
简介: 转载自:http://www.itpub.net/351520,2.html摘自:expert one-on-one oracle  (P554)設置cussor_sharing=force之後,會有以下的情況: • Optimizer related i...
摘自:expert one-on-one oracle  (P554)
• Optimizer related issues – CURSOR_SHARING will remove all character string
and numeric constants from the query; the optimizer will have less information to
work with. This may very well result in different query plans.
• Query output related issues – The lengths of columns that your query fetches will
unexpectedly change. Queries that used to return a VARCHAR2(5) and a
NUMBER(2), might start returning a VARCHAR2(30) and a NUMBER(5). The
actual size of the data returned wonʹt change, but the application will be told the
potential for a 30 byte column is there – reports and other related applications may
be affected.
• Query plans are harder to evaluate – This is due to the fact that EXPLAIN PLAN
will ʹseeʹ a different query than the database does. This makes query tuning more
difficult. Features like AUTOTRACE in SQL*PLUS are unreliable with

13avalon - 指令ms-skip (skip绑定)
13avalon - 指令ms-skip (skip绑定)
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SQL 缓存 Java
修改PostgreSQL字段长度导致cached plan must not change result type错误
修改PostgreSQL字段长度可能导致cached plan must not change result type错误
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SQL Oracle 算法
PostgreSQL 12 preview - plan_cache_mode参数控制强制使用plan cache或强制custom plan (force_custom_plan and force_generic_plan)
标签 PostgreSQL , plan_cache_mode 背景 plan cache在OLTP中,可以大幅降低生成sql parser, 执行计划的开销。 但是在某些场景中,plan cache可能成为问题,比如AP类型的场景中,由于SQL 输入条件的变化(通常AP业务涉及的条件可能比较容易出现这样的问题),可能导致plan cache并不是最佳的执行计划。
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[20170330]参数cursor_sharing=force改变显示宽度.txt --//前几天遇到的问题,链接http://www.itpub.net/thread-2085766-1-1.
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