【事件中心 Azure Event Hub】使用Logstash消费EventHub中的event时遇见的几种异常(TimeoutException, ReceiverDisconnectedException)

简介: 【事件中心 Azure Event Hub】使用Logstash消费EventHub中的event时遇见的几种异常(TimeoutException, ReceiverDisconnectedException)


使用EFK(Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana)在收集日志的解决方案中, 可以先把日志发送到EventHub中,然后通过Logstash消费EventHub中的事件并分发出去。但是在使用Logstash的过程中,遇见了连接不上EventHub的错误,和Receiver一直不停关闭的问题。 错误的信息分别为:

Exception while initializing stores, not starting partition manager com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.IllegalEntityException: Failure getting partition ids for event hub

        ... ...

Caused by: com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.TimeoutException: Opening MessagingFactory timed out.

[WARN ][com.microsoft.azure.eventprocessorhost.PartitionPump][main][cbc2dac224225cd02511820a8ee314e73f1c0800809c9c534154188acb14fbac] host logstash-fe4f6e2e-e260-4522-a3f8-f292a8902dad: 3: Receiver disconnected on create, bad epoch?

com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.ReceiverDisconnectedException: Receiver 'nil' with a higher epoch '637360547769896558' already exists. Receiver 'nil' with epoch 0 cannot be created. Make sure you are creating receiver with increasing epoch value to ensure connectivity, or ensure all old epoch receivers are closed or disconnected. 


  • 对于TimeoutException,需要判断是否是当前环境连接不上EventHub服务器,所以可以通过排查网络连接的方式来解决。(Link)

  • 对于ReceiverDisconnectedException,错误是Receiver在不停通过同一个消费组,同一个分区建立连接,当新连接建立时,会导致旧的连接关闭。所以需要检查客户端是不是又多个进程在建立连接或者时多个客户端在消费同一个分区数据


Why am I getting a ReceiverDisconnectedException?

In version 2.3.2 and above, the connector uses epoch receivers from the Event Hubs Java client. This only allows one receiver to be open per consumer group-partition combo. To be crystal clear, let's say we have receiverA with an epoch of 0 which is open within consumer group foo on partition 0. Now, if we open a new receiver, receiverB, for the same consumer group and partition with an epoch of 0 (or higher), then receiverA will be disconnected and get the ReceiverDisconnectedException.

In order to avoid this issue, please have one consumer group per Spark application being run. In general, you should have a unique consumer group for each consuming application being run.

Note that this error could happen if the same structured stream is accessed by multiple queries (writers).

Spark will read from the input source and process the dataframe separately for each defined sink. This results in having multiple readers on the same consumer group-partition combo. In order to prevent this, you can create a separate reader for each writer using a separate consumer group or use an intermediate delta table if you are using Databricks.


对于TimeoutException问题,只要解决另外客户端环境问题后,问题会得到解决。但是对于ReceiverDisconnectedException则如何解决呢? 由于都是在Logstash中配置,并没有代码可以修改。所以解决这个问题就是要设置Logstash的工作进程,不能让进程数大于分区数。 并且为Logstash在EventHub中单独建立一个消费组。以下是为一个成功通过Logstash消费EventHub的配置

input {
   azure_event_hubs {
      event_hub_connections => ["Endpoint=sb://xxxx.servicebus.chinacloudapi.cn/;SharedAccessKeyName=test;SharedAccessKey=xxxxxxxx=;EntityPath=logstest"]
      threads => 8
      decorate_events => true
     consumer_group => "logs"
     storage_connection => "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=xxx;AccountKey=xxxxxxx=;EndpointSuffix=core.chinacloudapi.cn"
  } output { stdout {


./bin/logstash -f config/ehtest.conf -w 1



Event Hub connection string

The plugin uses the connection string to access Azure Events Hubs. Find the connection string here: Azure Portal-> Event Hub -> Shared access polices. The event_hub_connections option passes the Event Hub connection strings for the basic configuration.


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