沉浸式学习PostgreSQL|PolarDB 14: 共享单车、徒步、旅游、网约车轨迹查询

简介: 本文的目的是帮助你了解如何设计轨迹表, 如何高性能的写入、查询、分析轨迹数据.


欢迎数据库应用开发者参与贡献场景, 在此issue回复即可, 共同建设《沉浸式数据库学习教学素材库》, 帮助开发者用好数据库, 提升开发者职业竞争力, 同时为企业降本提效.

  • 系列课程的核心目标是教大家怎么用好数据库, 而不是怎么运维管理数据库、怎么开发数据库内核. 所以面向的对象是数据库的用户、应用开发者、应用架构师、数据库厂商的产品经理、售前售后专家等角色.



x86_64机器使用以下docker image:

ARM机器使用以下docker image:

2.业务场景1 介绍: 共享单车、徒步、旅游、网约车轨迹查询

租用共享单车, 从开始租用到还车, 这段用户骑行的过程就是一段轨迹, 例如每5秒记录一个点(x,y,z).


专业的驴友, 通常都有非常专业的带GPS的手表也会记录徒步的轨迹.

网约车就更不用说了, 行业要求必须记录每一单的行驶信息, 其中也包含了轨迹数据.

当用户量大了之后, 查询轨迹、分析轨迹可能是一个比较高频的操作.

这个实验的目的是帮助你了解如何设计轨迹表, 如何高性能的写入、查询、分析轨迹数据.



  • 1、平台上使用软件的人很多
  • 2、可能很多人在同时产生运动轨迹中的点(例如高峰期很多人同时在使用共享单车、网约车. 同一个时刻可能很多人在打点).

基于这两个特点, 如果每生成1条轨迹就往数据库中写入一条记录, 会导致一个轨迹若干个点的物理存储是非常离散的.

即使一次写入一个轨迹的多条记录, 也可能出现一个轨迹若干个点的物理存储是非常离散的情况.

2.1.1传统方法 设计和实验

轨迹中的每个点存储一条记录, 最终拼成一条轨迹.


1、存储每个轨迹的唯一轨迹 ID

drop table if exists tbl_path_id;  
create table tbl_path_id (  
  id int primary key,   -- 轨迹ID  
  uid int,  -- 这段轨迹对应的用户  
  ts_begin timestamp,   -- 轨迹开始时间  
  ts_end timestamp,   -- 轨迹结束时间  
  pos_begin point,  -- 为了简化例子, 使用PG|PolarDB内置的平面点. 真实场景通常是用PostGIS插件的geometry类型, 包括经纬度和海平面高度.   
  pos_end point  -- 轨迹结束位置  


drop table if exists tbl_path_detail;  
create unlogged table tbl_path_detail (  -- 方便测试, 使用unlogged table.  
  pid int,  -- 轨迹ID  
  pos point,  -- 位置  
  ts timestamp  -- 时间  

3、创建轨迹索引, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.

create index on tbl_path_detail (pid,ts);

4、为了方便生成测试数据, 先模拟写入1000条轨迹, 平均每条轨迹1万个点, 形成1000万条轨迹点, 再统计到轨迹唯一标识表.

vi t1.sql  
\set pid random(1,1000)  
insert into tbl_path_detail values (:pid, point(random(), random()), now());
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t1.sql -c 10 -j 10 -t 1000000  
transaction type: ./t1.sql  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 10  
number of threads: 10  
number of transactions per client: 1000000  
number of transactions actually processed: 10000000/10000000  
latency average = 0.053 ms  
latency stddev = 0.102 ms  
initial connection time = 23.060 ms  
tps = 189004.207706 (without initial connection time)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.000  \set pid random(1,1000)  
         0.052  insert into tbl_path_detail values (:pid, point(random(), random()), now());
postgres=# select * from tbl_path_detail limit 10;  
 pid |                   pos                    |             ts               
 160 | (0.5000283130032592,0.15678314824874917) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.442562  
  43 | (0.7333981781385361,0.6660386524481545)  | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.442563  
 602 | (0.5665795071743318,0.7419887321824241)  | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.44323  
 738 | (0.4883731035056087,0.5410191566444489)  | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.444977  
 925 | (0.47646978937058293,0.3324764895717003) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445011  
 934 | (0.8969771676532297,0.11898616861406452) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445049  
 748 | (0.0461507467234199,0.3288353473172556)  | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445128  
 330 | (0.05559804559846171,0.7381967670381471) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445196  
 978 | (0.21187515313173577,0.6163791267053291) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445191  
 626 | (0.7069111074590744,0.4406223155616047)  | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445312  
(10 rows)


insert into tbl_path_id (id,uid,ts_begin,ts_end,pos_begin,pos_end)   
select pid, random()*100, ts_begin, ts_end, pos_begin, pos_end from   
  (select pid,   
    row_number() over w as rn,   
    first_value(ts) over w as ts_begin,   
    last_value(ts) over w as ts_end,   
    first_value(pos) over w as pos_begin,   
    last_value(pos) over w as pos_end   
  from tbl_path_detail   
    window w as (partition by pid order by ts RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) ) t   
where rn=1;
postgres=# select * from tbl_path_id limit 10;  
 id | uid |          ts_begin          |           ts_end           |                 pos_begin                 |                  pos_end                    
  1 |   2 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.458977 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.348456 | (0.9431799157631602,0.41223770583725994)  | (0.43968362954398543,0.8294152062281377)  
  2 |  15 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.455308 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.348047 | (0.20157767943472393,0.7583908472256411)  | (0.8633428320677936,0.020082269279203757)  
  3 |  60 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.450998 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.273702 | (0.8676802874185334,0.9332642681167798)   | (0.7358999901381367,0.8543637573444975)  
  4 |  28 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.455818 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.329148 | (0.5804204502817427,0.31601818657295055)  | (0.0174753704646875,0.18107497337433998)  
  5 |  97 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.458717 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.3295   | (0.24820536688948636,0.802131631221048)   | (0.8229560445619342,0.5435402893223191)  
  6 |  33 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.450005 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.312634 | (0.527644965371401,0.12866950317216563)   | (0.697993640371152,0.6356491117241596)  
  7 |   3 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.462201 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.345394 | (0.23643719560948284,0.6980441144259366)  | (0.7981387104508499,0.4564650368837313)  
  8 |  38 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.457057 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.275626 | (0.17698975732867694,0.33573573990590333) | (0.6194784648490028,0.8182679927624612)  
  9 |  18 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.454722 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.350231 | (0.4388676699772063,0.7529218330600749)   | (0.2080260827608882,0.04568571675149613)  
 10 |  40 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.452294 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.326824 | (0.6334737638364523,0.07649313466173169)  | (0.8915125815199474,0.8221032349776571)  
(10 rows)

6、压测查询轨迹, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.

vi t2.sql  
\set pid random(1,1000)  
select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=:pid order by ts;
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t2.sql -c 10 -j 10 -T 120  
transaction type: ./t2.sql  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 10  
number of threads: 10  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 15979  
latency average = 75.097 ms  
latency stddev = 9.750 ms  
initial connection time = 20.363 ms  
tps = 133.126750 (without initial connection time)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.001  \set pid random(1,1000)  
        75.097  select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=:pid order by ts;

2.1.2PolarDB|PG新方法1 设计和实验

在传统方法中, 平均一个轨迹有1万个点, 由于不同的轨迹点是并行写入的, 所以这1万个点非常可能分散在1万个数据块中, 导致查询1条轨迹要访问很多的数据块. 使得性能瓶颈在IO层面(如下这条轨迹消耗9538个IO).

postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,buffers,costs,settings,wal) select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=1 order by ts;  
                                                                          QUERY PLAN                                                                             
 Index Scan using tbl_path_detail_pid_ts_idx on public.tbl_path_detail  (cost=0.43..10473.93 rows=9955 width=28) (actual time=0.060..24.022 rows=9937 loops=1)  
   Output: pid, pos, ts  
   Index Cond: (tbl_path_detail.pid = 1)  
   Buffers: shared hit=9538  
 Settings: enable_seqscan = 'off', max_parallel_workers_per_gather = '0', random_page_cost = '1.1'  
 Planning Time: 0.183 ms  
 Execution Time: 25.039 ms  
(7 rows)

PG|PolarDB支持include index, 为了解决这个问题, 可以将要查询的字段放入索引的叶子结点内, 避免回表导致的IO.

1、创建include index, 把pos放入索引叶子结点:

create index on tbl_path_detail (pid,ts) INCLUDE (pos);  
vacuum analyze tbl_path_detail;

2、此时使用新的index查询, 不需要回表, IO大幅度降低, 如下这条轨迹消耗66个IO:

postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,buffers,costs,settings,wal) select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=1 order by ts;  
                                                                             QUERY PLAN                                                                                
 Index Only Scan using tbl_path_detail_pid_ts_pos_idx on public.tbl_path_detail  (cost=0.56..241.93 rows=9958 width=28) (actual time=0.082..4.217 rows=9937 loops=1)  
   Output: pid, pos, ts  
   Index Cond: (tbl_path_detail.pid = 1)  
   Heap Fetches: 0  
   Buffers: shared hit=66  
 Settings: enable_seqscan = 'off', max_parallel_workers_per_gather = '0', random_page_cost = '1.1'  
 Planning Time: 0.536 ms  
 Execution Time: 5.598 ms  
(8 rows)

3、压测查询轨迹, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.

vi t2.sql  
\set pid random(1,1000)  
select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=:pid order by ts;
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t2.sql -c 10 -j 10 -T 120  
transaction type: ./t2.sql  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 10  
number of threads: 10  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 113515  
latency average = 10.570 ms  
latency stddev = 2.942 ms  
initial connection time = 18.558 ms  
tps = 945.998467 (without initial connection time)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.000  \set pid random(1,1000)  
        10.570  select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=:pid order by ts;

2.1.3PolarDB|PG新方法2 设计和实验

虽然使用了include index, 但是索引里面就要放所有要查的字段内容, 导致索引占用空间会变大一点.

为了更好的优化这个能力, 可以使用聚集字段来存储一条轨迹的内容, 例如array.

1、创建一张轨迹表, 使用array存储轨迹中每个点的时间、位置.

drop table if exists tbl_path_detail1;  
create unlogged table tbl_path_detail1 (  -- 方便测试, 使用unlogged table.  
  pid int,  -- 轨迹ID  
  pos point[],  -- 位置数组  
  ts timestamp[]  -- 时间数组  
create index on tbl_path_detail1 (pid);


insert into tbl_path_detail1 select pid, array_agg(pos order by ts), array_agg(ts order by ts) from tbl_path_detail group by pid;
postgres=# select pid, pos[1:10], ts[1:10] from tbl_path_detail1 where pid=1;  
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
pid | 1  
pos | {"(0.9431799157631602,0.41223770583725994)","(0.029285214711183727,0.13121257852994006)","(0.47231141497136164,0.40519912875600994)","(0.18841309050989707,0.9120792659923715)","(0.1669935448355666,0.788043626909726)","(0.7680464170226315,0.02176761079732259)","(0.1806378616460016,0.17626971610524578)","(0.6905476714298793,0.21249186817883725)","(0.20480152830909404,0.36856166073248176)","(0.37764392812544045,0.5214349561346836)"}  
ts  | {"2023-09-08 02:05:15.458977","2023-09-08 02:05:15.460392","2023-09-08 02:05:15.46647","2023-09-08 02:05:15.466755","2023-09-08 02:05:15.46993","2023-09-08 02:05:15.470127","2023-09-08 02:05:15.473513","2023-09-08 02:05:15.474446","2023-09-08 02:05:15.480445","2023-09-08 02:05:15.484117"}

应用层面, 未来在写入轨迹时也可以使用这个方法, 等轨迹完成一次性上传并写入新的轨迹表, 老的轨迹表就不需要了.

3、压测查询轨迹, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.

vi t3.sql  
\set pid random(1,1000)  
select * from tbl_path_detail1 where pid=:pid;
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t3.sql -c 10 -j 10 -T 120  
transaction type: ./t3.sql  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 10  
number of threads: 10  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 65173  
latency average = 18.410 ms  
latency stddev = 5.716 ms  
initial connection time = 23.213 ms  
tps = 543.135449 (without initial connection time)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.000  \set pid random(1,1000)  
        18.410  select * from tbl_path_detail1 where pid=:pid;


4、创建一张轨迹表, 使用array存储轨迹中每个点的时间、位置.

drop table if exists tbl_path_detail2;  
create unlogged table tbl_path_detail2 (  -- 方便测试, 使用unlogged table.  
  pid int,  -- 轨迹ID  
  pos text,  -- 位置字符串  
  ts text  -- 时间字符串  
create index on tbl_path_detail2 (pid);


insert into tbl_path_detail2 select pid, string_agg(pos::text, ',' order by ts), string_agg(ts::text, ',' order by ts) from tbl_path_detail group by pid;

应用层面, 未来在写入轨迹时也可以使用这个方法, 等轨迹完成一次性上传并写入新的轨迹表, 老的轨迹表就不需要了.

6、压测查询轨迹, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.

vi t4.sql  
\set pid random(1,1000)  
select * from tbl_path_detail2 where pid=:pid;
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t4.sql -c 10 -j 10 -T 120  
transaction type: ./t4.sql  
scaling factor: 1  
query mode: prepared  
number of clients: 10  
number of threads: 10  
duration: 120 s  
number of transactions actually processed: 246670  
latency average = 4.864 ms  
latency stddev = 1.974 ms  
initial connection time = 21.508 ms  
tps = 2055.793315 (without initial connection time)  
statement latencies in milliseconds:  
         0.000  \set pid random(1,1000)  
         4.864  select * from tbl_path_detail2 where pid=:pid;


postgres=# \dt+  
                                         List of relations  
 Schema |       Name       | Type  |  Owner   | Persistence | Access method |  Size   | Description   
 public | tbl_path_detail  | table | postgres | unlogged    | heap          | 575 MB  |   
 public | tbl_path_detail1 | table | postgres | unlogged    | heap          | 202 MB  |   
 public | tbl_path_detail2 | table | postgres | unlogged    | heap          | 346 MB  |   
postgres=# \di+  
                                                          List of relations  
 Schema |              Name              | Type  |  Owner   |      Table       | Persistence | Access method |  Size   | Description   
 public | tbl_path_detail1_pid_idx       | index | postgres | tbl_path_detail1 | unlogged    | btree         | 48 kB   |   
 public | tbl_path_detail2_pid_idx       | index | postgres | tbl_path_detail2 | unlogged    | btree         | 48 kB   |   
 public | tbl_path_detail_pid_ts_idx     | index | postgres | tbl_path_detail  | unlogged    | btree         | 301 MB  |   
 public | tbl_path_detail_pid_ts_pos_idx | index | postgres | tbl_path_detail  | unlogged    | btree         | 473 MB  |


聚集类型既能节省轨迹存储、索引空间, 又能提升轨迹查询的性能.

思考: 如果要按时间范围、空间范围搜索用户过去的轨迹, 然后再查询对应的轨迹点, 应该如何设计表结构? 如何使用索引?


轨迹存储方式 轨迹占用空间 轨迹索引占用空间
传统存储(每个点一条记录,索引不包含位置) 575 MB 301 MB
传统存储(每个点一条记录,索引包含位置) 575 MB 473 MB
数组存储轨迹 202 MB 48 kB
字符串存储轨迹 346 MB 48 kB


轨迹存储方式 轨迹查询QPS
传统存储(每个点一条记录,索引不包含位置) 133
传统存储(每个点一条记录,索引包含位置) 946
数组存储轨迹 543
字符串存储轨迹 2056



include index

window function


轨迹分析应用: 轨迹碰撞, 例如刑侦场景

如果按用户的时间范围查询轨迹, 使用什么数据类型、索引性能更好? range type + gist index ?

如何按用户的空间范围查询轨迹, 使用什么数据类型、索引性能更好? range type + gist index ?

如果一次不想取出所有的点, 如何从字符串存储的轨迹点中获取某个时间对应的点, 或者某一段点?


  1. 《重新发现PostgreSQL之美 - 8 轨迹业务IO杀手克星index include(覆盖索引)》
  2. 《PostgreSQL 14 preview - SP-GiST 索引新增 index 叶子结点 include column value 功能 支持》
  3. 《PostgreSQL 索引算子下推扩展 - 索引内offset - 索引内过滤 - include index - 随机偏移》
  4. 《PostgreSQL index include - 类聚簇表与应用(append only, IoT时空轨迹, 离散多行扫描与返回)》
  5. 《PostgreSQL 12 preview - GiST 索引支持INCLUDE columns - 覆盖索引 - 类聚簇索引》
  6. 《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 2 - (含index only scan类聚簇表效果)》
  7. 《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 1》
  8. 《车联网案例,轨迹清洗 - 阿里云RDS PostgreSQL最佳实践 - 窗口函数》
  9. 《PolarDB 开源版 轨迹应用实践 - 出行、配送、快递等业务的调度; 传染溯源; 刑侦》
  10. 《使用 PolarDB 开源版 部署 PostGIS 支撑时空轨迹|地理信息|路由等业务》
  11. 《重新发现PostgreSQL之美 - 11 时空轨迹系统 新冠&刑侦&预测》
  12. 《重新发现PostgreSQL之美 - 8 轨迹业务IO杀手克星index include(覆盖索引)》
  13. 《PostgreSQL 应用开发解决方案最佳实践系列课程 - 6. 时空、时态、时序、日志等轨迹系统》
  14. 《使用Postgres,MobilityDB和Citus大规模(百亿级)实时分析GPS轨迹》
  15. 《PostgreSQL index include - 类聚簇表与应用(append only, IoT时空轨迹, 离散多行扫描与返回)》
  16. 《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 2 - (含index only scan类聚簇表效果)》
  17. 《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 1》
  18. 《PostgreSQL pipelinedb 流计算插件 - IoT应用 - 实时轨迹聚合》
  19. 《Greenplum 轨迹相似(伴随分析)》
  20. 《PostgreSQL 实时位置跟踪+轨迹分析系统实践 - 单机顶千亿轨迹/天》
  21. 《GIS术语 - POI、AOI、LOI、路径、轨迹》
  22. 《菜鸟末端轨迹 - 电子围栏(解密支撑每天251亿个包裹的数据库) - 阿里云RDS PostgreSQL最佳实践》
  23. 《车联网案例,轨迹清洗 - 阿里云RDS PostgreSQL最佳实践 - 窗口函数》
  24. 《PostgreSQL 物流轨迹系统数据库需求分析与设计 - 包裹侠实时跟踪与召回》
  25. 《PostgreSQL 聚集存储 与 BRIN索引 - 高并发行为、轨迹类大吞吐数据查询场景解说》
  26. 《PostgreSQL 如何轻松搞定行驶、运动轨迹合并和切分》
  • 德歌
  • 目录


  • 云原生数据库 PolarDB