-id-2038882.html */ #include <QCoreApplication> #include "json/json.h" #include <QString> #include <QFile> #include <QDebug> #define ICON_PATH "apps\/images\/" #define SHELL_PATH "\/usr\/share\/web\/lighttpd\/webpages\/shell\/" #define JSON_FILE "F:\/QT\/json.txt" void jsonUpdateApp(Json::Value *programs, int index, QString icon, QString exec) { // 名字相同了,自然不需要再重新赋值了 //(*programs)[index]["Name"] = name.toStdString(); (*programs)[index]["Icon"] = QString(ICON_PATH).append(icon).toStdString(); (*programs)[index]["Exec"] = QString(SHELL_PATH) .append(exec).append(".sh").toStdString(); } void jsonAddApp(Json::Value *programs, QString name, QString icon, QString exec) { // 合成新的数据并加入json对象中 Json::Value item; item["Name"] = name.toStdString(); item["Order"] = 999; item["Icon"] = QString(ICON_PATH).append(icon).toStdString(); item["Type"] = "application"; item["Exec"] = QString(SHELL_PATH).append(exec).append(".sh").toStdString(); item["ProgramType"] = "gui"; item["Description_Link"] = -1; item["Lock"] = -1; programs->append(item); } void copyItem(Json::Value *programs, Json::Value *newPrograms, int index) { // 合成新的数据并加入json对象中 Json::Value newItem; newItem["Name"] = (*programs)[index]["Name"]; newItem["Order"] = (*programs)[index]["Order"]; newItem["Icon"] = (*programs)[index]["Icon"]; newItem["Type"] = (*programs)[index]["Type"]; newItem["Exec"] = (*programs)[index]["Exec"]; newItem["ProgramType"] = (*programs)[index]["ProgramType"]; newItem["Description_Link"] = (*programs)[index]["Description_Link"]; newItem["Lock"] = (*programs)[index]["Lock"]; newPrograms->append(newItem); } bool checkAndAddUpdateAppByName(Json::Value *oldRoot, Json::Value *newRoot, QString name, QString icon, QString exec) { bool ret = false; Json::Value programs = ((*oldRoot)["main_menu"])["apps"]; Json::Value newPrograms; int i = 0; for ( i = 0; i < programs.size(); i++ ) { // 如果有name对应的app,那么就对app进行更新 if ( QString::fromStdString(programs[i]["Name"].asString()).trimmed().compare(name.trimmed()) == 0 ) { jsonUpdateApp(&programs, i, icon, exec); ret = true; } copyItem(&programs, &newPrograms, i); } // 如果name没有重复的,那么添加一个这个app if ( i >= programs.size() ) jsonAddApp(&newPrograms, name, icon, exec); Json::Value newApps; newApps["apps"] = newPrograms; (*newRoot)["main_menu"] = newApps; return ret; } bool checkAndRemoveAppName(Json::Value *oldRoot, Json::Value *newRoot, QString name) { bool ret = false; Json::Value programs = ((*oldRoot)["main_menu"])["apps"]; Json::Value newPrograms; int i = 0; for ( i = 0; i < programs.size(); i++ ) { if ( QString::fromStdString(programs[i]["Name"].asString()).trimmed().compare(name.trimmed()) == 0 ) { ret = true; continue; } /* * // 合成新的数据并加入json对象中 * Json::Value newItem; * newItem["Name"] = programs[i]["Name"]; * newItem["Order"] = programs[i]["Order"]; * newItem["Icon"] = programs[i]["Icon"]; * newItem["Type"] = programs[i]["Type"]; * newItem["Exec"] = programs[i]["Exec"]; * newItem["ProgramType"] = programs[i]["ProgramType"]; * newItem["Description_Link"] = programs[i]["Description_Link"]; * newItem["Lock"] = programs[i]["Lock"]; * * newPrograms.append(newItem); * * 下面这个函数是从上面的代码中重构出来的 */ copyItem(&programs, &newPrograms, i); } Json::Value newApps; newApps["apps"] = newPrograms; (*newRoot)["main_menu"] = newApps; return ret; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); // 检查文件是否存在 QFile jsonFileObject("F:/QT/json.txt"); if ( !jsonFileObject.exists() ) { qDebug() << "Please check json.txt file already exist." << endl; return -1; } // 打开并读取文件 QString jsonString; if ( jsonFileObject.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) ) { jsonString.append(jsonFileObject.readAll()); jsonFileObject.close(); } else { qDebug() << "Open json file failt." << endl; return -1; } // 解析json数据 Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(jsonString.toStdString(), root); if ( !parsingSuccessful ) { qDebug() << "Failed to parse configure.\n "; return -1; } // 测试获取json数据 Json::Value programs = root["main_menu"]["apps"]; qDebug() << "programs size: " << programs.size(); // 这里的获取数据数据索引后面一定要加一个小写的u,目前还不知道具体的原因 std::cout << "Exec: " << programs[0u]["Exec"].asString() << std::endl; Json::Value outRootWithRemove; checkAndRemoveAppName(&root, &outRootWithRemove, "Network"); Json::Value outRootWithRemoveAndAdd; checkAndAddUpdateAppByName(&outRootWithRemove, &outRootWithRemoveAndAdd, "zengjf", "zengjf", "zengjf"); // 生成写入文件的字符串 Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string outputJsonstring = writer.write(outRootWithRemoveAndAdd); // 将输出字符串输出到console上查看效果 std::cout << outputJsonstring << std::endl; // 如果仅仅是测试,不需要写入文件,省的每次还要去换json.txt文件 if ( jsonFileObject.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text) ) { jsonFileObject.write(outputJsonstring.data()); jsonFileObject.close(); } else { qDebug() << "Open json file failt." << endl; return -1; } return a.exec(); } /** * json.txt * { * "main_menu" : { * "apps" : [ * { * "Description_Link" : -1, * "Exec" : "/usr/share/web/lighttpd/webpages/shell/browser.sh http://processors.wiki.ti.com", * "Icon" : "apps/images/web-icon.png", * "Lock" : -1, * "Name" : "Browser", * "Order" : 999, * "ProgramType" : "gui", * "Type" : "application" * }, * { * "Description_Link" : -1, * "Exec" : "/usr/share/web/lighttpd/webpages/shell/network.sh", * "Icon" : "apps/images/network-icon.png", * "Lock" : -1, * "Name" : "Network", * "Order" : 999, * "ProgramType" : "gui", * "Type" : "application" * } * ] * } */ /** * 输出结果: * json.txt * { * "main_menu" : { * "apps" : [ * { * "Description_Link" : -1, * "Exec" : "/usr/share/web/lighttpd/webpages/shell/browser.sh http://processors.wiki.ti.com", * "Icon" : "apps/images/web-icon.png", * "Lock" : -1, * "Name" : "Browser", * "Order" : 999, * "ProgramType" : "gui", * "Type" : "application" * }, * { * "Description_Link" : -1, * "Exec" : "/usr/share/web/lighttpd/webpages/shell/zengjf.sh", * "Icon" : "apps/images/zengjf", * "Lock" : -1, * "Name" : "zengjf", * "Order" : 999, * "ProgramType" : "gui", * "Type" : "application" * } * ] * } */