PokéLLMon 源码解析(五)(4)

简介: PokéLLMon 源码解析(五)

PokéLLMon 源码解析(五)(3)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1483728


# 该模块包含与服务器配置相关的对象
from typing import NamedTuple
# 定义一个名为ServerConfiguration的命名元组,表示服务器配置对象,包含两个条目:服务器URL和认证端点URL
class ServerConfiguration(NamedTuple):
    server_url: str  # 服务器URL
    authentication_url: str  # 认证端点URL
# 使用本地主机和smogon的认证端点创建一个名为LocalhostServerConfiguration的ServerConfiguration对象
LocalhostServerConfiguration = ServerConfiguration(
    "localhost:8000", "https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/action.php?"
# 使用smogon的服务器和认证端点创建一个名为ShowdownServerConfiguration的ServerConfiguration对象
ShowdownServerConfiguration = ServerConfiguration(
    "sim.smogon.com:8000", "https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/action.php?"


# 导入所需的模块和类
from poke_env.ps_client.account_configuration import AccountConfiguration
from poke_env.ps_client.ps_client import PSClient
from poke_env.ps_client.server_configuration import (
# 定义 __all__ 列表,包含需要导出的模块和类
__all__ = [


# 该模块包含与统计相关的实用函数和对象
import math
from typing import List
from poke_env.data import GenData
# 定义将统计名称映射到索引的字典
    "hp": 0,
    "atk": 1,
    "def": 2,
    "spa": 3,
    "spd": 4,
    "spe": 5,
    "satk": 3,
    "sdef": 4,
# 计算原始统计值的函数
def _raw_stat(base: int, ev: int, iv: int, level: int, nature_multiplier: float) -> int:
    """Converts to raw stat
    :param base: the base stat
    :param ev: Stat Effort Value (EV)
    :param iv: Stat Individual Values (IV)
    :param level: pokemon level
    :param nature_multiplier: stat multiplier of the nature (either 0.9, 1 or 1.1)
    :return: the raw stat
    s = math.floor(
        (5 + math.floor((math.floor(ev / 4) + iv + 2 * base) * level / 100))
        * nature_multiplier
    return int(s)
# 计算原始 HP 值的函数
def _raw_hp(base: int, ev: int, iv: int, level: int) -> int:
    """Converts to raw hp
    :param base: the base stat
    :param ev: HP Effort Value (EV)
    :param iv: HP Individual Value (IV)
    :param level: pokemon level
    :return: the raw hp
    s = math.floor((math.floor(ev / 4) + iv + 2 * base) * level / 100) + level + 10
    return int(s)
# 计算原始统计值的函数
def compute_raw_stats(
    species: str, evs: List[int], ivs: List[int], level: int, nature: str, data: GenData
) -> List[int]:
    """Converts to raw stats
    :param species: pokemon species
    :param evs: list of pokemon's EVs (size 6)
    :param ivs: list of pokemon's IVs (size 6)
    :param level: pokemon level
    :param nature: pokemon nature
    :return: the raw stats in order [hp, atk, def, spa, spd, spe]
    assert len(evs) == 6
    assert len(ivs) == 6
    base_stats = [0] * 6
    # 从数据中获取种类的基础统计值
    for stat, value in data.pokedex[species]["baseStats"].items():
        base_stats[STATS_TO_IDX[stat]] = value
    nature_multiplier = [1.0] * 6
    # 从数据中获取自然属性的统计值倍增器
    for stat, multiplier in data.natures[nature].items():
        if stat != "num":
            nature_multiplier[STATS_TO_IDX[stat]] = multiplier
    raw_stats = [0] * 6
    # 如果精灵种类是"shedinja",则将生命值设为1
    if species == "shedinja":
        raw_stats[0] = 1
    # 否则,根据基础状态值、努力值、个体值和等级计算生命值
        raw_stats[0] = _raw_hp(base_stats[0], evs[0], ivs[0], level)
    # 遍历除生命值外的其他五项状态值
    for i in range(1, 6):
        # 根据基础状态值、努力值、个体值、等级和性格系数计算状态值
        raw_stats[i] = _raw_stat(
            base_stats[i], evs[i], ivs[i], level, nature_multiplier[i]
    # 返回计算后的状态值列表
    return raw_stats


"""This module defines the ConstantTeambuilder class, which is a subclass of
ShowdownTeamBuilder that yields a constant team.
# 导入Teambuilder类
from poke_env.teambuilder.teambuilder import Teambuilder
# 定义ConstantTeambuilder类,继承自Teambuilder类
class ConstantTeambuilder(Teambuilder):
    # 初始化方法,接受一个team字符串作为参数
    def __init__(self, team: str):
        # 如果team字符串中包含"|",则直接将其赋值给converted_team属性
        if "|" in team:
            self.converted_team = team
        # 如果team字符串中不包含"|",则解析team字符串并将解析后的结果赋值给converted_team属性
            mons = self.parse_showdown_team(team)
            self.converted_team = self.join_team(mons)
    # 返回converted_team属性的值
    def yield_team(self) -> str:
        return self.converted_team


"""This module defines the Teambuilder abstract class, which represents objects yielding
Pokemon Showdown teams in the context of communicating with Pokemon Showdown.
# 导入所需的模块
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List
from poke_env.stats import STATS_TO_IDX
from poke_env.teambuilder.teambuilder_pokemon import TeambuilderPokemon
# 定义 Teambuilder 抽象类
class Teambuilder(ABC):
    """Teambuilder objects allow the generation of teams by Player instances.
    They must implement the yield_team method, which must return a valid
    packed-formatted showdown team every time it is called.
    This format is a custom format described in Pokemon's showdown protocol
    This class also implements a helper function to convert teams from the classical
    showdown team text format into the packed-format.
    def yield_team(self) -> str:
        """Returns a packed-format team."""
    def join_team(team: List[TeambuilderPokemon]) -> str:
        """Converts a list of TeambuilderPokemon objects into the corresponding packed
        showdown team format.
        :param team: The list of TeambuilderPokemon objects that form the team.
        :type team: list of TeambuilderPokemon
        :return: The formatted team string.
        :rtype: str"""
        # 将给定的 TeambuilderPokemon 对象列表转换为对应的打包格式的 showdown 队伍格式
        return "]".join([mon.formatted for mon in team])
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