An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following

简介: An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:
The following method did not exist:
The method's class, net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column, is available from the following locations:
The class hierarchy was loaded from the following locations:
    net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column: file:/E:/apache-maven-3.8.1-bin/localMaven3.8.1/com/github/jsqlparser/jsqlparser/3.2/jsqlparser-3.2.jar
    net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.ASTNodeAccessImpl: file:/E:/apache-maven-3.8.1-bin/localMaven3.8.1/com/github/jsqlparser/jsqlparser/3.2/jsqlparser-3.2.jar
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column
Process finished with exit code 1

查阅资料说的是:Maven依赖冲突jar包冲突类冲突 ,

具体原因:多个jar包 中包含同一个类

解决思路:将The method’s class, javax.servlet.ServletContext, is available from the following locations: 提示的jar删除


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