In today's digital economy era, blockchain technology has gradually become a highly concerned field, and independent public chain development is an indispensable and important link in blockchain technology. The public chain is the infrastructure in the blockchain ecosystem, and its development and construction play a crucial role in the application and development of blockchain technology.
With the gradual development of blockchain technology, the concept of public chain has become increasingly important. Public chain refers to a fully open and decentralized blockchain system where anyone can initiate transactions and participate in the consensus process of the public chain. The emergence of public chains has greatly reduced transaction costs in digital economy fields such as digital currency and digital assets, while also ensuring the security and transparency of transactions, making public chains an indispensable infrastructure in the digital economy field.
function addLiquidity(
address tokenA,//添加流动性tokenA的地址
address tokenB,//添加流动性tokenB的地址
uint amountADesired,//期望添加tokenA的数量
uint amountBDesired,//期望添加tokenB的数量
uint amountAMin,//添加tokenA的最小数量
uint amountBMin//添加tokenB的最小数量
address to,//获得的LP发送到的地址
uint deadline//过期时间
)external virtual override ensure(deadline)returns(
uint amountA,//实际添加tokenA的数量
uint amountB//实际添加tokenB的数量
uint liquidity//获得LP的数量
function addLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint amountADesired,
uint amountBDesired,
uint amountAMin,
uint amountBMin,
address to,
uint deadline
)external virtual override ensure(deadline)returns(uint amountA,uint amountB,uint liquidity){
address pair=UniswapV2Library.pairFor(factory,tokenA,tokenB);