一、Docker 安装 runner
docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest
[root@qijing0 ~]# docker exec -it 0e /bin/bash root@0ea31614bb53:/# touch /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
[root@qijing0 ~]# docker run --rm -it -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux pid=7 revision=6d480948 version=15.7.1 Running in system-mode. Enter the GitLab instance URL (for example, https://gitlab.com/): Enter the registration token: GR1348941J1DsxtL4DTjyshfq48kv Enter a description for the runner: [92fb28d0fb0a]: deploy-runner Enter tags for the runner (comma-separated): deploy Enter optional maintenance note for the runner: qijing WARNING: Support for registration tokens and runner parameters in the 'register' command has been deprecated in GitLab Runner 15.6 and will be replaced with support for authentication tokens. For more information, see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/380872 Registering runner... succeeded runner=GR1348941J1DsxtL4 Enter an executor: instance, kubernetes, ssh, virtualbox, docker+machine, docker-ssh+machine, shell, custom, docker, docker-ssh, parallels: docker Enter the default Docker image (for example, ruby:2.7): centos:7 Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded! Configuration (with the authentication token) was saved in "/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml"
- 可以看到,这是配置好的 Runner了
- 把【指示此runner是否可以选择无标记的作业】勾上,不然作业会阻塞
[附加]解决runner Failed to connect to gitlab.xxxx port xxx after ms: Operation timed out
vim /srv/gitlab-runner/config/config.toml
[[runners]] name = "runner-deploy" url = "" id = 7 token = "GP-6ZBkZsAjyxs9hvdrW" token_obtained_at = 2022-12-24T01:22:36Z token_expires_at = 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z executor = "docker" [runners.custom_build_dir] [runners.cache] MaxUploadedArchiveSize = 0 [runners.cache.s3] [runners.cache.gcs] [runners.cache.azure] [runners.docker] tls_verify = false image = "centos:7" privileged = false disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false oom_kill_disable = false disable_cache = false volumes = ["/cache"] extra_hosts = ["gitlab.xxxx.cn:"] #添加上这一行 shm_size = 0
docker restart yourcontainer