法国(大陆)5米DEM IGN RGE Alti
RGE ALTI® 5米数据集描述了法国的地面高程,空间分辨率为5x5米。它由国家地理和森林信息研究所(IGN - https://www.ign.fr/)制作。IGN或国家地理和森林信息研究所,是国家地理和森林信息的运营商。该研究所介入支持公共风险预防和区域规划政策的评估和实施,完整的数据集描述可在此获得。RGE ALTI®是通过机载激光雷达获得的调查或通过航空图像的相关性进行更新。你可以在这里找到数据集描述。你也可以在这里找到该文件的谷歌翻译版本的英文。
数据集由Guillaume Attard从ASCII文件中进行预处理,并转换为子区域数据集。然后,这些图像被合并为一个单一的地球引擎图像。
Ministry of xxx—Original data downloaded from http://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/ datasets/xxx/, updated on 14 February 2017.
var rge_alti5 = ee.Image("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/IGN_RGE_Alti_5m"); Map.centerObject(rge_alti5,6) Map.addLayer(rge_alti5, {}, 'elev', false); // Use the terrain algorithms to compute a hillshade with 8-bit values. var shade = ee.Terrain.hillshade(rge_alti5); Map.addLayer(shade, {}, 'hillshade', false); // Create an "ocean" variable to be used for cartographic purposes var ocean = rge_alti5.lte(0); Map.addLayer(ocean.mask(ocean), {palette:'000022'}, 'ocean', false); // Create a custom elevation palette from hex strings. var elevationPalette = ['006600', '002200', 'fff700', 'ab7634', 'c4d0ff', 'ffffff']; // Use these visualization parameters, customized by location. var visParams = {min: 1, max: 3000, palette: elevationPalette}; // Create a mosaic of the ocean and the elevation data var visualized = ee.ImageCollection([ // Mask the elevation to get only land rge_alti5.mask(ocean.not()).visualize(visParams), // Use the ocean mask directly to display ocean. ocean.mask(ocean).visualize({palette:'000022'}) ]).mosaic(); // Note that the visualization image doesn't require visualization parameters. Map.addLayer(visualized, {}, 'elev palette');
The dataset is licensed under a Etalab Open License 2.0. The “Reuser” is free to reuse the “Information” - to reproduce it, copy it, - to adapt, modify, extract and transform it, to create "Derived Information", products or services, - to communicate, distribute, redistribute, publish and transmit it, - to exploit it for commercial purposes, for example by combining it with other information, or by including it in its own product or application.
Created by: National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN)
Curated in GEE by: Guillaume Attard and Samapriya Roy
Keywords: digital elevation model, terrain, remote sensing, France