高级加密标准(AES,Advanced Encryption Standard)为最常见的对称加密算法(微信小程序加密传输就是用这个加密算法的)。
经过三轮的筛选,比利时Joan Daeman和Vincent Rijmen提交的Rijndael算法被提议为AES的最终算法。此算法将成为美国新的数据加密标准而被广泛应用在各个领域中。尽管人们对AES还有不同的看法,但总体来说,AES作为新一代的数据加密标准汇聚了强安全性、高性能、高效率、易用和灵活等优点。
AES设计有三个密钥长度:128,192,256位,相对而言,AES的128密钥比DES的56密钥强1021倍[2]。由于历史原因,JDK默认只支持不大于128 bits的密钥,而128 bits的key已能够满足商用安全需求。
AES属于块加密(Block Cipher),块加密中有CBC、ECB、CTR、OFB、CFB等几种工作模式。
- 明文P
- AES加密函数
设AES加密函数为E,则 C = E(K, P),其中P为明文,K为密钥,C为密文。也就是说,把明文P和密钥K作为加密函数的参数输入,则加密函数E会输出密文C。
- 密文C
- AES解密函数
设AES解密函数为D,则 P = D(K, C),其中C为密文,K为密钥,P为明文。也就是说,把密文C和密钥K作为解密函数的参数输入,则解密函数会输出明文P。
- 对称加密算法
- 非对称加密算法
Cipher的java doc 如下:
Open Declaration javax.crypto.Cipher This class provides the functionality of a cryptographic cipher for encryption and decryption. //该类提供了密码功能以实现加密和解密 It forms the core of the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) framework. //它是JCE框架的核心(Java 加密 扩展) In order to create a Cipher object, the application calls the Cipher's getInstance method, and passes the name of the requested transformation to it. Optionally, the name of a provider may be specified. // 为了创建一个密码对象,你需要调用Cipher类的getInstance()方法,并传想要使用的转换名字作为参数。当然了,你可以随意指定这个算法名字,比如 AES/DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding. A transformation is a string that describes the operation (or set of operations) to be performed on the given input, to produce some output. //一个转换过程是描述要在给定输入上执行的操作(或一组操作)的字符串,以产生一些输出。 A transformation always includes the name of a cryptographic algorithm (e.g., DES), and may be followed by a feedback mode and padding scheme. //转换总是包含加密算法(例如DES)的名称,并且随后可以使用反馈模式和填充方案。 A transformation is of the form: •"algorithm/mode/padding" or •"algorithm" (in the latter case, provider-specific default values for the mode and padding scheme are used). // 转换的表现形式如下:① 算法名/模式/填充;② 算法名;。后一种情况下,模式和填充方案使用供应商指定的默认值。 For example, the following is a valid transformation: Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); Using modes such as CFB and OFB, block ciphers can encrypt data in units smaller than the cipher's actual block size. When requesting such a mode, you may optionally specify the number of bits to be processed at a time by appending this number to the mode name as shown in the "DES/CFB8/NoPadding" and "DES/OFB32/PKCS5Padding" transformations. If no such number is specified, a provider-specific default is used. (For example, the SunJCE provider uses a default of 64 bits for DES.) Thus, block ciphers can be turned into byte-oriented stream ciphers by using an 8 bit mode such as CFB8 or OFB8. Modes such as Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) provide authenticity assurances for both confidential data and Additional Associated Data (AAD) that is not encrypted. //模式如认证加密相关的数据(AEAD)对机密数据和额外的相关数据(AAD,是不加密的)提供真实性的保证。 (Please see RFC 5116 for more information on AEAD and AEAD algorithms such as GCM/CCM.) //(请参阅RFC 5116对失效和失效算法如GCM和CCM的更多信息。) Both confidential and AAD data can be used when calculating the authentication tag (similar to a Mac). This tag is appended to the ciphertext during encryption, and is verified on decryption. AEAD modes such as GCM/CCM perform all AAD authenticity calculations before starting the ciphertext authenticity calculations. To avoid implementations having to internally buffer ciphertext, all AAD data must be supplied to GCM/CCM implementations (via the updateAAD methods) before the ciphertext is processed (via the update and doFinal methods). Note that GCM mode has a uniqueness requirement on IVs used in encryption with a given key. //注意,当使用给定key进行加密是,GCM模式还对IVS有唯一性要求 When IVs are repeated for GCM encryption, such usages are subject to forgery attacks. //当IVs在GCM加密过程中重复时,很可能会受伪造攻击。 Thus, after each encryption operation using GCM mode, callers should re-initialize the cipher objects with GCM parameters which has a different IV value. //因此,在使用GCM模式进行每次加密操作之后,调用者应该重新初始化具有不同IV值的GCM参数的密码对象。 GCMParameterSpec s = ...; cipher.init(..., s); // If the GCM parameters were generated by the provider, it can // be retrieved by: // cipher.getParameters().getParameterSpec(GCMParameterSpec.class); cipher.updateAAD(...); // AAD cipher.update(...); // Multi-part update cipher.doFinal(...); // conclusion of operation // Use a different IV value for every encryption byte[] newIv = ...; s = new GCMParameterSpec(s.getTLen(), newIv); cipher.init(..., s); ... Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support the following standard Cipher transformations with the keysizes in parentheses: //java平台的每一个实现都要求支持一下标准密码转换(使用括号内的keysize)。 •AES/CBC/NoPadding (128) •AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding (128) •AES/ECB/NoPadding (128) •AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding (128) •DES/CBC/NoPadding (56) •DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding (56) •DES/ECB/NoPadding (56) •DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding (56) •DESede/CBC/NoPadding (168) •DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding (168) •DESede/ECB/NoPadding (168) •DESede/ECB/PKCS5Padding (168) •RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding (1024, 2048) •RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-1AndMGF1Padding (1024, 2048) •RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding (1024, 2048) These transformations are described in the Cipher section of the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation. Consult the release documentation for your implementation to see if any other transformations are supported.
密钥长度(Key Size)
加密模式(Cipher Mode)
初始向量(Initialization Vector)
- 不指定mode/padding和IV。
package com.hh.common.encrypt; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * AES对称加密和解密 */ public class AesUtil { /** * 加密 * aes(src.getBytes,key) * @param encryptStr * @return */ public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] src, String key) throws Exception { // 返回实现指定算法的密码对象实例 Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); // 根据key产生指定算法的秘钥 SecretKeySpec securekey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(),"AES"); //设置密钥和加密形式 cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, securekey); // 依据init,执行具体操作 byte[] doFinal = cipher.doFinal(src); return doFinal; } /** * 加密 * base64(aes(src,key)) * @param encryptStr * @return */ public static String encryptBase64(String src, String key) throws Exception { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); SecretKeySpec securekey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(),"AES"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, securekey);//设置密钥和加密形式 byte[] doFinal = cipher.doFinal(src.getBytes()); String encode = Base64Util.encode(doFinal); return encode; } /** * 解密 * aes(src.getBytes,key) * @param decryptStr * @return * @throws Exception */ public static byte[] decrypt(byte[] src, String key) throws Exception { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); SecretKeySpec securekey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "AES");//设置加密Key cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, securekey);//设置密钥和解密形式 return cipher.doFinal(src); } /** * 解密 * decryptBase64--->decryptAes * @param decryptStr * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String decryptBase64(String src, String key) throws Exception { byte[] decode = Base64Util.decode(src); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); SecretKeySpec securekey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "AES");//设置加密Key cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, securekey);//设置密钥和解密形式 byte[] doFinal = cipher.doFinal(decode); return new String(doFinal); } }
- 指定mode/padding和IV。
package com.hh.common.encrypt; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; public class AesUtil2 { /** * [加密]<BR> *base64(aes) * @param sSrc 源字符串 * @param sKey 加密key * @return 加密后字符串 * @throws Exception 异常抛出 */ public static String encrypt(String sSrc, String sKey) throws Exception { if (sKey == null) { return null; } // 判断Key是否为16位 if (sKey.length() != 16) { return null; } // 返回实现指定算法的密码对象实例 Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); // 根据key产生指定算法的秘钥 byte[] raw = sKey.getBytes(); SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(raw, "AES"); IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec("0102030405060708".getBytes()); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, iv); byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(sSrc.getBytes()); //此处使用BASE64做转码功能,同时能起到2次加密的作用。 return Base64Util.encode(encrypted); } /** * [解密]<BR> *decryptBase64--->decryptAes * @param sSrc 源字符串 * @param sKey 解密key * @return 解密后字符串 * @throws Exception 异常抛出 */ public static String decrypt(String sSrc, String sKey) throws Exception { try { // 判断Key是否正确 if (sKey == null) { return null; } // 判断Key是否为16位 if (sKey.length() != 16) { return null; } Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec( "0102030405060708".getBytes()); byte[] raw = sKey.getBytes("ASCII"); SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(raw, "AES"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, iv); byte[] encrypted1 = Base64Util.decode(sSrc); try { byte[] original = cipher.doFinal(encrypted1); String originalString = new String(original); return originalString; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }
@Test public void testAes(){ String key = "1020457fddsaf774"; String src = "今天下雪了"; try { String encryptBase64 = AesUtil.encryptBase64(src, key); System.out.println("AesUtil 加密 : "+encryptBase64); String decryptBase64 = AesUtil.decryptBase64(encryptBase64,key); System.out.println("AesUtil 解密 : "+decryptBase64); String encryptBase642 = AesUtil2.encrypt(src, key); System.out.println("AesUtil2 加密 : "+encryptBase642); String decryptBase642 = AesUtil2.decrypt(encryptBase642,key); System.out.println("AesUtil2 解密 : "+decryptBase642); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
AesUtil 加密 : QluEM37CA+LM1CW7heLhng==
AesUtil 解密 : 今天下雪了
AesUtil2 加密 : dMSibYtBbF1CoPRGw/wzKA==
AesUtil2 解密 : 今天下雪了
需要注意的是,加密后的结果转换为字符串,可能会有"+“存在,在网络传输过程中,有可能被编码为” "!