- filterpy.kalman
- filterpy.common
- filterpy.stats
- filterpy.monte_carlo
- 初始化
def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_z, dim_u = 0, x = None, P = None, Q = None, B = None, F = None, H = None, R = None): """Kalman Filter Refer to http:/github.com/rlabbe/filterpy Method ----------------------------------------- Predict | Update ----------------------------------------- | K = PH^T(HPH^T + R)^-1 x = Fx + Bu | y = z - Hx P = FPF^T + Q | x = x + Ky | P = (1 - KH)P | S = HPH^T + R ----------------------------------------- note: In update unit, here is a more numerically stable way: P = (I-KH)P(I-KH)' + KRK' Parameters ---------- dim_x: int dims of state variables, eg:(x,y,vx,vy)->4 dim_z: int dims of observation variables, eg:(x,y)->2 dim_u: int dims of control variables,eg: a->1 p = p + vt + 0.5at^2 v = v + at =>[p;v] = [1,t;0,1][p;v] + [0.5t^2;t]a """ assert dim_x >= 1, 'dim_x must be 1 or greater' assert dim_z >= 1, 'dim_z must be 1 or greater' assert dim_u >= 0, 'dim_u must be 0 or greater' self.dim_x = dim_x self.dim_z = dim_z self.dim_u = dim_u # initialization # predict self.x = np.zeros((dim_x, 1)) if x is None else x # state self.P = np.eye(dim_x) if P is None else P # uncertainty covariance self.Q = np.eye(dim_x) if Q is None else Q # process uncertainty for prediction self.B = None if B is None else B # control transition matrix self.F = np.eye(dim_x) if F is None else F # state transition matrix # update self.H = np.zeros((dim_z, dim_x)) if H is None else H # Measurement function z=Hx self.R = np.eye(dim_z) if R is None else R # observation uncertainty self._alpha_sq = 1. # fading memory control self.z = np.array([[None] * self.dim_z]).T # observation self.K = np.zeros((dim_x, dim_z)) # kalman gain self.y = np.zeros((dim_z, 1)) # estimation error self.S = np.zeros((dim_z, dim_z)) # system uncertainty, S = HPH^T + R self.SI = np.zeros((dim_z, dim_z)) # inverse system uncertainty, SI = S^-1 self.inv = np.linalg.inv self._mahalanobis = None # Mahalanobis distance of measurement self.latest_state = 'init' # last process name
- 预测阶段
def predict(self, u = None, B = None, F = None, Q = None): """ Predict next state (prior) using the Kalman filter state propagation equations: x = Fx + Bu P = fading_memory*FPF^T + Q Parameters ---------- u : ndarray Optional control vector. If not `None`, it is multiplied by B to create the control input into the system. B : ndarray of (dim_x, dim_z), or None Optional control transition matrix; a value of None will cause the filter to use `self.B`. F : ndarray of (dim_x, dim_x), or None Optional state transition matrix; a value of None will cause the filter to use `self.F`. Q : ndarray of (dim_x, dim_x), scalar, or None Optional process noise matrix; a value of None will cause the filter to use `self.Q`. """ if B is None: B = self.B if F is None: F = self.F if Q is None: Q = self.Q elif np.isscalar(Q): Q = np.eye(self.dim_x) * Q # x = Fx + Bu if B is not None and u is not None: self.x = F @ self.x + B @ u else: self.x = F @ self.x # P = fading_memory*FPF' + Q self.P = self._alpha_sq * (F @ self.P @ F.T) + Q self.latest_state = 'predict'
- 更新阶段
def update(self, z, R = None, H = None): """ Update Process, add a new measurement (z) to the Kalman filter. K = PH^T(HPH^T + R)^-1 y = z - Hx x = x + Ky P = (1 - KH)P or P = (I-KH)P(I-KH)' + KRK' If z is None, nothing is computed. Parameters ---------- z : (dim_z, 1): array_like measurement for this update. z can be a scalar if dim_z is 1, otherwise it must be convertible to a column vector. R : ndarray, scalar, or None Optionally provide R to override the measurement noise for this one call, otherwise self.R will be used. H : ndarray, or None Optionally provide H to override the measurement function for this one call, otherwise self.H will be used. """ if z is None: self.z = np.array([[None] * self.dim_z]).T self.y = np.zeros((self.dim_z, 1)) return z = reshape_z(z, self.dim_z, self.x.ndim) if R is None: R = self.R elif np.isscalar(R): R = np.eye(self.dim_z) * R if H is None: H = self.H if self.latest_state == 'predict': # common subexpression for speed PHT = self.P @ H.T # S = HPH' + R # project system uncertainty into measurement space self.S = H @ PHT + R self.SI = self.inv(self.S) # K = PH'inv(S) # map system uncertainty into kalman gain self.K = PHT @ self.SI # P = (I-KH)P(I-KH)' + KRK' # This is more numerically stable and works for non-optimal K vs # the equation P = (I-KH)P usually seen in the literature. I_KH = np.eye(self.dim_x) - self.K @ H self.P = I_KH @ self.P @ I_KH.T + self.K @ R @ self.K.T # y = z - Hx # error (residual) between measurement and prediction self.y = z - H @ self.x self._mahalanobis = math.sqrt(float(self.y.T @ self.SI @ self.y)) # x = x + Ky # predict new x with residual scaled by the kalman gain self.x = self.x + self.K @ self.y self.latest_state = 'update'
- 导入相应的工具包
- 小车运动数据生成
- 参数初始化
- 利用卡尔曼滤波进行小车状态预测
- 可视化:观察参数的变化与结果
- 导入包
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import numpy as np from filterpy.kalman import KalmanFilter
- 小车运动数据生成
# 生成1000个位置,从1到1000,是小车的实际位置 z = np.linspace(1,1000,1000) # 添加噪声 mu,sigma = 0,1 noise = np.random.normal(mu,sigma,1000) # 小车位置的观测值 z_nosie = z+noise
- 参数初始化
# dim_x 状态向量size,在该例中为[p,v],即位置和速度,size=2 # dim_z 测量向量size,假设小车为匀速,速度为1,测量向量只观测位置,size=1 my_filter = KalmanFilter(dim_x=2, dim_z=1) # 定义卡尔曼滤波中所需的参数 # x 初始状态为[0,0],即初始位置为0,速度为0. # 这个初始值不是非常重要,在利用观测值进行更新迭代后会接近于真实值 my_filter.x = np.array([[0.], [0.]]) # p 协方差矩阵,表示状态向量内位置与速度的相关性 # 假设速度与位置没关系,协方差矩阵为[[1,0],[0,1]] my_filter.P = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]) # F 初始的状态转移矩阵,假设为匀速运动模型,可将其设为如下所示 my_filter.F = np.array([[1., 1.], [0., 1.]]) # Q 状态转移协方差矩阵,也就是外界噪声, # 在该例中假设小车匀速,外界干扰小,所以我们对F非常确定,觉得F一定不会出错,所以Q设的很小 my_filter.Q = np.array([[0.0001, 0.], [0., 0.0001]]) # 观测矩阵 Hx = p # 利用观测数据对预测进行更新,观测矩阵的左边一项不能设置成0 my_filter.H = np.array([[1, 0]]) # R 测量噪声,方差为1 my_filter.R = 1
- 卡尔曼滤波进行预测
# 保存卡尔曼滤波过程中的位置和速度 z_new_list = [] v_new_list = [] # 对于每一个观测值,进行一次卡尔曼滤波 for k in range(len(z_nosie)): # 预测过程 my_filter.predict() # 利用观测值进行更新 my_filter.update(z_nosie[k]) # do something with the output x = my_filter.x # 收集卡尔曼滤波后的速度和位置信息 z_new_list.append(x[0][0]) v_new_list.append(x[1][0])
- 可视化
- 预测误差的可视化
# 位移的偏差 dif_list = [] for k in range(len(z)): dif_list.append(z_new_list[k]-z[k]) # 速度的偏差 v_dif_list = [] for k in range(len(z)): v_dif_list.append(v_new_list[k]-1) plt.figure(figsize=(20,9)) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.xlim(-50,1050) plt.ylim(-3.0,3.0) plt.scatter(range(len(z)),dif_list,color ='b',label = "位置偏差") plt.scatter(range(len(z)),v_dif_list,color ='y',label = "速度偏差") plt.legend()
# 定义一个方法将卡尔曼滤波器的参数堆叠成一个矩阵,右下角补0 def filter_comb(p, f, q, h, r): a = np.hstack((p, f)) b = np.array([r, 0]) b = np.vstack([h, b]) b = np.hstack((q, b)) a = np.vstack((a, b)) return a
# 保存卡尔曼滤波过程中的位置和速度 z_new_list = [] v_new_list = [] # 对于每一个观测值,进行一次卡尔曼滤波 for k in range(1): # 预测过程 my_filter.predict() # 利用观测值进行更新 my_filter.update(z_nosie[k]) # do something with the output x = my_filter.x c = filter_comb(my_filter.P,my_filter.F,my_filter.Q,my_filter.H,my_filter.R) plt.figure(figsize=(32,18)) sns.set(font_scale=4) #sns.heatmap(c,square=True,annot=True,xticklabels=False,yticklabels==False,cbar=False) sns.heatmap(c,square=True,annot=True,xticklabels=False,yticklabels=False,cbar=False)
# 生成概率密度图像 z_noise_list_std = np.std(noise) z_noise_list_avg = np.mean(noise) z_filterd_list_std = np.std(dif_list) import seaborn as sns plt.figure(figsize=(16,9)) ax = sns.kdeplot(noise,shade=True,color="r",label="std=%.3f"%z_noise_list_std) ax = sns.kdeplot(dif_list,shade=True,color="g",label="std=%.3f"%z_filterd_list_std)
- 初始化
- 预测
- 更新
- 导入相应的工具包
- 小车运动数据生成:匀速运动的小车模型
- 参数初始化:对卡尔曼滤波的参数进行初始化,包括状态变量和观测变量维度、协方差矩阵、运动形式和转换矩阵等
- 利用卡尔曼滤波进行小车状态预测:使用Filterpy工具包,调用predict和update完成小车状态的预测
- 可视化:观察参数的变化与结果