import TrieNode from './TrieNode'; // Character that we will use for trie tree root.const HEAD_CHARACTER = '*'; export default class Trie { constructor() { this.head = new TrieNode(HEAD_CHARACTER); } /** * @param {string} word * @return {Trie} */ addWord(word) { const characters = Array.from(word); let currentNode = this.head; for (let charIndex = 0; charIndex < characters.length; charIndex += 1) { const isComplete = charIndex === characters.length - 1; currentNode = currentNode.addChild(characters[charIndex], isComplete); } return this; } /** * @param {string} word * @return {Trie} */ deleteWord(word) { const depthFirstDelete = (currentNode, charIndex = 0) => { if (charIndex >= word.length) { // Return if we're trying to delete the character that is out of word's scope. return; } const character = word[charIndex]; const nextNode = currentNode.getChild(character); if (nextNode == null) { // Return if we're trying to delete a word that has not been added to the Trie. return; } // Go deeper. depthFirstDelete(nextNode, charIndex + 1); // Since we're going to delete a word let's un-mark its last character isCompleteWord flag. if (charIndex === (word.length - 1)) { nextNode.isCompleteWord = false; } // childNode is deleted only if: // - childNode has NO children // - childNode.isCompleteWord === false currentNode.removeChild(character); }; // Start depth-first deletion from the head node. depthFirstDelete(this.head); return this; } /** * @param {string} word * @return {string[]} */ suggestNextCharacters(word) { const lastCharacter = this.getLastCharacterNode(word); if (!lastCharacter) { return null; } return lastCharacter.suggestChildren(); } /** * Check if complete word exists in Trie. * * @param {string} word * @return {boolean} */ doesWordExist(word) { const lastCharacter = this.getLastCharacterNode(word); return !!lastCharacter && lastCharacter.isCompleteWord; } /** * @param {string} word * @return {TrieNode} */ getLastCharacterNode(word) { const characters = Array.from(word); let currentNode = this.head; for (let charIndex = 0; charIndex < characters.length; charIndex += 1) { if (!currentNode.hasChild(characters[charIndex])) { return null; } currentNode = currentNode.getChild(characters[charIndex]); } return currentNode; }}
2. 参考
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