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📋 📋 📋 本文目录如下: 🎁 🎁 🎁
💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
🌈4 Matlab代码实现
💥1 概述
“本文提出了一种基于字典的L1范数稀疏编码,用于时间序列预测,不需要训练阶段,参数调整最少,适用于非平稳和在线预测应用。预测过程被表述为基础追求 L1 范数问题,其中为每个测试向量估计一组稀疏权重。尝试了约束稀疏编码公式,包括稀疏局部线性嵌入和稀疏最近邻嵌入。16个时间序列数据集用于测试离线时间序列预测方法,其中训练数据是固定的。所提出的方法还与Bagging树(BT),最小二乘支持向量回归(LSSVM)和正则化自回归模型进行了比较。所提出的稀疏编码预测显示出比使用10倍交叉验证的LSSVM更好的性能,并且比正则化AR和Bagging树的性能明显更好。平均而言,在LSSVM训练时可以完成几千个稀疏编码预测。
📚2 运行结果
clear all; %Time series Prediction using Sparse coding with overcomplete dictionaries %In each case, the test data prediction is plotted versus the real data %and the sparsity of the solution is recorded. %both L1-magic (if LASSO=0) and CVX libraries (if LASSO=1) must be included % in the Matlab path %if normalize=1 use sqrt(x*x'), normalize=2 use st.dev., normalize=3 use %the L1 norm, or zero then no normalization. normalize1=2; normalize2=2; eps=0.001; %the error constraint thr=0.001; %the pruning threshold NN=20000; %these are the max number of neighbors allowed dthr=0.0; %the distance threshold used to filter the dictionary. If it %is zero then no dictionary filtering is done LASSO=1; %0 for BP and 1 for BPDN or LASSO using CVX for kkk=1:16 %The 16 data sets used for evaluation nnnn=kkk; if(nnnn==1) %Mackey-Glass data load MGData; a = MGData; time = a(:, 1); x_t = a(:, 2); trn_data = zeros(500, 5); chk_data = zeros(500, 5); time = 1:sz; Train = x_t(1:100); Test = x_t(101:190); K=6; eps=0.001; C = 'USD-EURO Data' elseif(nnnn==15) load IkedaData1; %Z-normalized if(nonorm==1) for i=1:L1-K dzz(i)=1; end end end %Now we normalize the targets of the training data for i=1:L1-K if(normalize1==5) T(i) = (trg1(i)-dmm(i))/dvv(i); else T(i) = trg1(i)/dzz(i); end end TR = T; %%%%%%%%This is the dictionary filtering process (if we want to reduce the %%%%%%%%number of similar atoms. It is controlled by the dthr value %%%%%%%%specified by the user. I have not investigated this a lot dictsize=size(DD); nn=dictsize(1); %the large dimension mm=dictsize(2); %the small dimension RR=randn(nn,mm); RR=orth(RR); tooclose=0; for io=1:nn %over all the atoms xio = DD(io,1:mm); cnt=0; for jo= io+1 : nn dddd(jo) = dist(xio,DD(jo,1:mm)'); if(dddd(jo) <= dthr) cnt=cnt+1; %one or more atoms are too close end end if(io<nn) mindist(io) = min(dist(xio,DD(io+1:nn,1:mm)')); %the min distance for each atom with the next ones else mindist(io)=0; end if(cnt==0) %no atoms are too close FF(io,1:mm) = DD(io,1:mm); FT(io) = TR(io); else %some atoms are too close, so we remove this one and put a random atom FF(io,1:mm) = RR(io, 1:mm); FT(io) = 0; %the target for the random atoms is zero tooclose=tooclose+1; end end %So, now the new dictionary is FF and the new targets is FT %(if no filtering happened then FF is the same as DD) TooClose(kkk) = tooclose; %this will tell us how many atoms were replaced (removed) MinDist(kkk,1:nn)=mindist(1:nn); %here we construct the test data Test(1:(L2-K),1:K) = tst(1:(L2-K),1:K); TT = trg2(1:(L2-K)); M=L2-K; tic %to get the test time sprs=0; %to accumulate the sparsity over test vectors for i=1:M %loop over M vectors from the test data disp('**************'); disp(i); test(1:K) = Test(i,1:K); %here we normalize the test vector by its own dot product if(normalize2==1) normtest = sqrt(test*test'); elseif(normalize2==2) normtest = sqrt(var(test)); elseif(normalize2==3) normtest = norm(test,1); elseif(normalize2==0) normtest=1; end
🎉3 参考文献
[1]Waleed Fakhr, "Sparse Locally Linear and Neighbor Embedding for Nonlinear Time Series Prediction", ICCES 2015, December 2015.