💥1 概述
图像去噪是图像处理领域中的一个重要问题,其目标是通过对图像进行处理,减少或去除图像中的噪声,提高图像质量。混合自适应(EM 自适应)是一种常用的图像去噪方法之一。
1. 初始估计:首先需要对图像进行一个初始估计,可以使用一些简单的滤波方法,如中值滤波器等。
2. 估计噪声模型:通过对图像进行统计分析,估计出图像中的噪声模型,如高斯噪声、椒盐噪声等。
3. 分离噪声和信号:利用估计的噪声模型,将图像中的噪声和信号分离开来,可以采用波尔兹曼机、高斯混合模型等方法。
4. 自适应滤波:对分离得到的噪声和信号分别进行自适应滤波,针对不同的噪声模型可以采用不同的滤波器,常用的有均值滤波、维纳滤波、非局部均值滤波等。
5. 重组:将滤波后的噪声和信号重组得到最终的去噪图像。
📚2 运行结果
clear; close all; addpath('code'); addpath('data/standard_images') load GSModel_8x8_200_2M_noDC_zeromean.mat GMM.ncomponents = GS.nmodels; GMM.mus = GS.means; GMM.covs = GS.covs; GMM.weights = GS.mixweights; clear GS; x = im2double(imread('House256.png')); sigmaNoise = 20/255; y = x + sigmaNoise * randn(size(x)); % noisy test image %%%% EPLL denoising %%%% xEPLL = y; for sigma = sigmaNoise * [1, 1/sqrt(4), 1/sqrt(8), 1/sqrt(16), 1/sqrt(32)] [xEPLL, psnr_EPLL, ssim_EPLL] = MAP_GMM(x, y, xEPLL, sigmaNoise, sigma, GMM); end fprintf('PSNR(EPLL) is:%.2f\n', psnr_EPLL); fprintf('SSIM(EPLL) is:%.4f\n', ssim_EPLL); %%%% EM adaptation using EPLL denoised image and MAP denoising with adapted GMM %%%% xHat = xEPLL; epsilon = 0.01; b = randn(size(y)); n = numel(y); xEPLL1 = y + epsilon*b; for sigma = sigmaNoise * [1, 1/sqrt(4), 1/sqrt(8), 1/sqrt(16), 1/sqrt(32)] [xEPLL1, ~, ~] = MAP_GMM(x, y + epsilon*b, xEPLL1, sigmaNoise, sigma, GMM); end xHat1 = xEPLL1; div = (b(:)'*(xHat1(:) - xHat(:))) / (n*epsilon); beta_opt = (sqrt(mean((y(:) - xHat(:)).^2) - sigmaNoise^2 + 2*sigmaNoise^2*div)) / sigmaNoise; aGMM = EM_adaptation(GMM, xEPLL, beta_opt * sigmaNoise, 1); xAdapted_EPLL = y; for sigma = sigmaNoise * [1, 1/sqrt(4), 1/sqrt(8), 1/sqrt(16), 1/sqrt(32)] [xAdapted_EPLL, psnr_adapted, ssim_adapted] = MAP_GMM(x, y, xAdapted_EPLL, sigmaNoise, sigma, aGMM); end fprintf('PSNR(adapted by EPLL image) is:%.2f\n', psnr_adapted); fprintf('SSIM(adapted by EPLL image) is:%.4f\n', ssim_adapted); return
🎉3 参考文献
[1] E. Luo, S. H. Chan, and T. Q. Nguyen, "Adaptive Image Denoising by Mixture Adaptation," IEEE Trans. Image Process. 2016.
[2] S. H. Chan, E. Luo and T. Q. Nguyen, "Adaptive Patch-based Image Denoising by EM-adaptation," in Proc. IEEE Global Conf. Signal Information Process. (GlobalSIP'15), Dec. 2015.