旅行推销员问题(英语:Travelling salesman problem, TSP)是这样一个问题:给定一系列城市和每对城市之间的距离,求解访问每一座城市一次并回到起始城市的最短回路。它是组合优化中的一个NP难问题,在运筹学和理论计算机科学中非常重要。
我们的推销员正在美国的各个城市访问。文件 usborder.mat
包含以变量 x
和 y
表示的美国地图,以及以变量 xx
和 yy
load('usborder.mat','x','y','xx','yy'); plot(x,y,'Color','red'); hold on;
我们将随机生成美国边境内城市的位置。我们可以使用 inpolygon
cities = 40; locations = zeros(cities,2); n = 1; while (n <= cities) xp = rand*1.5; yp = rand; if inpolygon(xp,yp,xx,yy) locations(n,1) = xp; locations(n,2) = yp; n = n+1; end end plot(locations(:,1),locations(:,2),'bo');
distances = zeros(cities); for count1=1:cities, for count2=1:count1, x1 = locations(count1,1); y1 = locations(count1,2); x2 = locations(count2,1); y2 = locations(count2,2); distances(count1,count2)=sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2); distances(count2,count1)=distances(count1,count2); end; end;
2. 为自定义数据类型定制遗传算法
默认情况下,遗传算法求解器解决基于 double 和二进制字符串数据类型的优化问题。用于创建、交叉和变异的函数假设总体是一个 double 类型的矩阵,如果是二进制字符串,则是合乎逻辑的。遗传算法求解器还可以处理涉及任意数据类型的优化问题。你可以使用任何你喜欢的数据结构。例如,可以使用 MATLAB® cell 数组指定自定义数据类型。为了将 ga
用于类型为 cell 数组的种群,您必须提供一个创建函数,交叉函数和变异函数,这些函数将对您的数据类型起作用,例如,单元数组。
3. 旅行商问题所需函数
本节将展示如何创建和注册这三个必需的函数。对于旅行商问题,种群中的个体是一个有序集合,因此可以很容易地用单元格数组表示种群。旅行商问题的自定义创建函数将创建一个单元格数组,例如 P
,其中每个元素表示作为排列向量的城市的有序集合。也就是说,推销员将按照 P{i}
中指定的顺序行进。创建函数将返回一个大小为 PopulationSize
type create_permutations.m
function pop = create_permutations(NVARS,FitnessFcn,options) %CREATE_PERMUTATIONS Creates a population of permutations. % POP = CREATE_PERMUTATION(NVARS,FITNESSFCN,OPTIONS) creates a population % of permutations POP each with a length of NVARS. % % The arguments to the function are % NVARS: Number of variables % FITNESSFCN: Fitness function % OPTIONS: Options structure used by the GA % Copyright 2004-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. totalPopulationSize = sum(options.PopulationSize); n = NVARS; pop = cell(totalPopulationSize,1); for i = 1:totalPopulationSize pop{i} = randperm(n); end
type crossover_permutation.m
function xoverKids = crossover_permutation(parents,options,NVARS, ... FitnessFcn,thisScore,thisPopulation) % CROSSOVER_PERMUTATION Custom crossover function for traveling salesman. % XOVERKIDS = CROSSOVER_PERMUTATION(PARENTS,OPTIONS,NVARS, ... % FITNESSFCN,THISSCORE,THISPOPULATION) crossovers PARENTS to produce % the children XOVERKIDS. % % The arguments to the function are % PARENTS: Parents chosen by the selection function % OPTIONS: Options created from OPTIMOPTIONS % NVARS: Number of variables % FITNESSFCN: Fitness function % STATE: State structure used by the GA solver % THISSCORE: Vector of scores of the current population % THISPOPULATION: Matrix of individuals in the current population % Copyright 2004-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. nKids = length(parents)/2; xoverKids = cell(nKids,1); % Normally zeros(nKids,NVARS); index = 1; for i=1:nKids % here is where the special knowledge that the population is a cell % array is used. Normally, this would be thisPopulation(parents(index),:); parent = thisPopulation{parents(index)}; index = index + 2; % Flip a section of parent1. p1 = ceil((length(parent) -1) * rand); p2 = p1 + ceil((length(parent) - p1- 1) * rand); child = parent; child(p1:p2) = fliplr(child(p1:p2)); xoverKids{i} = child; % Normally, xoverKids(i,:); end
自定义的 mutation
type mutate_permutation.m
function mutationChildren = mutate_permutation(parents ,options,NVARS, ... FitnessFcn, state, thisScore,thisPopulation,mutationRate) % MUTATE_PERMUTATION Custom mutation function for traveling salesman. % MUTATIONCHILDREN = MUTATE_PERMUTATION(PARENTS,OPTIONS,NVARS, ... % FITNESSFCN,STATE,THISSCORE,THISPOPULATION,MUTATIONRATE) mutate the % PARENTS to produce mutated children MUTATIONCHILDREN. % % The arguments to the function are % PARENTS: Parents chosen by the selection function % OPTIONS: Options created from OPTIMOPTIONS % NVARS: Number of variables % FITNESSFCN: Fitness function % STATE: State structure used by the GA solver % THISSCORE: Vector of scores of the current population % THISPOPULATION: Matrix of individuals in the current population % MUTATIONRATE: Rate of mutation % Copyright 2004-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. % Here we swap two elements of the permutation mutationChildren = cell(length(parents),1);% Normally zeros(length(parents),NVARS); for i=1:length(parents) parent = thisPopulation{parents(i)}; % Normally thisPopulation(parents(i),:) p = ceil(length(parent) * rand(1,2)); child = parent; child(p(1)) = parent(p(2)); child(p(2)) = parent(p(1)); mutationChildren{i} = child; % Normally mutationChildren(i,:) end
type traveling_salesman_fitness.m
function scores = traveling_salesman_fitness(x,distances) %TRAVELING_SALESMAN_FITNESS Custom fitness function for TSP. % SCORES = TRAVELING_SALESMAN_FITNESS(X,DISTANCES) Calculate the fitness % of an individual. The fitness is the total distance traveled for an % ordered set of cities in X. DISTANCE(A,B) is the distance from the city % A to the city B. % Copyright 2004-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. scores = zeros(size(x,1),1); for j = 1:size(x,1) % here is where the special knowledge that the population is a cell % array is used. Normally, this would be pop(j,:); p = x{j}; f = distances(p(end),p(1)); for i = 2:length(p) f = f + distances(p(i-1),p(i)); end scores(j) = f; end
将只用一个参数 x
。我们可以使用一个匿名函数来获取额外的参数——距离矩阵的值。我们创建一个函数,将 FitnessFcn
处理为一个匿名函数,该函数接受一个输入 x
,但使用 x
和 distances
调用 traveling_salesman_fitness
。在创建函数 FitnessFcn
时,变量 distance
%distances defined earlier FitnessFcn = @(x) traveling_salesman_fitness(x,distances);
type traveling_salesman_plot.m
function state = traveling_salesman_plot(options,state,flag,locations) % TRAVELING_SALESMAN_PLOT Custom plot function for traveling salesman. % STATE = TRAVELING_SALESMAN_PLOT(OPTIONS,STATE,FLAG,LOCATIONS) Plot city % LOCATIONS and connecting route between them. This function is specific % to the traveling salesman problem. % Copyright 2004-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. persistent x y xx yy if strcmpi(flag,'init') load('usborder.mat','x','y','xx','yy'); end plot(x,y,'Color','red'); axis([-0.1 1.5 -0.2 1.2]); hold on; [unused,i] = min(state.Score); genotype = state.Population{i}; plot(locations(:,1),locations(:,2),'bo'); plot(locations(genotype,1),locations(genotype,2)); hold off
我们将再次使用一个匿名函数来创建一个匿名函数的函数句柄,该函数调用带有额外参数位置的 traveling_salesman_plot
%locations defined earlier my_plot = @(options,state,flag) traveling_salesman_plot(options, ... state,flag,locations);
options = optimoptions(@ga, 'PopulationType', 'custom','InitialPopulationRange', ... [1;cities]);
options = optimoptions(options,'CreationFcn',@create_permutations, ... 'CrossoverFcn',@crossover_permutation, ... 'MutationFcn',@mutate_permutation, ... 'PlotFcn', my_plot, ... 'MaxGenerations',500,'PopulationSize',60, ... 'MaxStallGenerations',200,'UseVectorized',true);
numberOfVariables = cities; [x,fval,reason,output] = ... ga(FitnessFcn,numberOfVariables,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],options)
ga stopped because it exceeded options.MaxGenerations.
x = {[14 12 36 3 5 11 40 25 38 37 7 30 28 10 23 21 27 4 1 29 26 31 9 24 16 19 13 8 18 2 22 34 6 35 20 17 15 39 33 32]}
fval = 5.3846
reason = 0
output = problemtype: 'unconstrained' rngstate: [1×1 struct] generations: 500 funccount: 28563 message: 'ga stopped because it exceeded options.MaxGenerations.' maxconstraint: [] hybridflag: []