
简介: [20150821]cron使用问题.txt --昨天检查服务器发现一个shell脚本,使用cron调用,但是很奇怪,无法执行。 --我检查/var/log/cron发现: Aug 21 11:28:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[109288...



Aug 21 11:28:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[109288]: CRON (oracle) ERROR: failed to open PAM security session: Success
Aug 21 11:28:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[109288]: CRON (oracle) ERROR: cannot set security context
Aug 21 11:29:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[110554]: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required
Aug 21 11:29:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[110554]: CRON (oracle) ERROR: failed to open PAM security session: Success
Aug 21 11:29:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[110554]: CRON (oracle) ERROR: cannot set security context
Aug 21 11:30:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[112190]: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required
Aug 21 11:30:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[112190]: CRON (oracle) ERROR: failed to open PAM security session: Success
Aug 21 11:30:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[112190]: CRON (oracle) ERROR: cannot set security context




#  egrep  '^root|oracle' /etc/shadow

# man shadow

       shadow manipulates the contents of the shadow password file, /etc/shadow. The structure in the #include file is:

          struct spwd {
                char          *sp_namp; /* user login name */
                char          *sp_pwdp; /* encrypted password */
                long int      sp_lstchg; /* last password change */
                long int      sp_min; /* days until change allowed. */
                long int      sp_max; /* days before change required */
                long int      sp_warn; /* days warning for expiration */
                long int      sp_inact; /* days before account inactive */
                long int      sp_expire; /* date when account expires */
                unsigned long int  sp_flag; /* reserved for future use */

       The meanings of each field are:

       . sp_namp - pointer to null-terminated user name
       . sp_pwdp - pointer to null-terminated password
       . sp_lstchg - days since Jan 1, 1970 password was last changed
       . sp_min - days before which password may not be changed
       . sp_max - days after which password must be changed
       . sp_warn - days before password is to expire that user is warned of pending password expiration
       . sp_inact - days after password expires that account is considered inactive and disabled
       . sp_expire - days since Jan 1, 1970 when account will be disabled
       . sp_flag - reserved for future use


#  grep "^PASS_" /etc/login.defs

#  passwd oracle

#  passwd -x 999 oracle
Adjusting aging data for user oracle.
passwd: Success

#  egrep  '^root|oracle' /etc/shadow


Aug 21 11:54:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[13926]: CRON (oracle) ERROR: cannot set security context
Aug 21 11:55:01 dm01dbadm01 crond[15566]: (oracle) CMD (/home/oracle/bin/xxx.sh  > /dev/null 2>&1)

crontab -l 列出目前的计划任务(时程表) crontab -e 编辑计划任务   计划任务的格式如下: f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 program 其中 f1 是表示分钟,f2 表示小时,f3 表示一个月份中的第几日,f4 表示月份,f5 表示一个星期中的第几天。
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