1. 下载miniconda
点击Miniconda3 Windows 64-bit下载
2. 安装miniconda
# 查看有那些虚拟环境 conda env list # 查看有某个虚拟环境有那些包 conda list
3. miniconda换源
step1 Anaconda Prompt下输入以下命令 生成.condarc文件
conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
step2 找到.condarc文件,一般该文件在目录C:\Users\用户名 路径下
step3 以记事本打开.condarc,修改内容为:
channels: - defaults show_channel_urls: true default_channels: - https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/main - https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/r - https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/msys2 custom_channels: conda-forge: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud msys2: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud bioconda: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud menpo: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud pytorch: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud pytorch-lts: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud simpleitk: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud deepmodeling: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/
step4 运行 conda clean -i 清除索引缓存,保证用的是镜像站提供的索引。
conda clean -i
step5 输入以下命令将会显示conda的配置信息, 换源成功!!
conda config --show
4. 安装pytorch
The following is the corresponding torchvision versions and supported Python
torch torchvision Python
main / nightly main / nightly >=3.8, <=3.11
2.1 0.16 >=3.8, <=3.11
2.0 0.15 >=3.8, <=3.11
1.13 0.14 >=3.7.2, <=3.10
older versions
torch torchvision Python
1.12 0.13 >=3.7, <=3.10
1.11 0.12 >=3.7, <=3.10
1.10 0.11 >=3.6, <=3.9
1.9 0.10 >=3.6, <=3.9
1.8 0.9 >=3.6, <=3.9
1.7 0.8 >=3.6, <=3.9
1.6 0.7 >=3.6, <=3.8
1.5 0.6 >=3.5, <=3.8
1.4 0.5 ==2.7, >=3.5, <=3.8
1.3 0.4.2 / 0.4.3 ==2.7, >=3.5, <=3.7
1.2 0.4.1 ==2.7, >=3.5, <=3.7
1.1 0.3 ==2.7, >=3.5, <=3.7
<=1.0 0.2 ==2.7, >=3.5, <=3.7
考虑后期开发需要yolov8,所以创建python3.8.10虚拟环境 `torch`=`1.12` ,`torchvision` =`0.13`
# 创建新的环境 conda create -n mytorch python==3.8.10 # 激活环境 conda activate mytorch # 删除环境 conda remove -n mytorch --all # 退出当前环境 conda deactivate
# 激活环境 conda activate mytorch
# CUDA 10.2 conda install pytorch==1.12.0 torchvision==0.13.0 torchaudio==0.12.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch # CUDA 11.3 conda install pytorch==1.12.0 torchvision==0.13.0 torchaudio==0.12.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch # CUDA 11.6 conda install pytorch==1.12.0 torchvision==0.13.0 torchaudio==0.12.0 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge # CPU Only conda install pytorch==1.12.0 torchvision==0.13.0 torchaudio==0.12.0 cpuonly -c pytorch
5. 测试是否安装成功
import torch import torchvision # 该指令显示pytorch版本 print(torch.__version__) # 若cuda已安装,将显示true torch.cuda.is_available()
国内使用 pip命令安装包时,有时候会因为国外服务器的原因,安装速度过慢,使用国内镜像源安装包,速度会灰常快滴。以下是国内镜像源:
pip 后面 加上 -i参数,再加上面的镜像源即可,示例如下:
pip install requests -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/
6. 问题:
7. 总结
import os import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import torch from UR_Robot_real import UR_Robot_real from inference.post_process import post_process_output from utils.data.camera_data import CameraData from utils.dataset_processing.grasp import detect_grasps from utils.visualisation.plot import plot_grasp import cv2 from PIL import Image import torchvision.transforms as transforms import yaml import pyrealsense2 as rs from ultralytics.yolo.utils.torch_utils import select_device, time_sync # from utils.general import ( # check_img_size, non_max_suppression, apply_classifier, scale_coords, # xyxy2xywh, strip_optimizer, set_logging) from ultralytics.yolo.utils.checks import check_imgsz from ultralytics.yolo.utils.ops import non_max_suppression, scale_coords from ultralytics.yolo.utils import LOGGER from ultralytics import YOLO from ultralytics.yolo.data.dataloaders.v5loader import LoadStreams, LoadImages, letterbox # from models.experimental import attempt_load, from ultralytics.nn.tasks import attempt_load_weights, attempt_load_one_weight from ultralytics import YOLO tool_xyz = np.asarray([-0.1, 0.25, 0.34]) tool_orientation = np.asarray([-np.pi,0,0]) hole_xyz = np.asarray([-0.105, -0.305, 0.345]) hole_orientation = np.asarray([np.pi/2,np.pi,0]) camera_target_position = np.asarray([[0],[0],[0],[1]]) target_position = np.asarray([-0.105, -0.305, 0.345]) image_wide_size = 640 image_high_size = 480 # PyTorch # YoloV5-PyTorch BH_yaml_path = 'weights/yolov8n.yaml' with open(BH_yaml_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: yolov8 = yaml.load(f.read(), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) color_dict = {} # 创建一个空的字典来存储数字与颜色的对应关系 # 生成每个类别的颜色 for class_id in range(yolov8['nc']): color = [np.random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)] # 生成一个随机颜色 color_dict[class_id] = color # 将数字和颜色添加到字典中 class PlaneGraspClass: def __init__(self, saved_model_path=None,use_cuda=True,visualize=False,include_rgb=True,include_depth=True,output_size=300): if saved_model_path==None: saved_model_path = 'logs\\230802_1421_training_jacquard\epoch_30_iou_1.00' # saved_model_path = 'trained-models/jacquard-rgbd-grconvnet3-drop0-ch32/epoch_48_iou_0.93' self.model = torch.load(saved_model_path) # YOLOV5模型配置文件(YAML格式)的路径 yolov5_yaml_path self.model1 = YOLO("weights/best1.pt") # model = YoloV8(yolov8_yaml_path='ultralytics/models/v8/yolov8.yaml') print("[INFO] 完成YoloV8模型加载") self.device = "cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu" self.visualize = visualize self.cam_data = CameraData(include_rgb=include_rgb,include_depth=include_depth,output_size=output_size) # Load camera pose and depth scale (from running calibration) self.ur_robot = UR_Robot_real(tcp_host_ip="", tcp_port=30003, workspace_limits=None, is_use_robotiq85=True, is_use_camera=True) self.cam_pose = self.ur_robot.cam_pose self.cam_depth_scale = self.ur_robot.cam_depth_scale self.intrinsic = self.ur_robot.cam_intrinsics if self.visualize: self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) else: self.fig = None def get_aligned_images(self): # frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames() # 等待获取图像帧 # aligned_frames = align.process(frames) # 获取对齐帧 # aligned_depth_frame = aligned_frames.get_depth_frame() # 获取对齐帧中的depth帧 # color_frame = aligned_frames.get_color_frame() # 获取对齐帧中的color帧 aligned_depth_frame, color_frame= self.ur_robot.get_camera_data1() # meter ############### 相机参数的获取 ####################### intr = color_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile().intrinsics # 获取相机内参 depth_intrin = aligned_depth_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile( ).intrinsics # 获取深度参数(像素坐标系转相机坐标系会用到) '''camera_parameters = {'fx': intr.fx, 'fy': intr.fy, 'ppx': intr.ppx, 'ppy': intr.ppy, 'height': intr.height, 'width': intr.width, 'depth_scale': profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor().get_depth_scale() }''' # 保存内参到本地 # with open('./intrinsics.json', 'w') as fp: # json.dump(camera_parameters, fp) ####################################################### depth_image = np.asanyarray(aligned_depth_frame.get_data()) # 深度图(默认16位) depth_image_8bit = cv2.convertScaleAbs(depth_image, alpha=0.03) # 深度图(8位) depth_image_3d = np.dstack( (depth_image_8bit, depth_image_8bit, depth_image_8bit)) # 3通道深度图 color_image = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data()) # RGB图 # 返回相机内参、深度参数、彩色图、深度图、齐帧中的depth帧 return intr, depth_intrin, color_image, depth_image, aligned_depth_frame def camera_xyz_list_function(self): # Wait for a coherent pair of frames: depth and color intr, depth_intrin, color_image, depth_image, aligned_depth_frame = self.get_aligned_images() # 获取对齐的图像与相机内参 time.sleep(4) intr, depth_intrin, color_image, depth_image, aligned_depth_frame = self.get_aligned_images() # 获取对齐的图像与相机内参 # Convert images to numpy arrays # Apply colormap on depth image (image must be converted to 8-bit per pixel first) depth_colormap = cv2.applyColorMap(cv2.convertScaleAbs( depth_image, alpha=0.03), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # Stack both images horizontally images = np.hstack((color_image, depth_colormap)) # Show images camera_xyz_list = [] t_start = time.time() # 开始计时 # YoloV8 目标检测 results = self.model1.predict(color_image) xyxy_list = results[0].boxes.xyxy conf_list = results[0].boxes.conf class_id_list = results[0].boxes.cls canvas = np.copy(color_image) t_end = time.time() # 结束计时 for i in range(len(xyxy_list)): if conf_list[i] > 0.6: x_min = int(xyxy_list[i][0]) y_min = int(xyxy_list[i][1]) x_max = int(xyxy_list[i][2]) y_max = int(xyxy_list[i][3]) if x_min < image_wide_size and y_min < image_high_size and x_max < image_wide_size and y_max < image_high_size: dis_min = aligned_depth_frame.get_distance(x_min, y_min) dis_max = aligned_depth_frame.get_distance(x_max, y_max) dis = (dis_min + dis_max) / 2 ux = int((x_min + x_max) / 2) uy = int((y_min + y_max) / 2) camera_xyz = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point( depth_intrin, (ux, uy), dis) # 计算相机坐标系的xyz camera_xyz = np.round(np.array(camera_xyz), 3) # 转成3位小数 camera_xyz = camera_xyz.tolist() camera_xyz_list.append(camera_xyz) num_cls = int(class_id_list[i].item()) label = '%s ' % (yolov8['class_name'][num_cls]) color = color_dict[num_cls] cv2.putText(canvas, label + str(round(conf_list[i].item(), 2)), (int(xyxy_list[i][0]), int(xyxy_list[i][1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(canvas, (int(xyxy_list[i][0]), int(xyxy_list[i][1])), (int(xyxy_list[i][2]), int(xyxy_list[i][3])), color, 2) cv2.circle(canvas, (ux, uy), 4, (255, 255, 255), 5) # 标出中心点 cv2.putText(canvas, str(camera_xyz), (ux + 20, uy + 10), 0, 1, [225, 255, 255], thickness=2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # 标出坐标 fps = int(1.0 / (t_end - t_start)) cv2.putText(canvas, text="FPS: {}".format(fps), org=(50, 50), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, thickness=2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, color=(0, 0, 0)) cv2.namedWindow('detection', flags=cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL | cv2.WINDOW_KEEPRATIO | cv2.WINDOW_GUI_EXPANDED) cv2.imshow('detection', canvas) return camera_xyz_list, t_end, t_start, canvas def generate(self): target1_position= [0,0,0] destination1=np.append(hole_xyz,hole_orientation) self.ur_robot.move_j_p(destination1) xyz_list, t_end, t_start, canvas = self.camera_xyz_list_function() xyz_list = np.asarray(xyz_list) index=xyz_list.shape[0] print(xyz_list) # target1_position[0] = hole_xyz[0]+xyz_list[0,0]-0.043 # target1_position[1] = hole_xyz[1]- xyz_list[0,2]+0.28 # target1_position[2] = hole_xyz[2]+xyz_list[0,1]+0.075 # target1_position= np.asarray(target1_position) # target1_position = np.append(target1_position,hole_orientation) # print(target1_position) # self.ur_robot.move_j_p(target1_position) for i in range(index): # time.sleep(1.5) # # 添加fps显示 self.ur_robot.move_j([-(0 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, -(90 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, (0 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, -(90 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, -(0 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, 0.0])# return home # time.sleep(1.5) ## if you want to use RGBD from camera,use me # Get RGB-D image from camera grasp_home = np.append(tool_xyz,tool_orientation) self.ur_robot.move_j_p(grasp_home) time.sleep(1.5) rgb, depth= self.ur_robot.get_camera_data() # meter depth = depth *self.cam_depth_scale depth[depth >1]=0 # distance > 1.2m ,remove it ## if you don't have realsense camera, use me # num =2 # change me num=[1:6],and you can see the result in '/result' file # rgb_path = f"./cmp{num}.png" # depth_path = f"./hmp{num}.png" # rgb = np.array(Image.open(rgb_path)) # depth = np.array(Image.open(depth_path)).astype(np.float32) # depth = depth * self.cam_depth_scale # depth[depth > 1.2] = 0 # distance > 1.2m ,remove it depth= np.expand_dims(depth, axis=2) x, depth_img, rgb_img = self.cam_data.get_data(rgb=rgb, depth=depth) time.sleep(1.5) x, depth_img, rgb_img = self.cam_data.get_data(rgb=rgb, depth=depth) rgb = cv2.cvtColor(rgb,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) with torch.no_grad(): xc = x.to(self.device) pred = self.model.predict(xc) q_img, ang_img, width_img = post_process_output(pred['pos'], pred['cos'], pred['sin'], pred['width']) grasps = detect_grasps(q_img, ang_img, width_img) # np.save(self.grasp_pose, grasp_pose) if self.visualize: plot_grasp(fig=self.fig, rgb_img=self.cam_data.get_rgb(rgb, False), grasps=grasps, save=True) if len(grasps) ==0: print("Detect 0 grasp pose!") if self.visualize: plot_grasp(fig=self.fig, rgb_img=self.cam_data.get_rgb(rgb, False), grasps=grasps, save=True) return False ## For real UR robot # Get grasp position from model output pos_z = depth[grasps[0].center[0] + self.cam_data.top_left[0], grasps[0].center[1] + self.cam_data.top_left[1]] pos_x = np.multiply(grasps[0].center[1] + self.cam_data.top_left[1] - self.intrinsic[0][2], pos_z / self.intrinsic[0][0]) pos_y = np.multiply(grasps[0].center[0] + self.cam_data.top_left[0] - self.intrinsic[1][2], pos_z / self.intrinsic[1][1]) if pos_z == 0: return False target = np.asarray([pos_x, pos_y, pos_z]) target.shape = (3, 1) # Convert camera to robot coordinates camera2tool = self.cam_pose target_position = self.ur_robot.target1_position(camera2tool, tool_orientation, tool_xyz, target) # print(target_position) # Convert camera to robot angle angle = np.asarray([0, 0, grasps[0].angle]) angle.shape = (3, 1) target_angle = self.ur_robot.target1_angle(camera2tool, tool_orientation, angle) angle.shape = (1,3) # print(target_angle) # target_angle = np.dot(camera2robot[0:3, 0:3], angle) # compute gripper width width = grasps[0].length # mm if width < 25: # detect error width = 70 elif width <40: width =45 elif width > 85: width = 85 # Concatenate grasp pose with grasp angle grasp_pose = np.append(target_position, target_angle[2]) print('grasp_pose: ', grasp_pose) print('grasp_width: ',grasps[0].length) destination=np.append([grasp_pose[0],grasp_pose[1],grasp_pose[2]],tool_orientation) print(destination) # self.ur_robot.move_j_p(destination) # hole targrt destination target1_position[0] = hole_xyz[0]+xyz_list[i,0]-0.037 target1_position[1] = hole_xyz[1]- xyz_list[i,2]+0.18 target1_position[2] = hole_xyz[2]+xyz_list[i,1]+0.066 target1_position= np.asarray(target1_position) target1_position = np.append(target1_position,hole_orientation) print(target1_position) # self.ur_robot.move_j_p(target1_position) # target_position[0] = hole_xyz[0]+xyz_list[i,0] # target_position[1] = hole_xyz[1]- xyz_list[i,2]+0.25 # target_position[2] = hole_xyz[2]+xyz_list[i,1] # target_position = np.append(target_position,hole_orientation) # self.ur_robot.move_j_p(target_position) success = self.ur_robot.plane_grasp_hole([grasp_pose[0],grasp_pose[1],grasp_pose[2]],target1_position, yaw=grasp_pose[3], open_size=width/100) if success==True: print("success:",i+1) elif success==False: print("unsuccess") break print("Grasp and full success:",i+1) self.ur_robot.move_j([-(0 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, -(90 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, (0 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, -(90 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, -(0 / 360.0) * 2 * np.pi, 0.0])# return home ## For having not real robot # if self.visualize: # plot_grasp(fig=self.fig, rgb_img=self.cam_data.get_rgb(rgb, False), grasps=grasps, save=True) # return True if __name__ == '__main__': g = PlaneGraspClass( # saved_model_path='/home/robot/UR_grasping_net/robotic-grasping-explosives/logs/230801_0934_training_jacquard/epoch_34_iou_1.00', # saved_model_path='/home/robot/UR_grasping_net/robotic-grasping-explosives/logs/230801_2225_training_jacquard/epoch_44_iou_1.00', saved_model_path = 'logs/230802_0918_training_jacquard/epoch_31_iou_1.00', # saved_model_path='/home/robot/UR_grasping_net/robotic-grasping-explosives/logs/230802_1421_training_jacquard/epoch_20_iou_1.00', visualize=True, include_rgb=True ) g.generate()