<!--保存用户信息--> <insert id="save"> insert into mainsite_product_message <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="customerName != null and customerName != ''"> customer_name, </if> <if test="customerPhone != null and customerPhone != ''"> customer_phone, </if> <if test="customerEmail != null and customerEmail != ''"> customer_email, </if> <if test="createTime != null"> create_time, </if> <if test="customerStatus != null and customerStatus != ''"> customer_status, </if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="customerName != null and customerName != ''"> #{customerName}, </if> <if test="customerPhone != null and customerPhone != ''"> #{customerPhone}, </if> <if test="customerEmail != null and customerEmail != ''"> #{customerEmail}, </if> <if test="createTime != null"> #{createTime}, </if> <if test="customerStatus != null and customerStatus != ''"> #{customerStatus}, </if> </trim> </insert> <!--修改用户信息--> <update id="update"> </update> <!--批量更改客户状态--> <update id="updateStatus"> update mainsite_product_message set customer_status = 1 where id in <foreach collection="array" item="id" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index"> #{id} </foreach> </update> <!--根据主键删除留言,物理删除--> <delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey"> delete from mainsite_product_message where id = #{id} </delete> <!--查询留言列表--> <select id="selectByCondition" resultType="com.uiotsoft.mainsite.module.productmessage.entity.ProductMessage"> select id as id, site_id as siteId, site_name as siteName, customer_name as customerName, customer_phone as customerPhone, customer_email as customerEmail, product_want as productWant, create_time as createTime, customer_status as customerStatus, search_keyword as searchKeyword from mainsite_product_message <trim prefix="WHERE (" suffix=")" prefixOverrides="AND|OR"> <if test="customerName != null and customerName != ''"> customer_name like CONCAT('%', #{customerName}, '%') </if> <if test="customerPhone != null and customerPhone != ''"> and customer_phone = #{customerPhone} </if> <if test="createTime != null"> and create_time = #{createTime} </if> <if test="customerEmail != null and customerEmail != ''"> and customer_email = #{customerEmail} </if> <if test="productWant != null and productWant != ''"> and product_want = #{productWant} </if> <if test="siteId != null and siteId != '' and siteId != 1"> and site_id = #{siteId} </if> <if test="siteName != null and siteName != ''"> and site_name = #{siteName} </if> <if test="customerStatus != null and customerStatus != ''"> and customer_status = #{customerStatus} </if> <if test="searchKeyword != null and searchKeyword != ''"> and search_keyword = #{searchKeyword} </if> </trim> ORDER BY create_time DESC </select>
<select id="selectByContentListBySiteIdAndCategoryIds" resultType="java.util.Map"> SELECT c.*, m.*, u.avatar avatar, u.username username FROM site_model_content c LEFT JOIN site_model_${tableName} m ON c.content_id = m.content_id LEFT JOIN t_sys_user u ON u.user_id = c.user_id <trim prefix="WHERE (" suffix=")" prefixOverrides="AND|OR"> c.status=1 <if test="siteId!=null"> AND c.site_id = #{siteId} </if> <if test="categoryIds!=null"> AND c.category_id in <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="categoryIds" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test='isRecommend!=null and isRecommend==1'> AND c.recommend = 1 </if> <if test='whereParam!=null and valueParam!=null'> AND m.${whereParam} = #{valueParam} </if> <if test='isPic!=null and isPic==1'> AND c.thumb!='' </if> <if test='isPic!=null and isPic==0'> AND c.thumb='' </if> <if test='siteType!=null'> AND c.site_type like CONCAT('%', #{siteType}, '%') </if> </trim> <choose> <when test="orderBy==1"> order by c.content_id </when> <when test="orderBy==2"> order by c.inputdate DESC </when> <when test="orderBy==3"> order by c.inputdate </when> <when test="orderBy==4"> order by c.updatedate DESC </when> <when test="orderBy==5"> order by c.updatedate </when> <when test="isHot==1"> order by c.view_num DESC </when> <otherwise> order by c.content_id DESC </otherwise> </choose> </select>
<!-- 批量添加 --> <insert id="insertMore" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="siteId"> INSERT INTO t_cms_site( site_name, `domain`, template, is_mobile, mobile_tpl, status ) values <foreach item="item" collection="list" separator=","> (#{item.siteName},#{item.domain},#{item.template}, #{item.isMobile},#{item.mobileTpl},#{item.status}) </foreach> </insert>
SELECT count(*) FROM crm_contract <where> isDel = 0 <if test="departmentId != null and departmentId != null"> and departmentId LIKE CONCAT(#{departmentId},'%') </if> <if test="directorAccount != null and directorAccount !='' "> and directorAccount = #{directorAccount} </if> <if test="executeState != null and executeState != ''"> and executeState = #{executeState} </if> <if test="auditState != null and auditState != ''"> and auditState = #{auditState} </if> <if test="contractType != null and contractType != ''"> and contractType = #{contractType} </if> <if test="categoryId != null and categoryId != ''"> and categoryId = #{categoryId} </if> <if test="customerName != null and customerName != ''"> and customerName like CONCAT("%",#{customerName},"%") </if> <if test="director != null and director != ''"> and director like CONCAT("%",#{director},"%") </if> <if test="signUser != null and signUser != ''"> and signUser like CONCAT("%",#{signUser},"%") </if> <if test="startDate != null"> <![CDATA[ and DATE_FORMAT(endDate,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(#{startDate},"%Y-%m-%d") ]]> </if> <if test="endDate != null"> <![CDATA[ and DATE_FORMAT(endDate,"%Y-%m-%d") <= DATE_FORMAT(#{endDate},"%Y-%m-%d")]]> </if> </where>
select c.* from crm_contract c left join crm_customer_info i on c.customerId = i.customerId <where> c.isDel = 0 <if test="startDate != null and startDate != ''"> and c.endDate >= #{startDate} </if> <if test="endDate != null and endDate != ''"> and c.endDate <= #{endDate} </if> <if test="customerName != null and customerName != ''"> and c.customerName like CONCAT(#{customerName},"%") </if> <if test="director != null and director != ''"> and c.director like CONCAT(#{director},"%") </if> <if test="auditState != null and auditState != ''"> and c.auditState = #{auditState} </if> </where> limit #{start},#{end}
<select id="selectAll" resultType="java.util.Map"> SELECT log_id AS logId, page_name AS pageName, template_name AS templateName, publish_status AS publishStatus, consuming_time AS consumingTime, C.description, create_time AS createTime, C.site_id AS siteId, C.category_id AS categoryId, C.site_name as siteName, D.category_name as categoryName FROM ( SELECT log_id, page_name, template_name, publish_status, consuming_time, A.description, create_time, A.site_id, category_id, site_name FROM mainsite_publish_log A LEFT JOIN t_cms_site B ON A.site_id = B.site_id ) C LEFT JOIN t_cms_category D ON (C.category_id = D.category_id) <where> <if test="startTime != null"> <![CDATA[ and DATE_FORMAT(create_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") >= DATE_FORMAT(#{startTime},"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") ]]> </if> <if test="endTime != null"> <![CDATA[ and DATE_FORMAT(create_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") <= DATE_FORMAT(#{endTime},"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s") ]]> </if> </where> order by log_id desc </select>