⛄ 内容介绍
- 高精度:通过不断调整模型参数,该方法可以逐步提高模型的拟合能力,从而实现对变形矢量场的高精度反演。
- 自适应性:该方法可以根据每次迭代的结果自适应地调整模型参数,以适应不同的地质结构和观测数据。
- 收敛性:由于每次迭代都是基于残差的大小进行调整,该方法具有较好的收敛性,可以快速得到稳定的反演结果。
- 初始模型参数的选择:可以通过引入先验信息或利用其他地球物理数据来选择更合理的初始模型参数,以减小反演结果的不确定性。
- 并行计算技术的应用:可以利用并行计算技术来加速反演过程,提高计算效率。
- 多源数据的融合:可以将不同类型的观测数据进行融合,以提高反演结果的可靠性和精度。
⛄ 部分代码
% demo_inversion_2d.m%% 2D DVF inversion [1,2] demo script.%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------%% Copyright (C) 2018, Department of Computer Science, Duke University%% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the% Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your% option) any later version.%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General% Public License for more details.%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along% with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------%% REFERENCES%% [1] A. Dubey*, A.-S. Iliopoulos*, X. Sun, F.-F. Yin, and L. Ren,% "Iterative inversion of deformation vector fields with feedback% control," Medical Physics, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 3147-3160, 2018.% - DOI: 10.1002/mp.12962% - arXiv: 1610.08589 [cs.CV]%% [2] A. Dubey, "Symmetric completion of deformable registration via% bi-residual inversion," PhD thesis, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA,% 2018.%%% ==================== CLEAN UPclear variablesclose all%% ==================== PARAMETERS% example DVF datapathData = 'data/c-deformation.mat';ioData = matfile( pathData );F = ioData.F;[szDom, ~] = dvf.sizeVf( F );% inversion parametersopt.control = 'midrange';opt.scale = 1;opt.numIteration = 20;opt.stopThreshold = 1e-6;opt.accThreshold = 0;opt.InitialValue = [];opt.Mask = dvf.maskDomain( F );% create an array of inversion parameters to compare multiple schemesopt = repmat( opt, [8 1] );opt(1).control = 0.0; % constant mu = 0opt(2).control = 0.5; % constant mu = 0.5opt(3).control = 'alternating'; % alternatingopt(4).control = 'optimal'; % pointwise optimalopt(5).control = 'midrange'; % local midrangeopt(6).control = 'midrange'; % local midrange & acc.opt(6).accThreshold = 1; % .opt(7).control = 'midrange'; % local midrange & acc. & multiscaleopt(7).accThreshold = 1; % .opt(7).scale = [0.5, 1.0]; % .opt(7).numIteration = [4 16]; % .opt(8).control = 'optimal'; % pointwise optimal & acc. & multiscaleopt(8).accThreshold = 1; % .opt(8).scale = [0.5, 1.0]; % .opt(8).numIteration = [4 16]; % .% legend labels for each control settinglgnd = {'\mu = 0', '\mu = 0.5', '\mu_{oe}', '\mu_*(x)', '\mu_m(x)', ... '\mu_m(x) & acc', '\mu_m(x) & acc & MS', '\mu_*(x) & acc & MS'};% IC residual percentile curve visualization optionsprcIcMeasure = [50 90 95 98 100];argVisIcCurve = {'-o', 'LineWidth', 2};clrIcCurve = [0.8650 0.8110 0.4330; % yellow 0.9718 0.5553 0.7741; % pink 0.6859 0.4035 0.2412; % brown 1.0000 0.5482 0.1000; % orange 0.6365 0.3753 0.6753; % purple 0.3718 0.7176 0.3612; % green 0.2941 0.5447 0.7494; % blue 0.9047 0.1918 0.1988]; % red% IC residual maps visualization optionsclimIcMgn = [0 1]; % color-axis limits%% ==================== (BEGIN)fprintf( '\n***** BEGIN (%s) *****\n\n', mfilename );%% ==================== VISUALIZATION: REFERENCE & DEFORMED IMAGESfprintf( '...visualizing synthetic reference and deformed images...\n' );IRef = util.imageGridSmooth( szDom, [15 15] );IStd = dvf.imdeform( IRef, F );hFig = vis.mfigure;hFig.Name = 'reference and study (deformed) images';% reference imagesubplot( 1, 2, 1 )imagesc( IRef.' )axis imagecolormap( gray )title( 'reference image' )drawnow% study (deformed) imagesubplot( 1, 2, 2 )imagesc( IStd.' )axis imagecolormap( gray )title( 'deformed image' )drawnow%% ==================== VISUALIZATION: SPECTRAL NTDC MEASURESfprintf( '...calculating & visualizing spectral NTDC measures...\n' );[CtrlIdx, Rho, Det, Lambda] = dvf.ntdcMeasures( F );hFig = vis.mfigure;hFig.Name = 'spectral NTDC measures of forward DVF';% control indexsubplot( 1, 3, 1 )imagesc( CtrlIdx.' )axis imagecolormap( jet )colorbartitle( 'algebraic control index' );drawnow% NTDC spectral radiussubplot( 1, 3, 2 )imagesc( Rho.' )axis imagecolormap( jet )colorbartitle( 'NTDC spectral radius' );drawnow% determinant mapsubplot( 1, 3, 3 )imagesc( Det.' )axis imagecolormap( jet )colorbartitle( 'determinant map' );drawnow%% ==================== INVERSIONfprintf( '...computing inverse with %d iteration schemes...\n', length(opt) );G = cell( size(opt) );Mu = cell( size(opt) );prctRG = cell( size(opt) );prctRF = cell( size(opt) );RG = cell( size(opt) );RF = cell( size(opt) );for i = 1 : length(opt) fprintf( ' - scheme #%d (%s)...\n', i, lgnd{i} ); [G{i}, Mu{i}, ~, prctRG{i}, prctRF{i}] = dvf.inversion( F, opt(i) ); RG{i} = dvf.icResidual( G{i}, F ); RF{i} = dvf.icResidual( F, G{i} );end%% ==================== VISUALIZATION: IC RESIDUALS PER ITERATIONfprintf( '...visualizing step-wise IC residual percentile curves...\n' );% resolution-normalized iteration stepskstep = cell( size(opt) );for i = 1 : length(opt) kstep{i} = arrayfun( @(s,k) repmat( s^2 + (s~=1)/k, [1 k] ), ... opt(i).scale, opt(i).numIteration, ... 'UniformOutput', false ); kstep{i} = cumsum( horzcat( 0, kstep{i}{:} ) );endhFig = vis.mfigure;hFig.Name = 'step-wise IC residual percentile curves';numPrct = length( prcIcMeasure );% legendsubplot( 5, numPrct, (1:numPrct), ... 'NextPlot', 'ReplaceChildren', 'ColorOrder', clrIcCurve )plot( nan( 2, length(opt) ), argVisIcCurve{:} );title( 'step-wise IC residual percentile curves' )legend( lgnd, 'Orientation', 'horizontal', 'Location', 'south' )axis( gca, 'off' )drawnowfor p = 1 : numPrct % ---- each percentile % study IC residuals subplot( 5, numPrct, p + (1:2)*numPrct ) hold on for i = 1 : length(opt) plot( kstep{i}, prctRG{i}(p,:), argVisIcCurve{:}, ... 'Color', clrIcCurve(i,:) ); end ylabel( sprintf( 's_k[%d%%]', prcIcMeasure(p) ) ); xlabel( 'amortizerd iteration step (k)' ) set( gca, 'YScale', 'log' ) grid on drawnow % reference IC residuals subplot( 5, numPrct, p + (3:4)*numPrct ) hold on for i = 1 : length(opt) plot( kstep{i}, prctRF{i}(p,:), argVisIcCurve{:}, ... 'Color', clrIcCurve(i,:) ); end ylabel( sprintf( 'r_k[%d%%]', prcIcMeasure(p) ) ); xlabel( 'amortized iteration step (k)' ) set( gca, 'YScale', 'log' ) grid on drawnow end % for (p)%% ==================== VISUALIZATION: IC RESIDUAL MAPSfprintf( '...visualizing final IC residual maps...\n' );fprintf( ' - white pixels indicate NaN (out-of-bounds) values\n' );% calculate point-wise IC residual magnitudesRGMgn = cellfun( @(r) sqrt( sum( r.^2, 3 ) ), RG, 'UniformOutput', false );RFMgn = cellfun( @(r) sqrt( sum( r.^2, 3 ) ), RF, 'UniformOutput', false );% study IC residualshFig = vis.mfigure;hFig.Name = 'study IC residual maps';for i = 1 : length(opt) subplot( 2, 4, i ) pcolor( RGMgn{i}.' ) axis image shading flat colormap jet caxis( climIcMgn ) colorbar title( {lgnd{i}, 'study IC residuals s(x)'} ) drawnowend% reference IC residualshFig = vis.mfigure;hFig.Name = 'reference IC residual maps';for i = 1 : length(opt) subplot( 2, 4, i ) pcolor( RFMgn{i}.' ) axis image shading flat colormap jet caxis( climIcMgn ) colorbar title( {lgnd{i}, 'reference IC residuals r(x)'} ) drawnowend%% ==================== VISUALIZATION: RECOVERED REFERENCE IMAGEfprintf( '...reference image recovery...\n' );fprintf( ' - I_rec(x) := I_std(x + v(x))\t' );fprintf( ' [I_std(y) = I_ref(y + u(y))]\n' );fprintf( ' = I_ref(x + v(x) + u(x + v(x)))\n' );fprintf( ' = I_ref(x + s(x))\n' );% ---------- calculationfprintf( ' - calculation...\n' );IRefRec = cell( size(opt) );for i = 1 : length(opt) IRefRec{i} = dvf.imdeform( IRef, RG{i} );end% ---------- visualizationfprintf( ' - difference image visualization (I_ref - I_rec)...\n' );hFig = vis.mfigure;hFig.Name = 'image-space errors in reference image recovery';for i = 1 : length(opt) subplot( 2, 4, i ) pcolor( (IRef - IRefRec{i}).' ); axis image shading flat caxis( [-1, +1] ) colormap parula colorbar title( {lgnd{i}, 'I_{ref}(x) - I_{ref}(x+s(x))'} ) drawnowend%% ==================== (END)fprintf( '\n***** END (%s) *****\n\n', mfilename );%%------------------------------------------------------------%% AUTHORS%% Alexandros-Stavros Iliopoulos ailiop@cs.duke.edu%% RELEASE%% 1.0.2 - December 21, 2018%% CHANGELOG%% 1.0.2 (Dec 21, 2018) - Alexandros% + added IC residual magnitude maps% + added image-space error maps (reference image recovery)% + added control scheme: pointwise optimal control values with% local search, local acceleration, and two-scale iteration% . changed synthetic reference image to smooth version% . parameter clean-up and explicit visualization options%% 1.0.0 (Oct 08, 2018) - Alexandros% . initial version%% ------------------------------------------------------------
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
[1] A. Dubey*, A.-S. Iliopoulos*, X. Sun, F.-F. Yin, and L. Ren, "Iterative inversion of deformation vector fields with feedback control," Medical Physics, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 3147-3160, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/mp.12962 arXiv: 1610.08589 [cs.CV]
[2] A. Dubey, "Symmetric completion of deformable registration via bi-residual inversion," PhD thesis, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, 2018.