💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
clc; clear all; close all; im = imread('./image/8.jpg'); figure,imshow(im),xlabel('origin image'); % red channel recover im1 = redCompensate(im,5); figure, subplot(2,2,1) imshow(im1); xlabel('red channel compensate'); % blue channel recover % In murky waters or high water levels or the presence of plankton in abundance that causes the blue channel to attenuate strongly,Supplement the blue channel % im1 = blueCompensate(im1); % subplot(2,3,3) % imshow(im1); % xlabel('blue channel compensate') % white balance enhancement im2 = simple_color_balance(im1); subplot(2,2,2) imshow(im2); xlabel('white balance'); % gamma correction input1 = gammaCorrection(im2,1,1.2); subplot(2,2,3) imshow(input1); xlabel('gamma correction'); % sharpen input2 = sharp(im2); subplot(2,2,4) imshow(input2); xlabel('sharp'); %.................................................% % calculate weight %.................................................% lab1 = rgb_to_lab(input1); lab2 = rgb_to_lab(input2); R1 = double(lab1(:, :, 1)/255); R2 = double(lab2(:, :, 1)/255); % 1. Laplacian contrast weight (Laplacian filiter on input luminance channel) WL1 = abs(imfilter(R1, fspecial('Laplacian'), 'replicate', 'conv')); WL2 = abs(imfilter(R2, fspecial('Laplacian'), 'replicate', 'conv')); % 2. Saliency weight WS1 = saliency_detection(input1); WS2 = saliency_detection(input2); % 3. Saturation weight WSat1 = Saturation_weight(input1); WSat2 = Saturation_weight(input2); % normalized weight [W1, W2] = norm_weight(WL1, WS1, WSat1, WL2 , WS2, WSat2); %.................................................% % image fusion % R(x,y) = sum G{W} * L{I} %.................................................% level = 3; % weight gaussian pyramid Weight1 = gaussian_pyramid(W1, level); Weight2 = gaussian_pyramid(W2, level); % image laplacian pyramid % input1 r1 = laplacian_pyramid(double(double(input1(:, :, 1))), level); g1 = laplacian_pyramid(double(double(input1(:, :, 2))), level); b1 = laplacian_pyramid(double(double(input1(:, :, 3))), level); % input2 r2 = laplacian_pyramid(double(double(input2(:, :, 1))), level); g2 = laplacian_pyramid(double(double(input2(:, :, 2))), level); b2 = laplacian_pyramid(double(double(input2(:, :, 3))), level); % fusion for i = 1 : level R_r{i} = Weight1{i} .* r1{i} + Weight2{i} .* r2{i}; G_g{i} = Weight1{i} .* g1{i} + Weight2{i} .* g2{i}; B_b{i} = Weight1{i} .* b1{i} + Weight2{i} .* b2{i}; end % pyramin reconstruct R = pyramid_reconstruct(R_r); G = pyramid_reconstruct(G_g); B = pyramid_reconstruct(B_b); fusion = cat(3, R,G,B); uiqm = UIQM(fusion) uciqe = UCIQE(fusion) figure,imshow(fusion),title("fusion image");
🎉3 参考文献
[2]李秋实. 基于像素级图像融合增强的全局式水下多视图重建[D].吉林大学,2022.DOI:10.27162/d.cnki.gjlin.2022.001192.