reduceToImage(properties, reducer)
Creates an image from a feature collection by applying a reducer over the selected properties of all the features that intersect each pixel.
this:collection (FeatureCollection):
Feature collection to intersect with each output pixel.
properties (List):
Properties to select from each feature and pass into the reducer.
reducer (Reducer):
A Reducer to combine the properties of each intersecting feature into a final result to store in the pixel.
Returns: Image
simplify(maxError, proj)
Simplifies the geometry of a feature to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.
This overrides the default Earth Engine policy for propagating error margins, so regardless of the geometry accuracy requested from the output, the inputs will be requested with the error margin specified in the arguments to this algorithm. This results in consistent rendering at all zoom levels of a rendered vector map, but at lower zoom levels (i.e. zoomed out), the geometry won't be simplified, which may harm performance.
将特征的几何简化到给定的误差范围内。 请注意,这不考虑该算法的使用者请求的误差幅度,除非 maxError 明确指定为 null。
这会覆盖用于传播误差范围的默认 Earth Engine 策略,因此无论从输出请求的几何精度如何,都将使用此算法的参数中指定的误差范围来请求输入。 这会导致在渲染矢量图的所有缩放级别上呈现一致的渲染,但在较低的缩放级别(即缩小)下,几何图形不会被简化,这可能会损害性能。
this:feature (Element):
The feature whose geometry is being simplified.
maxError (ErrorMargin):
The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.
proj (Projection, default: null):
If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
Returns: Feature
var feat_col = ee.FeatureCollection('users/spotter/fire_cnn/buffered_polys/2015') print(feat_col.first()) Map.addLayer(feat_col, {}, 'Features ') var img = feat_col.reduceToImage({ properties: ['Year'], reducer: ee.Reducer.mean() }) print(img) Map.addLayer(img, {}, 'Image')
var img = feat_col.reduceToImage({ properties: ["Date",'Day',"ID","Month",'Year',"count","label"], reducer: ee.Reducer.mean() }) print(img)