C# Meta Programming - Let Your Code Generate Code - Introduction of The Text Template Transformation Toolkit(T4)

简介: using System; public static class GreaterTest { public static of( left, right) { return left.
<#@ template language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
  Type[] types_to_generate = new[]
    typeof(object),  typeof(bool),    typeof(byte),
    typeof(char),    typeof(decimal), typeof(double),
    typeof(float),   typeof(int),     typeof(long),
    typeof(sbyte),   typeof(short),   typeof(string),
    typeof(uint),    typeof(ulong),   typeof(ushort)
using System;
public static class GreaterTest
  foreach (var type in types_to_generate)
  public static <#= type.Name #> of(<#= type.Name #> left, <#= type.Name #> right)
    Type icomparable =
      (from intf in type.GetInterfaces() where
      select intf).FirstOrDefault();
    if (icomparable != null)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
    throw new ApplicationException(
      "Type <#= type.Name #> must implement one of the " +
      "IComparable or IComparable<<#= type.Name #>> interfaces.");



using System;
public static class GreaterTest
  public static Object of(Object left, Object right)
    throw new ApplicationException(
      "Type Object must implement one of the " +
      "IComparable or IComparable<Object> interfaces.");
  public static Boolean of(Boolean left, Boolean right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static Byte of(Byte left, Byte right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static Char of(Char left, Char right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static Decimal of(Decimal left, Decimal right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static Double of(Double left, Double right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static Single of(Single left, Single right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static Int32 of(Int32 left, Int32 right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static Int64 of(Int64 left, Int64 right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static SByte of(SByte left, SByte right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static Int16 of(Int16 left, Int16 right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static String of(String left, String right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static UInt32 of(UInt32 left, UInt32 right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static UInt64 of(UInt64 left, UInt64 right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;
  public static UInt16 of(UInt16 left, UInt16 right)
    return left.CompareTo(right) < 0 ? right : left;


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