select p.firstname,p.lastname,a.city,a.state from person p left join address a on p.personid = a.personid;
思路1、 通过group by可以将去除重复的薪水,再进行order by可以将去重后的结果进行排序 select salary SecondHighestSalary from employee group by salary order by salary desc limit 1,1 思路2、 1、先查询出最大的薪水 2、过滤出小于最大薪水的所有数据 3、在过滤出的数据中找最大的数据 如果没有最大薪水,max()会返回null select max(salary) SecondHighestSalary from employee where salary < (select max(salary) from employee)
# 执行limit N,M 的时候,如果没有N条记录,则会返回结果为null # limit n,m 表示跳过n条记录,从第n+1条记录开始连续取m条记录 # group by 会根据salary进行去重,去重后的结果根据salary进行降序排列 CREATE FUNCTION getNthHighestSalary(N INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN set N = N-1; RETURN ( # Write your MySQL query statement below. select salary from (select salary from employee group by salary order by salary desc) as tmp limit N,1 ); END
# count(distinct(s2.score)) 会先去重后再计算数量 select s1.score,count(distinct(s2.score)) `rank` from scores s1,scores s2 where s1.score <= s2.score group by s1.id order by `rank` select s1.id id1 , s1.score score1 , s2.id id2 , s2.score score2 from scores s1,scores s2 where s1.score <= s2.score # 以s1的视角来看,score2 都是比 score1更大的值,因此这里按score1进行分组,每一个组的数量就是score1的是第几大的元素 # 但score1存在重复的,因此应该以id1进行分组即可 # | id1 | score1 | id2 | score2 | # | --- | ------ | --- | ------ | # | 1 | 3.5 | 1 | 3.5 | # | 6 | 3.65 | 2 | 3.65 | # | 2 | 3.65 | 2 | 3.65 | # | 1 | 3.5 | 2 | 3.65 | # | 6 | 3.65 | 3 | 4 | # | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | # | 4 | 3.85 | 3 | 4 | # | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | # | 2 | 3.65 | 3 | 4 | # | 1 | 3.5 | 3 | 4 | # | 6 | 3.65 | 4 | 3.85 | # | 4 | 3.85 | 4 | 3.85 | # | 2 | 3.65 | 4 | 3.85 | # | 1 | 3.5 | 4 | 3.85 | # | 6 | 3.65 | 5 | 4 | # | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | # | 4 | 3.85 | 5 | 4 | # | 3 | 4 | 5 | 4 | # | 2 | 3.65 | 5 | 4 | # | 1 | 3.5 | 5 | 4 | # | 6 | 3.65 | 6 | 3.65 | # | 2 | 3.65 | 6 | 3.65 | # | 1 | 3.5 | 6 | 3.65 |
# 把一张表作为员工表,一张表作为经理表,连接条件是员工表的managerid = 经理表的id select e.name Employee from employee e left join employee m on e.managerid = m.id where e.salary > m.salary
# 通过group by 进行聚合后,用having来统计每一个分组的条数 select email as Email from person group by email having count(email) > 1
#以customers作为主表来左连接orders表,如果orders表在customers表中不存在则orders的记录以空出现 #因此如果orders为空则说明这个用户不买东西 select c.name Customers from customers c left join orders o on c.id = o.customerid where o.customerid is null
#按部门分组找到组内的最高工资 #找到等于这个最高工资的员工 #关联部门名称表 #输出结果 select d.name Department,e.name Employee,e.salary Salary from employee e,department d,( # 按部门分组找到每个部门中的最高工资 select max(salary) max_salary,departmentid dept_id from employee group by departmentid) tmp where e.departmentid = d.id and e.salary = tmp.max_salary and e.departmentid = tmp.dept_id
#对于某个分组内取前几名的问题: # 1、表和自身相连,根据分组的唯一标识 + 排名字段 进行关联【on条件】 ---》 可以得到每个分组比当前数据高的所有记录 # 2、根据当前数据的唯一标识id进行分组 【group by】 ---》 分组后可以直接做count统计记录 # 3、过滤出分组后符合排名的记录 【having】 ---》 得到结果 select d.name Department,e.name Employee,e.salary Salary from employee e left join department d on e.departmentid = d.id, (select e1.id # 这里的left join的条件是部门相同且工资比e1高的进行关联 from employee e1 left join employee e2 on e1.departmentid = e2.departmentid and e1.salary < e2.salary group by e1.id having count(distinct e2.salary) <= 2 # 去重后统计 ) tmp where e.id = tmp.id
1、先找到每个分组内id最小的记录 2、将不属于第一步查出的id的记录进行删除 delete from person where id not in( select * from( select min(id) from person group by email ) as min_id )
select w1.id from weather w1 left join weather w2 on w1.recorddate = date_add(w2.recorddate,interval 1 day) where w1.temperature > w2.temperature;
# select e.name,b.bonus # from employee e left join bonus b on e.empid = b.empid # where b.bonus<1000 # 这里b.bonus<1000是要求是不为空的同时小于1000 # | name | bonus | # | ------ | ----- | # | Brad | null | # | John | null | # | Dan | 500 | # | Thomas | 2000 | select e.name,b.bonus from employee e left join bonus b on e.empid = b.empid where b.bonus<1000 or b.bonus is null
1、先查出每个客户下了多少订单 2、根据订单的数量按降序排布 3、通过limit取第一个元素【即下单最多的客户】 select customer_number from( select customer_number,count(*) cnt from orders group by customer_number ) tmp order by cnt desc limit 0,1
# group by lat,lon表示只有lat和lon都一样的时候才是一个分组,当group by多个维度的时候,只有每个维度都相同才会归为一个分组 select lat,lon,count(*) from insurance group by lat,lon # | lat | lon | count(*) | # | --- | --- | -------- | # | 10 | 10 | 1 | # | 20 | 20 | 2 | # | 40 | 40 | 1 | #由于题目中需要找城市必须与其他投保人都不同的分组,因此这些符合条件的分组其组内只有一条记录,这时候可以取pid【不会产生歧义】 select round(sum(TIV_2016),2) tiv_2016 from insurance where pid in( select pid from insurance group by lat,lon having count(*)=1 ) and TIV_2015 in( select TIV_2015 from insurance group by TIV_2015 having count(*)>1 )
# 通过left join把两个表链接起来,链接的条件是数字相等且id大1 select distinct(l1.num) ConsecutiveNums from logs l1 left join logs l2 on l1.num = l2.num and l1.id +1 = l2.id left join logs l3 on l1.num = l3.num and l2.id +1 = l3.id where l2.id is not null and l3.id is not null
题目16、好友申请 II :谁有最多的好友
# 注意,在进行group by以后每个分组内只有一条记录,后续进行order by不会影响group by的结果。 SELECT id,SUM(num) AS num FROM ( # 用户发出好友请求的数量 SELECT requester_id AS id,COUNT(accepter_id ) AS num FROM RequestAccepted GROUP BY requester_id UNION ALL # 用户接收好友请求的数量 SELECT accepter_id AS id,COUNT(requester_id ) AS num FROM RequestAccepted GROUP BY accepter_id ) AS o GROUP BY id ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 1
题目17、 销售员
select name from salesperson where sales_id not in( # 找到与这个公司有关的销售人员的id select sales_id from orders where com_id in( # 通过公司名找到公司的id select com_id from company where name = 'RED') )
select t1.id id, case when t1.p_id is null then 'Root' when t2.id is null then 'Leaf' else 'Inner' end type from tree t1 left join tree t2 on t1.id = t2.p_id group by t1.id #去重 select t1.*,t2.* from tree t1 left join tree t2 on t1.id = t2.p_id 当前节点 父节点 子节点 # | id | p_id | id | p_id | # | -- | ---- | ---- | ---- | # | 1 | null | 3 | 1 | # | 1 | null | 2 | 1 | # | 2 | 1 | 5 | 2 | # | 2 | 1 | 4 | 2 | # | 3 | 1 | null | null | # | 4 | 2 | null | null | # | 5 | 2 | null | null |
# 当子查询的结果为空的时候,max过滤出的结果也是空 select max(num) num from( select num from mynumbers group by num having count(*)=1 ) tmp # 当having过滤出的结果为空的时候,什么也不会输出 select num from mynumbers group by num having count(*)=1 order by num desc limit 1
select * from cinema where description != 'boring' and id%2=1 order by rating desc
题目21、产品销售分析 III
select sales.product_id,sales.year first_year,sales.quantity,sales.price from sales,( # 找出每个产品的第一年售卖的数据 select product_id,min(year) year from sales group by product_id) tmp where sales.product_id = tmp.product_id and sales.year = tmp.year
题目22、项目员工 I
# 当有的员工没有项目做的时候,通过project_id进行分组会导致有的记录会被分到null的组 select pro.project_id,avg(emp.experience_years) average_years from employee emp left join project pro on emp.employee_id = pro.employee_id group by project_id # | project_id | average_years | # | ---------- | ------------- | # | 1 | 3 | # | null | 2 | # | 2 | 1.5 | select pro.project_id,round(avg(emp.experience_years),2) average_years from project pro left join employee emp on emp.employee_id = pro.employee_id group by project_id
# 这只是查出了在2019春季卖出过产品的记录,但【不是只在】2019年春季卖出商品的记录 select pro.product_id,pro.product_name from product pro,sales where sales.sale_date>='2019-01-01' and sales.sale_date<='2019-03-31' and pro.product_id = sales.product_id # 根据最值来查询出【只在】2019年春季卖出过的产品 select pro.product_id,pro.product_name from product pro,( select product_id,min(sale_date) mindate,max(sale_date) maxdate from sales group by product_id having mindate>='2019-01-01' and maxdate<='2019-03-31') tmp where pro.product_id=tmp.product_id