使用的技术栈 : python3, re, BeautifulSoup、python2的_thread、python3的threading
目标网站: https://www.umei.net/p/gaoqing/cn/
不了解多线程的,可以先了解一下下哦,推荐:Python3 多线程
1. 线程关系拓扑
2. 代码实现
import requests import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import _thread # python2 的多线程 import threading # python3 的多线程 imgs = [] # 保存a链接的列表 ans_imgs = [] # 保存图片大图的列表 cnt = 0 def downloadImg(cc): while(len(ans_imgs)==0): pass k = ans_imgs.pop() b = requests.get(str(k)) if(b.status_code==200): with open('./pics/'+str(cc)+'.jpg','wb+') as f: f.write(b.content) ''' target: 获取图片的大图链接 params: a链接的url ''' class get_ans_imgs( threading.Thread ): def __init__( self ): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run( self ): k = imgs.pop() src= str(url + k) ans = requests.get( src ) if(ans.status_code==200): soup1 = BeautifulSoup(ans.content, 'html5lib') imgBody = soup1.select('.ImageBody img') print(imgBody) # 获取大图的src obj = re.search('.*?src="(.*?)"', str(imgBody), re.M | re.I ) ans_imgs.append( obj.group(1)) url = 'https://www.umei.net/p/gaoqing/cn/' r = requests.get(url) # with open('./meinv.html','wb+') as f: # f.write(r.content) if(r.status_code == 200 ): soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html5lib') # 获取img外面的a标签 aList = soup.select('.TypeBigPics') for item in aList: # print( type (item) ) obj = re.search('.*?\/cn\/(.*?)".*', str(item), re.M | re.I ) imgs.append( str( obj.group(1)) ) print(imgs) while( len(imgs)!=0 ): thread1 = get_ans_imgs( ) thread1.start() cnt += 1 print("正在下载第" + str(cnt) + "张图片") _thread.start_new_thread( downloadImg(cnt)) # # 保存大图 print("完结撒花")
3. 注意
4. 结果