TYPE file_type IS RECORD (
byte_mode BOOLEAN);
FCLOSE Procedure Closes a file
FCLOSE_ALL Procedure Closes all open file handles
FCOPY Procedure Copies a contiguous portion of a file to a newly created file
FFLUSH Procedure Physically writes all pending output to a file
FGETATTR Procedure Reads and returns the attributes of a disk file
FGETPOS Function Returns the current relative offset position within a file, in bytes
FOPEN Function Opens a file for input or output
FOPEN_NCHAR Function Opens a file in Unicode for input or output
FREMOVE Procedure Deletes a disk file, assuming that you have sufficient privileges
FRENAME Procedure Renames an existing file to a new name, similar to the UNIX mv function
FSEEK Procedure Adjusts the file pointer forward or backward within the file by the number of bytes specified
GET_LINE Procedure Reads text from an open file
GET_LINE_NCHAR Procedure Reads text in Unicode from an open file
GET_RAW Procedure Reads a RAW string value from a file and adjusts the file pointer ahead by the number of bytes read
IS_OPEN Function Determines if a file handle refers to an open file
NEW_LINE Procedure Writes one or more operating system-specific line terminators to a file
PUT Procedure Writes a string to a file
PUT_LINE Procedure Writes a line to a file, and so appends an operating system-specific line terminator
PUT_LINE_NCHAR Procedure Writes a Unicode line to a file
PUT_NCHAR Procedure Writes a Unicode string to a file
PUTF Procedure A PUT procedure with formatting
PUTF_NCHAR Procedure A PUT_NCHAR procedure with formatting, and writes a Unicode string to a file, with formatting
PUT_RAW Procedure Accepts as input a RAW data value and writes the value to the output buffer
a、使用UTL_FILE的主要步骤(使用directory方式) --先创建用于存放os文件的目录 scott@USBO> ho mkdir -p /u03/database/usbo/db_utl_dir --在数据库层面添加directory scott@USBO> create directory db_utl_dir as '/u03/database/usbo/db_utl_dir'; --权限授予 scott@USBO> grant read,write on directory db_utl_dir to public; b、从SQL查询写入到数据文件 DECLARE vsfile UTL_FILE.file_type; --->定义用于接收文件句柄的类型 v_cnt PLS_INTEGER := 0; BEGIN vsfile := UTL_FILE.fopen ('DB_UTL_DIR', --->使用fopen打开文件,定义了文件路径,文件名,读写方式以及每一行字符的最大长度,缺省为1024 'emp.txt', 'W', 200); FOR i IN (SELECT t.ename || ',' || t.job AS msg --->使用了一个for循环来读取scott.emp表 FROM scott.emp t WHERE t.sal>2000) LOOP UTL_FILE.put_line (vsfile, i.msg); --->将for循环查询的内容使用put_line写入到文件 v_cnt := v_cnt + 1; --->计数器,用于统计写入的记录数 END LOOP; UTL_FILE.fflush (vsfile); UTL_FILE.fclose (vsfile); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_cnt || ' rows unloaded'); END; / 6 rows unloaded PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. --查看产生的文件 scott@USBO> ho more /u03/database/usbo/db_utl_dir/emp.txt JONES,MANAGER BLAKE,MANAGER CLARK,MANAGER SCOTT,ANALYST KING,PRESIDENT FORD,ANALYST c、从数据文件读入并写入到表 scott@USBO> create table tb_emp(val varchar2(30), file_name varchar2(10)); scott@USBO> exec read_demo('emp.txt','db_utl_dir'); -->调用过程来实现,代码见文章尾部 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. scott@USBO> select * from tb_emp; VAL FILE_NAME ----------------------------- --------------------- JONES,MANAGER emp.txt BLAKE,MANAGER emp.txt CLARK,MANAGER emp.txt SCOTT,ANALYST emp.txt KING,PRESIDENT emp.txt FORD,ANALYST emp.txt 6 rows selected. d、读写混合模式示例 scott@USBO> set serveroutput on; scott@USBO> exec rw_demo; -->调用过程来实现,代码见文章尾部 14 14 28 42 56 71 84 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. scott@USBO> ho ls out.txt x.txt scott@USBO> ho more out.txt JONES,MANAGER JONES,MANAGER BLAKE,MANAGER CLARK,MANAGER SCOTT,ANALYST KING,PRESIDENT FORD,ANALYST e、演示中用到的过程 --下面是读模式的过程代码 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE read_demo (file_name_in VARCHAR2, utl_dir_in VARCHAR2) --两个传入参数,一个用于指定文件名,一个用于指定utl_file_dir目录 --Author : Leshami --Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/leshami IS vsfile UTL_FILE.file_type; vnewline VARCHAR2 (200); v_utl_dir VARCHAR2 (30); BEGIN v_utl_dir := UPPER (utl_dir_in); vsfile := UTL_FILE.fopen (v_utl_dir, file_name_in, 'r'); --->打开文件 IF UTL_FILE.is_open (vsfile) THEN LOOP BEGIN UTL_FILE.get_line (vsfile, vnewline); -->从文件读入行 IF vnewline IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; INSERT INTO tb_emp (val, file_name) --->将读入的行插入到表 VALUES (vnewline, file_name_in); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN EXIT; END; END LOOP; COMMIT; END IF; UTL_FILE.fclose (vsfile); --->关闭打开的文件 UTL_FILE.frename (v_utl_dir, --->此处进行了重命名 file_name_in, v_utl_dir, 'x.txt', TRUE); EXCEPTION --->定义了相关的异常信息 WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_mode THEN raise_application_error (-20051, 'Invalid Mode Parameter'); WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_path THEN raise_application_error (-20052, 'Invalid File Location'); WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_filehandle THEN raise_application_error (-20053, 'Invalid Filehandle'); WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_operation THEN raise_application_error (-20054, 'Invalid Operation'); WHEN UTL_FILE.read_error THEN raise_application_error (-20055, 'Read Error'); WHEN UTL_FILE.internal_error THEN raise_application_error (-20057, 'Internal Error'); WHEN UTL_FILE.charsetmismatch THEN raise_application_error (-20058, 'Opened With FOPEN_NCHAR But Later I/O Inconsistent'); WHEN UTL_FILE.file_open THEN raise_application_error (-20059, 'File Already Opened'); WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_maxlinesize THEN raise_application_error (-20060, 'Line Size Exceeds 32K'); WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_filename THEN raise_application_error (-20061, 'Invalid File Name'); WHEN UTL_FILE.access_denied THEN raise_application_error (-20062, 'File Access Denied By'); WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_offset THEN raise_application_error (-20063, 'FSEEK Param Less Than 0'); WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error (-20099, 'Unknown UTL_FILE Error'); END read_demo; / --下面是读写模式过程的代码,这个过程实现了从一个数据文件读出并写入到另外一个数据文件 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE rw_demo IS infile UTL_FILE.file_type; outfile UTL_FILE.file_type; vnewline VARCHAR2 (4000); i PLS_INTEGER; j PLS_INTEGER := 0; seekflag BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN -- open a file to read infile := UTL_FILE.fopen ('DB_UTL_DIR', 'x.txt', 'r'); -->打开源文件用于读取数据 -- open a file to write outfile := UTL_FILE.fopen ('DB_UTL_DIR', 'out.txt', 'w'); -->创建目标文件用于存放数据 -- if the file to read was successfully opened IF UTL_FILE.is_open (infile) THEN -- loop through each line in the file LOOP BEGIN UTL_FILE.get_line (infile, vnewline); -->从源文件读取行 i := UTL_FILE.fgetpos (infile); -->将行的位置赋值并输出 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (TO_CHAR (i)); UTL_FILE.put_line (outfile, vnewline, FALSE); -->将得到的数据行写出到文件句柄缓冲 UTL_FILE.fflush (outfile); -->将数据行从缓冲区写入到文件 IF seekflag = TRUE THEN UTL_FILE.fseek (infile, NULL, -30); -->用于调整文件指针,即偏移量 seekflag := FALSE; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN EXIT; END; END LOOP; COMMIT; END IF; UTL_FILE.fclose (infile); -->关闭源文件 UTL_FILE.fclose (outfile); -->关闭目标文件 EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error (-20099, 'Unknown UTL_FILE Error'); END rw_demo; / 注意在使用UTL_FILE包用到DIRECTORY数据库对象时,名字一定要大写,否则会遭遇“ORA-29280: invalid directory path”错误 主要参考: http://psoug.org/reference/utl_file.html http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e40758/u_file.htm#BABGGEDF
PL/SQL 联合数组与嵌套表
PL/SQL 变长数组