💥1 概述
在统计信号处理及其相关领域 ,多变量数据的描述和分析一直是人们广泛关注的研究课题。在现有的多变量数据分析方法中 ,基于二阶统计特性的主分量分析 (PCA)和基于高阶统计特性的独立分量分析 (ICA)是两种非常有代表性的方法。本文在简要介绍PCA和ICA基本原理的基础上 ,结合计算平均互信息 (AMI) 和假最近邻 (FNN)以估计多维时间序列的嵌入参数,对两种方法的性能和特点进行了较深入地比较。近年来,互联网和物联网的融合与发展,吸引众多学者对复杂网络进行研究。复杂网络的研究在众多领域具有重要的应用价值,例如在生物领域检测蛋白质作用的复合体,在商业领域进行商品推荐,在公共安全领域预防犯罪活动等。提出了一种基于平均互信息的聚类算法。通过熵量化参数类别特性的大小,再根据熵的平均互信息计算方法衡量数据对象间类别的相同、相异特征量,统一数值和分类条件属性参数间距离的数量级,最后通过优化迭代自适应过程得到最终聚类结果。具有缺失数据的随机系数自回归模型的参数估计问题,在缺失数据情形下给出了四种模型参数估计方法:无数据填充条件最小二乘法、均值填充法、条件均值填充法以及桥填充法。
📚2 运行结果
%% Using |mdDelay()| and |mdFnn()| to estimate embedding of the Lorenz attractor % % This file contains examples of how to use the functions mdDelay and mdFnn % on example data from the Lorenz equations. This script was used to % produce Figure 1 and Figure 2 in the article, but also contains some % additional examples of calling the functions and plotting the results. % % For further details, we refer to the article: % % Wallot, S., & M鴑ster, D. (2018). Calculation of average mutual % information (AMI) and false-nearest neighbors (FNN) for the estimation of % embedding parameters of multidimensional time-series in Matlab. Front. % Psychol. - Quantitative Psychology and Measurement (under review) %% Load the data and set font size for plots data = load('lorenz_3d_timeseries.txt'); fontSize = 18; %% Plot the full Lorenz attractor (Figure 1a in the article) figure1a = figure; set(gcf,'color','white') axes1a = axes('Parent',figure1a); hold(axes1a,'on'); plot3(data(:,1),data(:,2),data(:,3),'k') xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') view(axes1a,[67 25]); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') print('Figure1a','-dpng') %% Estimate the time delay for the x-variable % The estimate returned here is 19, which in this case is higher than it % needs to be. This can bee seen from the plot, where the AMI function does % not drop below the threshold value of 1/e. The function thus falls back % to finding the first local minimum which occurs at a delay of 19. Since % the AMI function is very flat (the first derivative is almost zero), a % value very close to the first local minimum occurs already at a delay of % 13 or 14, so there is no reason to choose a larger value than that. % % This shows the importance of visually inspecting the results. For y and z % the algorithm produces values that hold up to visual inspection, and the % same is true for the combinations xy, xz, yz and xyz (see plots further % below). tau = mdDelay(data(:,1), 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'all'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('x: tau = ' + string(tau)) %% Construct time delayed versions of the x-variable (Figure 1b-d in the article) % To see the effect in the plot we use an exaggerated value of tau, so for % illustration purposes we set tau = 40. tau = 40; figure(); set(gcf,'color','white') % Plot the x variable subplot(3,1,1), plot(data(:,1),'k') ylabel('x') axis([0 2000 min(data(:,1)) max(data(:,1))]) set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') % Plot the x variable delayed by tau subplot(3,1,2), plot(data(1 + tau:end,1),'k') ylabel('x') axis([0 2000 min(data(:,1)) max(data(:,1))]) set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') subplot(3,1,3), plot(data(1 + 2 * tau:end,1),'k') ylabel('x') xlabel('time') axis([0 2000 min(data(:,1)) max(data(:,1))]) set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') %% Reconstruct the attractor based on the x time series (Figure 1e in the article) % The x time series is embedded using time delayed versions of the time % series with a time delay tau and embedding dimension m. % As discussed above, visual inspection of the AMI function indicates that % the first local minimium value is too high a value for tau, since the AMI % reaches essentially the same level at tau around 13, so we will pick this % value. The embedding dimension is set to 3, which is the value produced by % mdFnn() (see Table 1 in the article). tau = 13; m = 3; figure1e = figure(); set(gcf,'color','white') axes1e = axes('Parent',figure1e); hold(axes1e,'on'); plot3(data(1:end-(m-1)*tau,1),data(1+tau:end-(m-2)*tau,1),data(1+2*tau:end,1),'k') xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') view(axes1e,[67 25]); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') %% Estimate time delay and plot AMI using all variables (Figure 2a in article) tau = mdDelay(data, 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'all'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('xyz: tau = ' + string(tau)) print('Figure2a','-dpng') %% Estimate the embedding dimension (Figure 2b in the article) [fnnPercent, embeddingDimension] = mdFnn(data, round(tau)); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') print('Figure2b','-dpng') %% Alternative method to find time delay using first local minimum criterion tau = mdDelay(data, 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'all', 'criterion', 'localMin'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('xyz: tau = ' + string(tau)) %% Plot the average AMI and standard deviation tau = mdDelay(data, 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'mean'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('xyz: tau = ' + string(tau)) %% Time delay for the y-variable tau = mdDelay(data(:,2), 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'all'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('y: tau = ' + string(tau)) %% Time delay for the z-variable tau = mdDelay(data(:,3), 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'all'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('z: tau = ' + string(tau)) %% Time delay for the x and y variables tau = mdDelay(data(:,1:2), 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'all'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('xy: tau = ' + string(tau)) %% Time delay for the x and z variables tau = mdDelay(data(:,[1,3]), 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'all'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('xz: tau = ' + string(tau)) %% Time delay for the y and z variables tau = mdDelay(data(:,2:3), 'maxLag', 25, 'plottype', 'all'); set(gca,'FontSize',fontSize,'fontWeight','normal') disp('yz: tau = ' + string(tau))
🎉3 参考文献