In real world datasets, particularly in climate and environmental problems, we often have measurements at a specified number of locations (in space and/or time), and will often need to make predictions of the output at unmeasured locations (for example, at the next several time steps, or for a spatial region).
We can approach the spatial problem by constructing a fine grid over the area in question and then predicting at each point on the grid, interpolating between the observed data points. If we have a set of explanatory/predictor variables at the locations of the measurements and for each point of the grid, then we could use a regression model to produce predictions. Our model should also provide a measure of uncertainty around any predictions, as we don’t observe the desired output at all possible locations.
In this course, we’ll be learning and applying methods for handling spatial and temporal measurement data. In this practical, we’ll consider a spatial dataset, and start by using methods that we already know, attempting to fit linear models to this spatial data, potentially identifying any issues with this approach and motivating the need to go beyond such models, as we will later in this course.
The Meuse dataset
We’re going to look at the meuse dataset, contained in the sp package. From its description (in ?meuse): “This data set gives locations and topsoil heavy metal concentrations, along with a number of soil and landscape variables at the observation locations, collected in a flood plain of the river Meuse, near the village of Stein (NL). Heavy metal concentrations are from composite samples of an area of approximately 15m x 15m.”
Let’s load in the data, and do some initial data analysis:
查看它的描述:“该数据集提供了位置和表土重金属浓度,以及观察地点的许多土壤和景观变量,收集在Stein村附近的默兹河洪泛区(荷兰)。 重金属浓度来自面积约为 15m x 15m
# 加载包和数据
meuse$x<- meuse$x/ 1000 # 整理坐标
meuse$y<- meuse$y/ 1000
We have (x, y) locations (in some non-standard coordinate system, we won’t worry about this), and want to model the soil concentration of various metals (cadmium, copper, lead, zinc) in $mg.kg^{-1}$. The dataset also contains some other variables which may be useful for prediction, such as elevation, and two measures of distance to the river (dist, dist.m). We’ll use the normalized version, dist, as this choice will come in useful later on. In all that follows, we’ll be attempting to model zinc concentration.
A sensible place to start is plotting the spatial locations of the points, to see the domain we’re working with (we’ll generally be using ggplot2, but everything here could be done similarly with base graphics):
我们有(x,y)位置,并且想要以$mg.kg^{-1}$为单位模拟各种金属(镉、铜、铅、锌)在土壤中的浓度.该数据集还包含一些可能对预测有用的其他变量,例如海拔和到河流的两个距离度量(dist、dist.m)。我们将使用规范化版本dist,因为这个选择稍后会派上用场。 在接下来的内容中,我们将尝试模拟锌浓度。
一个明智的开始是绘制空间点位置,以查看我们正在处理的域(我们通常使用 ggplot2,但这里的所有内容都可以使用基本图形来完成):
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= x, y= y))+
This isn’t that exciting, so let’s plot the points with their size corresponding to distance from the river and zinc concentration:
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= x, y= y, size= dist))+
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= x, y= y, size= zinc))+
From these plots, we see that the river is running from bottom left to top right, along our cloud of points (and we’re probably lying in a meander, as suggested by the 3 points away from the rest, with a low distance). There also seems to be a correlation between the zinc concentration and the distance from the river, with higher concentrations generally along the river. We can combine the above two plots using something like:
从这些图中,我们看到河流从左下角流向右上角,云锌浓度与河流距离之间似乎也存在相关性,通常沿河浓度较高。 我们可以使用以下内容组合上述两个图:
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= x, y= y))+
geom_point(aes(size= dist, color= zinc))+
So, our data appears to have some correlation spatially, but there is also a clear inverse relationship between the distance from the river and the zinc concentration. We see that if we apply transformations (taking the square root of dist, and the logarithm of zinc) we have a reasonably strong negative correlation. Plotting these transformations:
因此,我们的数据在空间上似乎有一些相关性,但与河流的距离与锌浓度之间也存在明显的反比关系。我们看到,如果我们应用变换(取dist的平方根和锌的对数),我们会得到相当强的负相关。 绘制这些变换:
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= dist, y= zinc))+
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= sqrt(dist), y= log(zinc)))+
Fitting a model for zinc concentration-拟合锌浓度模型
Our initial data analysis has highlighted the relatively strong relationship between distance from the river and zinc concentration, given appropriate transformations. Let’s fit a linear regression using this relationship, with the aim of using this model to predict zinc concentration on a grid of points around the river:
经过适当的转换后,我们的初始数据分析显示了了到河流的距离与锌浓度之间相对较强的关系。 让我们使用此关系拟合线性回归,目的是使用此模型来预测河流周围点网格上的锌浓度:
$$log(zinc_i) = \beta_0 + \beta_1\sqrt{dist_i} + \epsilon_i$$
linear_model<- lm(log(zinc)~ sqrt(dist), data= meuse)

For linear regression models, recall that we are assuming that the residuals $\epsilon_i$ are independent and identically distributed with mean $\theta$ and variance $\sigma^2$:
对于线性回归模型,回想一下,我们假设残差$\epsilon_i$是独立且同分布的,均值 $\theta$ 和方差 $\sigma^2$:
$$\epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^2)$$
To assess whether this assumption is valid, we can consider the usual diagnostic plots:
为了评估这个假设是否有效,我们可以考虑通常的 diagnostic plots:
par(mfrow= c(2, 2))
We see some potential problems here: the QQ plot shows some deviation from Normality, particularly in the upper tail. In the residuals vs fitted plot, the mean of the residuals should be zero regardless of the fitted value, and the spread of these points should be constant, both of which are violated to some extent, particulary for lower values of (log) concentration.
我们在这里看到了一些潜在的问题:QQ图显示了一些与正态性的偏差,特别是在upper-tail。在residuals vs fittedplot中 ,无论拟合值如何,残差的平均值都应为零,并且这些点的分布应该是恒定的,这两者都在一定程度上被违反,特别是对于较低的 (log) 浓度值。
(At this point, we may want to consider adding extra covariates, or using different transformations, to try to improve the linear model fit, but we assume that this model is ‘good enough’ for now.)
We can also consider how the residuals change with distance from the river, and with x and y coordinates, again expecting no patterns if our assumptions hold:
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= sqrt(dist), y= resid(linear_model)))+
geom_smooth(se= FALSE)
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= x, y= resid(linear_model)))+
geom_smooth(se= FALSE)
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= y, y= resid(linear_model)))+
geom_smooth(se= FALSE)
And clearly here we have an issue, with the spread of residuals much narrower for high values of the distance,and a systematic pattern in terms of the x coordinate.
The problem becomes even clearer if we plot the residuals on our original spatial map, with green and redindicating whether the zinc measurements are higher or lower than the modelled values, with the size of the points scaled by the size of the residual:
ggplot(data= meuse, aes(x= x, y= y))+
geom_point(size= 5*abs(resid(linear_model)),
col= ifelse(resid(linear_model)> 0, 'green', 'red'))
This plot shows that the errors are correlated when considered spatially, with the model systematically over and underestimating the measurements in different regions, rather than the errors being distributed randomly. However, we set out to produce a map of zinc concentration, so despite the inadequacies of this particular model, let’s use it to interpolate and predict on a grid. The sp
package also contains a dataset called meuse.grid
, which gives a grid containing x and y coordinates, along with the distance to the river for every point. Using this in combination with the linear model, we can colour in our map with predictions:
meuse.grid$x<- meuse.grid$x/ 1000
meuse.grid$y<- meuse.grid$y/ 1000
meuse.grid$linear_preds<- predict(linear_model, meuse.grid)
ggplot(data= meuse.grid, aes(x= x, y= y, fill= linear_preds))+
scale_fill_viridis_c(limits= c(4.4, 7.6))+
labs(fill= "log conc")
Unsurprisingly, given the form of the model, the zinc concentration is highest next to the river, and decreases as the distance from the river increases.
So we’ve attempted to handle the spatial component of this data set by only considering distance to the river, which is strongly related to the zinc concentration. But whilst the residuals are reasonably Normal overall, there are clear systematic biases spatially:
因此,我们试图通过仅考虑到河流的距离来处理此数据集的空间分量,这与锌浓度密切相关。 但是,虽然残差总体上是合理的,但在空间上存在明显的系统偏差:
Looking ahead
We saw above that assuming uncorrelated residuals was a problem, so the following code implements a model where we assume that the residuals at close points are related. Then, we could understand how to use the geoR
package and what the functions below are actually doing, but for now it doesn’t matter:
meuse_new<- as.geodata(meuse, data.col= which(colnames(meuse)== "zinc"))
meuse_new[2]$data<- log(meuse_new[2]$data)
## likfit 参数:
## geodata: a list containing elements coords and data
## ini: initial values
## fix.nug: logical, indicating whether tau^2 should be regard as fixed
## lik.met: frmely method, ML for maximum likelihood, REML for restricted maximum likelihood
ml<- likfit(meuse_new, ini= c(10, 1), fix.nug= FALSE, lik.met= "REML")
## krige.conv参数:
## geodata:
## coords:
## loc: 2-D coordiantes
## krige: can take a call to krige.control(Auxiliary function辅助函数)
preds<- krige.conv(meuse_new, loc= meuse.grid[,1:2], krige = krige.control(obj.model = ml))
meuse.grid$preds <- preds$predict
ggplot(data = meuse.grid, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = preds)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(limits = c(4.4,7.6)) +
labs(fill = 'log conc')
So now we have an alternative set of predictions of zinc concentration spatially. There’s clearly a lot more going on here - there isn’t just a linear relationship as distance from the river increases, and we’re clearly able to model the data with much greater flexibility, picking up more local variability in the zinc concentration. There is a reasonably strong correlation between the predictions from the two models overall, but particularly
where the linear model predicts high concentrations (i.e. close to the river), the new model can return a much wider range of values, suggesting that distance from the river is not the only important factor:
ggplot(data= meuse.grid, aes(x= linear_preds, y= preds))+
labs(x= "Linear model", "Spatial model")
We can also look at the uncertainty on these predictions, and plot this spatially:
meuse.grid$unc<- preds$krige.var
ggplot(data= meuse.grid, aes(x= x, y= y, fill= unc))+