本 Simulink 示例演示了逆运动学块如何驱动机械手沿指定轨迹运动。所需的轨迹被指定为机械手末端效应器的一系列紧密间隔姿势。轨迹生成和航点定义代表了许多机器人应用,如拾取和放置操作、根据空间加速度和速度曲线计算轨迹,甚至利用摄像头和计算机视觉模拟外部对关键帧的观察。轨迹生成后,逆运动学模块可将其转换为关节空间轨迹,然后用于模拟机械手和控制器的动态。
- Target Pose Generation 目标姿势生成
- Inverse Kinematics 逆运动学
- Manipulator Dynamics 机械手动力学
- Pose Measurement 姿势测量
1.1 Target Pose Generation 目标姿势生成
该状态流程图选择哪个航点作为操纵器的当前目标。一旦操纵器到达当前目标的容差范围内,图表就会将目标调整到下一个航点。该图表还通过 eul2tform 函数将航点的各组成部分转换并组合成一个同质变换。一旦没有更多的航点可选,图表就会终止模拟。
1.2 Inverse Kinematics 逆运动学
1.3 Manipulator Dynamics 机械手动力学
机械手动力学由两部分组成,一部分是用于产生扭矩信号的控制器,另一部分是用于模拟这些扭矩信号的机械手动力学模型。示例中的控制器使用通过机械手的反动力学计算得出的前馈组件和反馈 PD 控制器来修正误差。机械手的模型使用前向动力学模块,该模块与刚体树对象协同工作。如需更复杂的动力学和可视化技术,可考虑使用控制系统工具箱™ 块组和 Simscape Multibody™ 中的工具来替代前向动力学块。
1.4 Pose Measurement 姿势测量
本示例使用的机械手是 Rethink Sawyer™ 机器人机械手。描述机械手的刚体树(rigidBodyTree)对象是使用 importrobot 从 URDF(统一机器人描述格式)文件导入的。
% Import the manipulator as a rigidBodyTree Object sawyer = importrobot('sawyer.urdf'); sawyer.DataFormat = 'column'; % Define end-effector body name eeName = 'right_hand'; % Define the number of joints in the manipulator numJoints = 8; % Visualize the manipulator show(sawyer); xlim([-1.00 1.00]) ylim([-1.00 1.00]); zlim([-1.02 0.98]); view([128.88 10.45]);
在本例中,操纵器的目标是追踪出在图片 coins.png 中检测到的硬币的边界。首先,对图像进行处理,找出硬币的边界。
I = imread('coins.png'); bwBoundaries = imread('coinBoundaries.png'); figure subplot(1,2,1) imshow(I,'Border','tight') title('Original Image') subplot(1,2,2) imshow(bwBoundaries,'Border','tight') title('Processed Image with Boundary Detection')
经过图像处理后,硬币的边缘被提取为像素位置。边界是一个单元格数组,每个单元格包含一个数组,描述单个检测边界的像素坐标。关于如何生成这些数据的更全面信息,请参阅示例 “图像中的边界追踪”(需要使用图像处理工具箱)。
load boundaryData.mat boundaries whos boundaries
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes boundaries 10x1 25376 cell
% Image origin coordinates imageOrigin = [0.4,0.2,0.08]; % Scale factor to convert from pixels to physical distance scale = 0.0015;
eeOrientation = [0, pi, 0];
% Clear previous waypoints and begin building wayPoint array clear wayPoints % Start just above image origin waypt0 = [imageOrigin + [0 0 .2],eeOrientation]; % Touch the origin of the image waypt1 = [imageOrigin,eeOrientation]; % Interpolate each element for smooth motion to the origin of the image for i = 1:6 interp = linspace(waypt0(i),waypt1(i),100); wayPoints(:,i) = interp'; end
总共有 10 枚硬币。为了简化和提高速度,可以通过限制传递给航点的总数来追踪较少的硬币子集。该代码在图像中追踪的硬币数量为 3 枚。
% Define the number of coins to trace numTraces = 3; % Assemble the waypoints for boundary tracing for i = 1:min(numTraces, size(boundaries,1)) %Select a boundary and map to physical size segment = boundaries{i}*scale; % Pad data for approach waypoint and lift waypoint between boundaries segment = [segment(1,:); segment(:,:); segment(end,:)]; % Z-offset for moving between boundaries segment(1,3) = .02; segment(end,3) = .02; % Translate to origin of image cartesianCoord = imageOrigin + segment; % Repeat desired orientation to match the number of waypoints being added eulerAngles = repmat(eeOrientation,size(segment,1),1); % Append data to end of previous wayPoints wayPoints = [wayPoints; cartesianCoord, eulerAngles]; end
% Initialize size of q0, the robot joint configuration at t=0. This will % later be replaced by the first waypoint. q0 = zeros(numJoints,1); % Define a sampling rate for the simulation. Ts = .01; % Define a [1x6] vector of relative weights on the orientation and % position error for the inverse kinematics solver. weights = ones(1,6); % Transform the first waypoint to a Homogenous Transform Matrix for initialization initTargetPose = eul2tform(wayPoints(1,4:6)); initTargetPose(1:3,end) = wayPoints(1,1:3)'; % Solve for q0 such that the manipulator begins at the first waypoint ik = inverseKinematics('RigidBodyTree',sawyer); [q0,solInfo] = ik(eeName,initTargetPose,weights,q0);
要模拟该模型,请使用 sim 命令。模型会生成输出数据集 jointData,并在两个图中显示进度:
- X Y 图显示了机械手自上而下的追踪动作。当机械手从一个硬币轮廓过渡到下一个硬币轮廓时,圆圈之间会出现线条。
- 航点跟踪图显示的是三维进展情况。绿点表示目标位置。红点表示末端执行器通过反馈控制实现的实际末端执行器位置。
% Close currently open figures close all % Open & simulate the model open_system('IKTrajectoryControlExample.slx'); sim('IKTrajectoryControlExample.slx');
模型会输出两个数据集,用于模拟后的可视化。关节配置以 jointData 的形式提供。机器人末端执行器的姿势以 poseData 的形式输出。
% Remove unnecessary meshes for faster visualization clearMeshes(sawyer); % Data for mapping image [m,n] = size(I); [X,Y] = meshgrid(0:m,0:n); X = imageOrigin(1) + X*scale; Y = imageOrigin(2) + Y*scale; Z = zeros(size(X)); Z = Z + imageOrigin(3); % Close all open figures close all % Initialize a new figure window figure; set(gcf,'Visible','on'); % Plot the initial robot position show(sawyer, jointData(1,:)'); hold on % Initialize end effector plot position p = plot3(0,0,0,'.'); warp(X,Y,Z,I'); % Change view angle and axis view(65,45) axis([-.25 1 -.25 .75 0 0.75]) % Iterate through the outputs at 10-sample intervals to visualize the results for j = 1:10:length(jointData) % Display manipulator model show(sawyer,jointData(j,:)', 'Frames', 'off', 'PreservePlot', false); % Get end effector position from homoegenous transform output pos = poseData(1:3,4,j); % Update end effector position for plot p.XData = [p.XData pos(1)]; p.YData = [p.YData pos(2)]; p.ZData = [p.ZData pos(3)]; % Update figure drawnow end