Don’t use the python-scrapy package provided by Ubuntu, they are typically too old and slow to catch up with latest Scrapy.
Instead, use the official Ubuntu Packages, which already solve all dependencies for you and are continuously updated with the latest bug fixes.
第一步: 为了安装这个packages,在ubuntu下运行 lsb_release -cs,显示
第二步: 现在需要做的就是用vi添加 deb http://archive.scrapy.org/ubuntu precise main 到 /etc/apt/sources.list中去
第三步: 然后运行 curl -s http://archive.scrapy.org/ubuntu/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -
第四步:再更新源 sudo apt-get update
第五步:最后安装 sudo apt-get install scrapy-0.1X,可选择不同版本,我安装的是0.16